
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:哈斯科 (JamesHasik) 等 著  页数:471  译者:王源明  


  祝贺你选择了一本好书!这本书是你对自己的投资,也是你向人生的最佳选择迈出的第一步。在当今竞争激烈的商业环境中,要想取得个人事业的发展,学习深造十分重要,而获得MBA学位是提高分析能力和商业才干最有效的途径之一。MBA是含金量很高的学位。它可以为你提供广阔的择业空间。即使在毕业多年以后,你在MBA课程上的收获也能够使你在职业领域大有作为:从市场营销到企业咨询,都将游刃有余,甚至能够肩负起CEO的重任。参加管理类研究生入学考试(GMAT)是申请MBA项目的一个环节。你一定知道,GMAT是一种具有挑战性的标准化考试。因此,你应该付出最大努力考出一个体现你最佳实力的成绩。商学院在评估你的申请材料时,会把GMAT成绩作为一个考虑因素。如果你申请的是世界上顶级商学院的MBA课程,那么GMAT成绩将是对方评估你申请材料的重要参考因素。在录取考察中,还有另外一些重要因素,包括工作经验、学习成绩、推荐信、论文以及你的人际交往能力,特别是你表现出来的领导才能。你还应该知道,GMAT成绩不仅决定着你能否被顶级的MBA课程录取,如果被录取,还会增加你获得奖学金的机会。一般来说,良好的GMAT成绩,加上稳步积累的工作经验、扎实的本科学习成绩和成功的面试表现将使你有机会在几个充满吸引力的MBA课程之间作选择,而不是去一所不理想的学校就读。这本《GMAT考前冲刺最新题库》提供了一个模板,可以帮助你做好考前准备。就读MBA课程是对自己的投资,而巧妙应对GMAT是成功申请MBA的必经之路。本书将解析GMAT的试题设计,并提供解题的方法和技巧,以供读者充分备考。我和本书的作者之一詹姆斯·哈斯科相识多年,他是一位既聪明又充满个人魅力的GMAT考前辅导老师。我最欣赏的是他对学生的真切关怀,这点也体现在他的文字当中。另一位作者斯泰西·鲁德尼克也为本书贡献了大量的智慧和专业知识。作为从事MBA职业规划的专业人士,斯泰西阐述了她对MBA市场情况的深刻理解,客观地评论了顶级MBA课程和知名公司对申请人和求职者的技能要求。她不仅是柯达公司的品牌经理,还在两家世界排名前20位的MBA课程职业规划办公室工作。在戈伊苏埃塔商学院就读MBA课程时,斯泰西还是最出色的学生干部之一。本书的另一位作者瑞安·哈克尼是一位职业作家,专注于教育类图书。他在哈佛大学获得了两个学位,曾经就职于波士顿咨询公司和一家IT创业企业。  本书的作者使用了简洁明了的语言。他们不是要面面俱到地介绍GMAT,而是要教你如何以最高的效率准备考试。参加GMAT之前,这本书就是你备考的理想之选。  为了考出好成绩,你一定要在考试前了解以下内容:  GMAT的计算机化考试形式是如何设计的,以及该考试如何考查你的各项技能。  语文部分的问题形式和分析性题目的类型。  数学部分分析性题目中的数学概念。  写作评分的方式。  本书将重点讲解上述问题。对于在大学中没怎么学过数学课程或者对自己的数学能力没有信心的读者,书中讲解数学的章节尤为重要。因为多数顶级MBA课程的招生委员会对申请者的数学考试成绩特别重视。相反,如果语言推理或者阅读理解能力比较薄弱,你就应该在这些题目上花更多的时间。  除了学习理论知识和培养分析技能,攻读MBA学位所获得的最宝贵的财富之一就是寻找到能够伴随一生的友谊。无论你就读全日制或在职MBA课程,还是EMBA课程,你的同学和组员都会对你的思想产生不可磨灭的影响,他们中的很多人会和你成为永远的朋友。我的亲身经历告诉我,这一切都是真的。  自我从北卡罗莱纳大学的MBA课程毕业以来,21年过去了。在这21年中,每个劳动节的周末,我都和MBA课程学习组的六个同学以及他们的家人相聚在一起,重续旧日友情。我在埃默里大学戈伊苏埃塔商学院的17年中,情况也是如此。无论我在纽约还是首尔,都会经常和戈伊苏埃塔的校友交谈。他们总是兴高采烈地提到在婚礼上见到了老同学,和组员开了新的公司,在世界各地出差或者旅行的时候拜访了校友。MBA课程旨在促使你走出舒适但狭小的圈子,从而改变自己。这个目标一定能够实现。不过,你在MBA的学习过程中建立起来的人际关系网才是最珍贵的财富。预祝你成功通过GMAT,并成功申请到MBA课程!这是一次明智的自我投资。  埃默里大学戈伊苏埃塔商学院副院长兼MBA招生主任  朱莉·R.贝尔富特




IntroductionWelcome to the GMAT /Attaining Your Competitive Edge: McGraw-Hills GMATMeet the GMAT/Achieving Your Goals on the GMAT/Registering for the GMATAdditional Practice/Some Final Advice AcknowledgmentGMAT Information for International Test TakersRegistering for the Test/Finding a Test Center /On Test DayTest Preparation for International Test takersAnother Hurdle for Internationals: the TOEFL/Business School AdmissionsThe Business School Interview /One Last Hurdle: the Student VisaPART ONE THE QUANTITATIVE SECTIONCHAPTER 1 The Techniques of GMAT Problem-SolvingThe Answers: Not Necessarily Your FriendsProblem-Solving TipsCHAPTER 2 Data SufficiencyCan You Answer the Question?