出版时间:2009-10 出版社:外语教研 作者:(美)哈夫曼|校注:应惠兰//邵永真 页数:203
When we began our professional careers in the biological sciences more than 50 years ago .like;most academics in higher education,we had written primarily research papers and theses .These are necessarily rather limited in style to the expectations of standard style manuals,major pr of essors and editors of journals to which we submitted our research accounts.We assumed that our writing through the years would be primarily in science, and we felt we had adequately met professional expectations when our writing was accepted by editorial guardians. From time to time we wrote papers or books with fewer style restrictions,but still recognizable as "academic:" About 30 years ago we became involved in international study programs,first in Mexico and later in China Some of our writing became less scientific in nature. There are more informal reports and accounts of experiences which stretched our cross-cultural interests and required less stvlistic writing. The most radical change in our writing experience occurred about 12 to 15 years ago when we were invited to join a team of professors at Zhejiang University to write a series of textbooks in English for Chinese university level students:New College English(NCE).
Maxine F.Huffman和Donald M.Huffman夫妇,在美国大学执教多年,阅历丰富,热爱生活。在与浙江大学合作编写大学英语教材的过程中,他们对中国产生了深厚的感情,视中国为第二个家。在中国朋友的邀请下,深谙中国英语学习者特点与兴趣的Huffman夫妇通过博客记录了自己生活的点点滴滴,折射出美国社会文化生活的方方面面:风俗传统、社交生活、职业爱好、居家细节、生活感悟……这本小书,就像一位亲切的朋友,以丰富多样的话题、自然平易的文笔、图文并茂的版式,引领我们走进美国社会,近距离了解细微生动的美国文化。
Contents(I) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov DecContents(II) I Holidays Festivals II Professions Hibbies III Econimics Poiltics IV Travel Customs V Social Daily Life ……
Blitzen IV ,our Labrador Retriever★,is an unusual dog.In part,this is because she spends SO much time with US that she knows what to expect at any time of the day.Another way of looking at this is that she knows she has US trained to do the things shewants:i.e.,feedingherimmediatelyafterherearlymorningwalk7:00am,andagain,just as she hears the last musical strains of the theme song for the TV program."Jeopardy★" 5:00pm;taking her outside for her“toilet time’on the noon hour,and again just after supper;giving her the medication。she needs twice a day,and on each of these occasions expecting to receive a small dog treat as a reward.She tells US when it is time to go to bed 9:30pm,wakes in time to tell me its time to get up for her walk 6:00am,and when we return,goes in to greet Maxine,who is allowed to stay in bed until the dog jumps on the bed,sniffs her to make sure sheis still alive and breathing,and then goes to the kitchen to see if her breakfast is prepared on time 7:00am. She scolds“US if our plans for the day interfere with her routine,and talks to US when she is pleased with our punctuality5.Because she is more punctual than our paper boy or mail deliveryman,she barks softly to te U US they have arrived.