
出版时间:2010-5  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:《旅游汉语》节目组 编  页数:190  




第1课 丢钱包
第2课 坐地铁
第3课 迷路(1)
第4课 迷路(2)
第5课 交通事故
第6课 香山
第7课 生病
第8课 感冒
第9课 长城(1)
第10课 长城(2)
第11课 颐和园(1)
第12课 颐和园(2)
第13课 包饺子
第14课 北海公园
第15课 胡同
第16课 什刹海


插图:Hutongs and Courtyard HomesLet’s talk a little bit more about hutongs in Beijing.As we explained earlier, these refer to the narrow alleyways in the older parts of Beijing that connect the四合院,the courtyard homes.The hutongs dateoriginally from the Yuan Dynast, although at least one hutong can be dated back to the Liao Dynasty before that,that's over 900 years ago.It is estimated that there were approximately 6000 hutongs around 1950.Recent development has changed the face of many hutongs,but often the modern streets retain their historical names.For example,Goldfish Hutong,金鱼胡同,is now a wide street and home to 5 star hotels,but it still retains its name as a hutong.Some of the most significant hutongs are now protected as cultural relics,and any modern development has to preserve the nature of the hutong.These alleyways,the hutongs and the courtyard homes,四合院,that they link and connect,form the physical basis for the traditional family life in Beijing.They also provide the structure for a harmonious neighbourhood.Often,several families would live together in one四合院, one courtyard home,SO the courtyard was a public space for all to share.


《旅游汉语(第3册)》编辑推荐:《旅游汉语》系列教材是外语教学与研究出版社与中央电视台联合策划的。“旅游汉语”原本是中央电视台英语频道特别策划的精品汉语教学节目。该节目由经验丰富的对外汉语教学专家进行内容的设计与编写,并邀请在中国家喻户晓的主持人大山担任主讲。节目播出后,收视率很高,反响热烈,很多海外观众希望早日出版该解密光盘及教材。应广大学习者要求,中央电视台不仅在黄金时间重播节目,还与外研社一起策划推出了这套系列教材及DVD光盘。《旅游汉语》系列教材以一个家庭在中国的生活为主线,强调语言与文化相结合,内容充实、实用性强,外国人在华日常生活中的衣食住行、风俗习惯、旅游常识、景区介绍都包含其中。主持人大山风趣幽默的语言也给节目增添了许多亮点。《旅游汉语》系列教材共分五册,每册均附有DVD光盘。每篇正文分为六大部分。与节目内容相比,增加了句型替换的练习。教材内容由浅入深、由易到难,难度逐级上升,适用于所有以英语为母语的初级学习者。学习者既可循序渐进学习,也可根据自己汉语水平和实际需要选择合适的分册。教材与DVD配合学习,可在短期内迅速提高口语水平,也可作为来华旅游的实用手册,能给学习者带来实际的帮助。《旅游汉语》建议五个系列搭配组合使用,效果更好。This series lncludos:Five textbooksTwo giftDVDs for each textbookThe futures of each series:It provides a panoramic view of real-life scenes in China, with language progressing from the very basic usages to more sophisticated communications·The DVD programme takes you on a visual trip to more than 20 picturesque tourist spots and historic sites in nine provinces in China.Detailed English instructions provide friendly and encouraging assistance for beginners and self-qearners.Rich cultural knowledge and background information blend with authentic and interesting daily Chinese expressions.About the programme:The TV programme Travel in Chinese was shot on actual sites by China Central TV the national TV network and a promise of high quality.The programme becomes so popular among learners at home and abroad that it has been rebroadcast several times since first airing.It is hosted by Mark Rowswell(Dashan),an anchorman best known in China for his humorous and accurate style.



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