/The Intent behind the Question TypeWorking Data Sufficiency Problems Efficiently/Practice ProblemsCHAPTER 3 Basic Principles of NumbersIntroduction: Remembering Your High School Math/Number SystemsAlgebraic Notation and the Order of Operations/Exponents and RootsFactoring Numbers /Working with Non-integers/Key Concepts to RememberPractice ProblemsCHAPTER 4 AlgebraThe Importance of Algebra/Quadratics/FOILPractice ProblemsCHAPTER 5 Probability and StatisticsIntroduction: What Do Numbers Mean? /The Mean/The Median /The ModeThe Range/Calculating the Standard Deviation/What You Need to RememberApplication Problems——Statistics/Probability/Practice ProblemsCHAPTER 6 GMAT GeometryIntroduction/Para Uei and Intersecting Lines/Types of Triangles and Their AttributesQuadrilaterals/Circles/Volume of Boxes and Right Circular Cylinders/What You Need to RememberPractice ProblemsCHAPTER 7 Boolean Problems and CombinatoricsIntroduction/Boolean Problems on the GMATCombinatorics Problems: Two Approaches/Practice ProblemsPART TWO THE VERBAL AND WRITING SECTIONSCHAPTER 8 Critical ReasoningIntroduction/Critical Reasoning Reading/What Is an Argument?/ssumption QuestionsWeaken the Argument/Strengthen the Argument/Inference QuestionsLess Common Question Types/The Art of Wrong Answers/Practice ArgumentsPractice ProblemsCHAPTER 9 Sentence Correctiontroduction/Verbs: Where the Action Is/Pronouns: In Place of the Right AnswerMisplaced Modifiers/Para Uelism D-Idiomatic ExpressionsFalse Comparisons: Apples and Oranges/Quantity/Rare ErrorsThe Most Common Type of Error/How to Approach a Hard QuestionFurther Study/Practice Sentences/Practice ProblemsCHAPTER 10 Reading ComprehensionIntroduction/Reading Comprehension Strategy/Passage Topics/Passage StructuresQuestion Types/Strategic Reading/Answering the Questions: Focused ReadingThe Art of the Wrong Answer/Practice ProblemsCHAPTER 11 The Analytical Writing AssessmentIntroduction/How the Analytical Writing Assessment Is UsedHow to Approach the AWA/How the Writing Assessment Is ScoredFactors That Can Help or Hurt Your Score/Maximizing Your ScoreAnalysis of an Issue/Analysis of an Argument/Practice EssaysPART THREE BEYOND THE GMATCHAPTER 12 Choosing the Right ProgramIntroduction/Choosing a School: Considering Your ObjectivesA Brief Taxonomy of MBA Program TypesA Brief Bibliography of School Ratings Lists/Selecting a Portfolio of SchoolsCHAPTER 13 Getting AdmittedThe Importance of the GMAT in Admissions -The Importance of Your Past University TranscriptsResearching the Programs/Preparing Your/Soliciting the Right RecommendationsRequesting an Interview/Writing Some Compelling Essays/Thinking about Your Career Planduring the Admission ProcessCHAPTER 14 Getting Ready to Survive B-SchoolConcepts to Remember from Your GMAT Preparation/Math CampEssential Tools for the MBA StudentCHAPTER 15 Recruiting and Career ManagementIntroduction/The Importance of the GMAT to Recruiters/PlanningYour Job Search/Tools forCareer Management/Preparing Your Cover Letters/Thank-you Notes/Interviews/Finishing Upand Looking Back/Networking/Selecting the Right Offer/Will the GMAT Ever HauntYou Again?PART FOUR THE PRACTICE TESTSInstructions for the GMAT Practice TestsPractice TestsPractice Test 1/Practice Test 2/Practice Test 3/Practice Test 4/Practice Test 5Practice Test 6Answer KeysAnswers and ExplanationsPractice Test 1/Practice Test 2/Practice Test 3/Practice Test 4/Practice Test 5Practice Test 6Answer Sheets


