出版时间:2010-2 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 作者:王尔德 页数:250
王尔德一生创作了两部童话集:《快乐王子和其他故事》(The Happy Prince and Other Tales)与《石榴屋》(A House of Pomegranates),共9篇童话,全部收录在本书中。《快乐王子和其他故事》出版于1888年,问世后立即引起轰动,可以说是王尔德事业起飞和创作风格形成的起点。英国《典雅》杂志将他和安徒生相提并论,赞扬整本童话集是纯正英语的结晶。《石榴屋》于1891年出版,与上一部作品不同,后者是逐渐地、特别是在作者去世后才变得家喻户晓。这两部童话集均已载入英国儿童文学史册,至今仍受到孩子们乃至成年人的欢迎。书中收录的9篇童话包括:《快乐王子》(The Happy Prince)、《夜莺与玫瑰》(The Nightingale and the Rose)、《自私的巨人》(The Selfish Giant)、《忠实的朋友》(The Devoted Friend)、《了不起的火箭》(The Remarkable Rocket)、《少年国王》(The Young King)、《西班牙公主的生日》(The Birthday of the Infanta)、《渔夫和他的灵魂》(The Fisherman and His Soul)、《星孩》(The Star-Child)。
奥斯卡•王尔德(Oscar Wilde,1854—1900)
The Happy PrinceThe Nightingale and the RoseThe Selfish GiantThe Devoted FriendThe Remarkable RocketThe Young KingThe Birthday of the InfantaThe Fisherman and His SoulThe Star-Child
What is the use of a statue if it cannot keep the rain off? he said. I must look for a good chimney-pot, and he determined to fly away. But before he had opened his wings, a third drop fell, and he looked up, and saw Ah! what did he see? The eyes of the Happy Prince were filled with tears, and tears were running down his golden cheeks. His face was so beautiful in the moonlight that the little swallow was filled with pity. Who are you? he said. I am the Happy Prince. Why are you weeping then? asked the swallow; you have quite drenched me. When I was alive and had a human heart, answered the statue, I did not know what tears were, for I lived in the Palace of Sans-Souci, where sorrow is not allowed to enter. In the daytime I played with my companions in the garden, and in the evening ! led the dance in the great hall. Round the garden ran a very lofty wall, but I never cared to ask what lay beyond it, everyth!ng about me was so beautiful. My courtiers called me the Happy Prince, and happy indeed I was, if pleasure be happiness. So I lived, and so I died. And now that I am dead they have set me up here so high that I can see all the ugliness and all the misery of my city and though my heart is made of lead yet I cannot choose but weep. What! is he not solid gold? said the swallow to himself. He was too polite to make any personal remarks out loud. Far away,continued the statue in a low musical voice, far away in a little street there is a poor house. One of the windows is open, and through it I can see a woman seated at a table. Her face is thin and worn and she has coarse, red hands, all pricked by the needle, for she is a seamstress. She is embroidering passion-flowers on a satin gown for the loveliest of the queens maids-of-honour to wear at the next court-ball. In a bed in the corner of the room her little boy is lying ill. He has a fever and is asking for oranges. His mother has nothing to give him but river water, so he is crying. Swallow, swallow, little swallow, will you not bring her the ruby out of my sword-hilt? My feet are fastened to this pedestal and I cannot move.
小夜莺让玫瑰花刺深深地刺入胸膛,直抵心脏,一阵剧痛将她击中。痛楚越来越强烈,而她的歌声却越来越嘹亮,因为她歌唱的是因牺牲而完美的爱情,这种爱情不会在坟墓中消亡。 ——《夜莺与玫瑰》