
出版时间:2009-11  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:罗杰斯  页数:228  


新托福考试于2004年10月在北美发布,并于2006年秋季正式登陆中国。考试全程约3.5-4个小时,远远长于旧托福考试。在规定时间内,考生要在模拟的真实场景下依次完成读、听、说、写4个部分的测试。新托福考试除了将4个分项考试有机结合,综合考查考生的英语语言能力外,还增加了新的试题形式,包含了考查单项能力和综合能力的多种任务类型的测试,不仅对考生的听力能力提出了更高的要求,还增加了口语测试部分,这都能外语学习者带来了更大的困难。它是对考生的心理适应能力、英语语言运用能力、社会交际能力和相当程度压力下的身体承受能力等综合实力的巨大挑战。对熟悉旧托福考试和相应的应试技巧的中国考生来说,要顺利通过新托福考试,无疑难度加大了。    针对这种情况,外语教学与研究出版社同圣智出版集团合作,联合推出了”制胜新托福系列”,旨在帮助中国考生熟悉新托福的考试形式、应试策略和考试技巧,训练考生在真实考试情境下的应对能力,进而真正提高考生的英语语言能力。该书由美国著名的英语教学和托福考试培训专家编写而成,书中所有的训练材料同时适用于自学备考和课堂教学。《制胜新托福听力(配CD-ROM)》,点击进入:《制胜新托福阅读(配CD-ROM)》,点击进入:《制胜新托福口语(配CD-ROM)》,点击进入:《制胜新托福写作(配CD-ROM)》,点击进入:


PrefaceAbout the AuthorAcknowledgmentsGETTING STARTED Questions and Answers about the TOEFL~ iBT Ten Keys to Better Scores on the TOEFL~ iBTGUIDE TO SPEAKING About Speaking The Independent Speaking Tasks About the Independent Speaking Tasks Independent Speaking Preview Test  LESSON 1  Personal Preference Task  LBSSON 2  Paired Choice Task The Integrated Speaking Tasks About the Integrated Speaking Tasks Integrated Speaking Preview Test LESSON3  Announcement/DiscussionTask  LESSON 4  General/SpecificTask  LESSON 5  Problem/SolutionTask  LESSON 6  Summary Task Speaking Review Test Speaking Tutorial: Building Pronunciation Skills Communicative Activities for SpeakingPRACTICE TESTS About Taking the Practice Tests Practice Speaking Test 1 Practice Speaking Test 2 ADUIO SCRIPTS AND ANSWER KEY


  Following a step-by-step preparation program for the TOEFL iBT such as the one in The Guidewill familiarize you with the test itself and with the tactics you need to raise your scores. The practice tests that are part of this program will help you polish your test-taking techniques.  But no matter how many test-taking tips you learn, you wont do well without a solid foundation of English-language study. The best way to increase your general knowledge of English is to use English as much as possible.  If you have the opportunity, taking English-language classes is an invaluable way to prepare for the test. In the past, students would sometimes say, "I cant go to English class today; I have to prepare for the TOEFL test!"This is no longer a good excuse. The TOEFL iBT tests a greater range of English-language skills, and any English class you take will help you prepare for the test. General English classes are now a form of TOEFL test preparation, and TOEFL test preparation classes will now teach more general English.  Conversation classes and presentation-skills classes will help you prepare for the Speaking Section of the test. Of course, reading classes can help you prepare for the Reading Section, listening classes for the Listening Section, and writing (composition) classes for the Writing Section. Although there is no special grammar section on the TOEFL iBT, structure (grammar) classes will be useful for both Writing and Speaking. Academic-skills classes can help you with note taking, reading and writing tips, and test-taking skills.  Non-language classes taught in English (business or biology, for example) are also a useful way to improve all of your skills. The TOEFL iBT was designed, after all, to measure your ability to do well in this type of class.  You can also improve your English outside of the classroom. Reading English- language books, magazines, and newspapers can improve your reading skills and build your vocabulary. So can visits to English-language Web sites. Going to lectures and movies, watching TV, and listening to news on the radio are ways to improve your listening skills. If you are living in an English-speaking country, take advantage of this fact and talk to the people around you as much and as often as you can. If possible, join a "conversation partners" program. If you are living in a non-English-speaking country, try to find people——native or non-native speakers—— that you can have conversations with.


  本系列图书主要特点:  全新的托福训练材料  详细介绍新托福考试,全面收录考试题型,提供科学系统的应试方案和解题技巧;  提供大量典型例题、专项强化训练和两套完整的模拟试题;  对口语测试的逐步讲解和技巧分析可帮助考生顺利通过个人陈述和双向交流部分的测试;  所有练习均为模拟训练模式,让考生身临其境。提前备战。  全面、翔实的备考指导  精心设置的词汇训练不仅有助于考生记忆词汇,更有助于其改善发音;  讲授考试中的重要技能——笔记的记录方法和技巧,并提供笔记范本,能有效提高考生在听力、口语和写作测试中的应试能力;  针对考试中的语法重点和难点提供详细指导,帮助考生强化语法知识。  全方位的多媒体辅助材料  互动CD-ROM提供两套全真模拟试题,考生可以根据自身情况进行定时和非定时测验;  试题训练和实境测试紧密结合,图书与MP3内容形成互动。书中的口语和听力试题在光盘中均有相应内容,提供的练习时间与考试完全一致,考生能及时了解自身水平。




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用户评论 (总计15条)


  •   还没怎么看 我口语比较差但愿能有好的提高
  •   不是为楼主这样的标题所吸引,也不是被帖子的内容所迷惑。我不是来抢沙发的,也不是来打酱油的。我不是为楼主呐喊加油的,也不是对楼主进行围堵攻击的。
  •   这系列书很喜欢推荐
  •   很喜欢这一系列书的风格。纯英文指导,进步起来很快
  •   印刷质量不错,内容还没有看,近期准备啃了。
  •   这本书不错,送货非常快,不脏,内容也很充实,我很喜欢
  •   给朋友再买一本
  •   运速超快,晚上八点左右买的,没想到第二天中午十一点就收到了!!
  •   一直希望提高英语口语,这种以考带练的方式希望能够带动口语水平提高。
  •   还是挺实用的书,但是题的难度似乎和真题有些差距
  •   系统地买一个系列比较好
  •   给妹妹买的,希望能起到作用
  •   口语还是多听听OG的sample吧,这个没太大用处
  •   CD中,只有两套TEXT
  •   还没开始看,这个教材不太适合自学

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