出版时间:2009-11 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 作者:龚耀 主编,姚友本 等编 页数:188
《高职高专英语泛读教程》是一套实用新颖、学考并重的全新阅读教材。全套教材共分三册,每册十个单元,具有以下特点: 选材多样新颖,语言地道,内容深刻,篇幅及难度适中;课后练习丰富多样,从不同的角度训练和提高学生的英语水平和应用能力;系统讲解阅读技巧,并配以针对性强的练习,有效地巩固和提高学生的阅读技能;紧密结合“高职高专英语应用能力考试”和“大学英语四级考试”,使学生在日常学习中轻松备考。本书为其中的第二册。 本教材依据《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》,结合高等学校英语应用能力A、B级考试和大学英语四级考试,按照实用、够用的原则,设计、编排各单元的内容和体例,旨在帮助学生培养良好的阅读习惯,掌握实用的英语阅读知识和技巧,提高英语的文字处理能力,顺利通过A、B级和四级考试,并为学生的可持续性发展创造良好条件。
Unit 1 Conducting Preschool Education Passage A A Shout Out to Preschool Teachers Everywhere.t Reading Skills Expansion of Topic Sentence Passage B How Do I Help My Preschooler Beat Separation Anxiety? Reading Comprehension from CET-4 Reading for Fun Parents Pinch Pennies from Piggy BanksUnit 2 Experiencing Global Warming Passage A Students Put Global Warming in the Spotlight Reading Skills Comparing and Contrasting Passage B Global Warming Does the Greatest Harm to the Poorest Coun Reading Comprehension from CET-4 Reading for Fun Heat and HomicideUnit 3 Encountering Natural Disasters Passage A Typhoon Morakot Lashes Taiwan Reading Skills Reading in Meaning Clusters Passage B Helping Children Cope with Disaster Reading Comprehension from CET-4 Reading for Fun Earthquake HappensUnit 4 Learning Online Passage A E-learning Reading Skills Reading in Coherence Passage B Internet and Education Reading Comprehension from CET-4 Reading for Fun Smelly Readers Banned from Calif LibraryUnit 5 Exploring Secrets of Health Passage A The Disease Men Don't Talk About Reading Skills Understanding Long Sentences Passage B The Secrets of Good Health Reading Comprehension from CET-4 Reading for FunUnit 6 Being an Outstanding WomanUnit 7 Meditating on TerrirismUnit 8 Customer ServiceUnit 9 Language ProgressingUnit 10 Protecting Your PrivacyKey to Ecercises
Last week I gave a speech to beginning teachers and mentors in a large school district in my state.I always begin my presentations by trying to get to know my audience, much like the way I get toknow the students in my classroom on the first day of school. So I begin by playing a little game Icall "Thats Me!" I say a statement like "I am a high school teacher" and all the high school teachersjump up and shout, "Thats Me!" Its just loads of fun. So on this day I named everything I couldthink of from beginning teachers to mentors to elementary, middle, and high school teachers toadministrators. When I finished I asked, "Did I forget anyone?" All of a sudden a gang of teachers jumped up andyelled, "Preschool teachers!" Preschool teachers...oh my gosh! How could I have forgotten about them? Iacknowledged them and apologized for the oversight. I then took a minute to tell them about my experiencewith my granddaughter Taylor as she started preschool last August. It had been a defining moment.So as I was driving home, I had a little time (three hours, to be exact) to think about the role of thepreschool teacher. I was thinking about how cute those little kiddies are and how they never curse atthe teacher or forget their homework. I had some nice little daydreams about becoming a preschoolteacher, just another idea in a long list of potential opportunities that Ive thought about recently. Imust be having a career identity crisis. Today I had the chance to test my skills. I had Taylor over so I thought wed have some schooltime after nap. We started a little shaky, though. I first became aware that Taylor was awake when Iheard her shrieking, "Its a HEART ATTACK! Its a HEART ATTACK!" from the bed. Apparently,the dog was excited to hear Taylor rustling in the covers and jumped on her as a friendly doggiegreeting. Taylor was not quite as excited. After a nice snack of cheese nips and apple juice, I gathered the materials and started "school."First I wrote Taylors name in big letters with my marker and asked her to copy them with hers. Shedid really well with "T". She did pretty well with "A". Then she took the marker and wrote on mysleeve. Realizing that the first green mark was not nearly big enough, she made another one, thistime longer and thicker, and running the length of my arm. Before I could reprimand her, she beganwriting on her own hand.