出版时间:2010-10 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 作者:(加)特鲁 编 页数:297
本书旨在帮助考生培养在这两项考试中所需的应试技能和语言技能。本书内容经过ETS(美国教育考试服务中心)授权,包含ETS官方考题和考官评语。 本书的口语考试部分和写作考试部分均包含样题,这些样题都是由托业口语和写作考试的开发人员设计的。你可以看到实际考试时考题或任务是如何呈现在电脑屏幕上的。 除了样题,本书还配有每道考题不同分数的考生回答,都是从考生的试卷中采集出来的。光盘上有口语考试的样题和回答。
概述新托业口语考试 新托业口语考试概述 新托业口语考试考前流程 新托业口语考试样题 口语得分和换算标准 口语考试第一单元至第十二单元 语音字母表新托业写作考试 新托业写作考试概述 新托业写作考试样题 写作得分和换算标准 写作考试第十三单元至第二十单元附录 活动材料 语音题 单词表和单元测验 单词表和单元测验答案 常用术语表 常用语 答案和听力文本(口语考试第一单元至第十二单元) 答案(写作考试第十三单元至第二十单元)
1. Hello, this is a message for Sam Bealey. This isLois Miller from Best Hotels. I got your messageregarding the prob em with your bill. Im really sorry that you have been overcharged. There appears to have been a misunderstanding about the price of your room. We will adjust the bil to $79 per night as agreed, and I will fax the new invoice to you right away. Because this was our mistake, Id like to offer your company a discount of 10% on the room rate for any employees staying with us over the next six months. Once again, please accept our sincere apologies. 2. Hi. This is Rita Brown from Supreme-oh Catalog sales department. This is a message for Martha Jones regarding the cookie mix that you ordered. Wed like to apologize for the fact that the chocolate chips you received were in such poor condition. I believe there were some problems in the packing department. It seems that the chocolate chips were not checked before being packaged. The quality control system for our products has been changed so that this doesnt happen again. To show how sorry we are, we are going to send you twelve boxes of Supreme-oh cookie mix. Once again, we are very sorry about the mistake.
本丛书经托业考试的官方机构——美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)授权,包含托业考试的官方权威考题。本丛书旨在帮助考生熟悉托业考试的全部流程,掌握必备的应试技巧。本丛书侧重语言运用能力和理解能力的培养,同时也提供帮助考生获取高分的应试策略。 本分册主要特点:口语与写作样题均采取临场机考时的屏幕截图模式,试题及考试说明均按照实际考试要求编写,使考生充分适应机考环境,锻炼随“机”应变的实战能力。呈现整套的评分标准及所有试题的权威答案。ETS考官的点评能帮助考生了解现有水平,明确努力方向。详细解读口语与写作考试的评分细则与标准。书中20个单元的口语与写作资料,均经ETS授权。海量的“应试小贴士”、“应试策略”和“语言积累”,辅以强化练习,帮助考生高效答题。“迷你小测试”完整呈现ETS官方考题,帮助考生熟悉真正考试时的全套题型与模式。每个口语单元的“使用地道英语”部分不仅能帮助考生改善口语节奏和语调,提高口语考试分数,还能帮助考生理解地道英语口语中的一些音变规律。按单元编排的单词表附带词汇测验,方便考生轻松预习和复习。提供配套CD光盘、听力文本和答案解析。