  Your focus as you prepare for the test should be the quantitative and verbal sections, which are the parts that count most toward your final score. In the quantitative section, you will have 75 minutes to answer 37 multiple-choice questions covering data sufficiency ("Do I have enough information to answer the question?") and problem solving. For the verbal section, you will have 75 minutes to complete 41 multiple-choice questions that test reading comprehension, critical reasoning, and your ability to correct English sentences. You will receive score ranges between 0 and 60 for each of these sections.  When you register for the GMAT, you will receive a free sample test. GMAC offers other free resources and information about the exam on its tuba. corn Web site. Books like this one are great prep tools because they pack in lots of information about the GMAT, often include practice exams or sample questions, and theyre affordable. If you have the money, prep courses and private tutoring are offered by various companies around the world and online. Prices range from $100 to $1,500, depending on the type of instruction you choose. Demonstrating your English language skills on the GMAT probably will not be enough for admissions committees. Most American MBA programs require non-native English speakers to also take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), an In temet or paper-based standardized test that measures your English proficiency. Admissions committees use this score to judge your languages kills and make sure you will be able to succeed in classes that are taught in English. In fact, more than6,000 institutions and agencies in 110 countries rely on TOEFL scores, according to the Educational Testing Service (ETS), which creates the TOEFL exam.  ETS recently introduced a new Internet-based ("iBT") version of the test. The TOEFL iBT is availablein the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, and Puerto Rico. It is also available in many cities in Africa, the Americas, Eurasia, the Middle East, and North Africa, according to the ETS Web site( A paper-based version of the test (TOEFL PBT) is still being offered in countries and test centers where the TOEFL iBT is not yet available.  What are the differences between the In temet and paper tests? First, of all, of course, the iBT is given on a computer and the PBT is given with a paper and pencil. There are also other differences. The TOEFL iBT, which takes about four and a half hours to complete, measures reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills, whereas the TOEFL PBT, which takes about three and a half hours to complete, measures listening, grammar, reading, and writing, according t


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  •   内容很丰富 适合考前做
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