
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:厄尔  页数:288  


  外研社从剑桥大学出版社出版的“Cambidge Handbooks for Language Teachers”中选出10本,结成“Learning in Doing?剑桥英语课堂教学系列”,在中国大陆出版发行。  应外研社要我为这套丛书写一个总序的要求,我通读了全部10本书,同时看了原系列其他书的书名。我发现,在所有这些书都涉及外语教学中的重要问题的同时,编者选出目前这10本来先期出版发行,是有道理的。  首先,从这10本书的书名就可看出,它们都是关于当前外语教学中的一些最关紧要的问题。读这套书的教师朋友们会发现,它们是如此切合我们国家当前外语教学(尤其是基础阶段外语教学)所面临的突出问题,用一句俗语说,它们是如此符合我国的“国情”:大班教学、以学生为中心突出个性化教学、课堂设计、口语教学、词汇教学、如何利用多媒体教学手段等等,方方面面,不一而足。




Thanks  Acknowledgements  Introduction  PART ONE: GUIDELINES 1 Grammar   1  What is grammar?    2  The place of grammar in language teaching  3  What does learning grammar involve?    4  The organization of grammar teaching   2 Practice    1  Pre-learning    2  Volume and repetition    3  Success-orientation    4  Heterogeneity    5  Teacher assistance    6  Interest   3 Activities    1  The task    2  Interest    3  Learner activation   4 In the classroom   1  Practical hints    2  Getting the most out of coursebook exercises  PART TWO: ACTIVITIES 1  Adjectives   2  Adverbs    3  Articles, definite and indefinite    4  Both ... and, either ... or, neither nor    5  Comparison of adjectives    6  Conditional clauses    7  'Copula' verbs    8  Countable/uncountable, singular/plural nouns    9  Future tenses   10  Future perfect tense   11  Have/has (got)   12  Imperatives   13  Indirect speech   14  ING form of the verb   15  Interrogatives   16  Is/arc, there is/there are   17  Modals   18  Negative sentences   19  Numbers   20  Passives   21  Past perfect   22  Past progressive   23  Past simple   24  Possessives   25  Prepositions   26  Present perfect   27  Present progressive   28  Present simple   29  Pronouns   30  Relative clauses   31  Short answers   32  Tag questions   33  TO form of the verb   34  Used to  Bibliography  Index  


  By volume I mean the sheer amount of (comprehensible) language thatis spoken, heard, read or written in the course of the activity. Crudelyspeaking, the more language the learners are exposed to or produce, themore they are likely to learn: this means devoting plenty of time topractice sessions, and exploiting that time efficiently. When the materialto be practised is non-specific, as in fluency exercises, this just meansspending as much time as possible using the language in general (asdistinct from talking about it). When, however, the material is specific, asin the learning of a grammatical structure, most of the volume shouldconsist of repetition of the items to be learnt. In other words, we want todesign procedures that will induce the learners to engage with the items tobe learnt as many times as possible. This does not mean mere mechanicalreiteration of forms, but repeated reception and production, in speechand writing, of different examples of the structures form and meaning.  In a brief exercise where there is insufficient volume and repetition, thelearners may provide you with some feedback on what they know, or donot know, but they will not get much opportunity to consolidate theirlearning. In other words, the procedure will probably function as aninformal test rather than as a practice.In simple terms, the principle of repetition means that you have to getthe learners to produce or perceive examples of the structure - say,sentences using the present perfect tense - over and over again. Thiswould seem to be a perfect recipe for boredom. However, the twofeatures of interest and repetition, though not easily combined, are by nomeans mutually exclusive; and thinking of ways to achieve both of themsimultaneously is perhaps the central challenge facing the teacher andmaterials writer in designing effective practice techniques.




    如何通过课堂活动教语法 PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计53条)


  •   语法教学一直困扰我的一个难点,终于在当当网上找到了这样一本全英语阐释的学习材料,一定认真研究,争取进步。
  •   对教语法有启发,但是这些活动我感觉比较适合初学者
  •   感觉教语法的方法也不是特别有趣。。。只能说语法这种东西最关键还是靠自己啊。
  •   讲述的内容对一向相对枯燥的语法教学有了一定的指导意义!
  •   感觉还是很不错的,对于某个语法点针对什么游戏有很多的介绍
  •   对一线教师特别有帮助,语法本身在初中阶段很重要但现在的新课标要求淡化其讲解,这对一线教师来说提出了较高的要求,了解此书可借鉴经验并给予很多提示!很好!!
  •   语法教学也可以很精彩
  •   适合初级的语法教学,对中学的启发不太多。
  •   语法怎么教?看完这个序就觉得会找到答案
  •   正在读, 书中提供的活动很多可以直接用于课堂,还有很多需作修改。
  •   全英式讲解,分析,给出的课堂活动很实用。正在实践中。
  •   英语教学的好书,非常好
  •   对一线老师的教学有帮助,全英文版,同时能巩固和提高自身的英语水平
  •   对英语教师有用
  •   给朋友女儿买的,她刚成为一名中学英语教师,以此致贺
  •   非常高兴买到了这套书,受益匪浅,正在阅读过程中,都是英文版的浅显的英语,通俗易懂,赞赞赞
  •   我看过这套丛书的如何巧妙设计课堂,确实收获很大,里面描述的,我觉得很新颖,很多方法值得我去好好品味,学习。
  •   大多数活动很实用,但有些活动不太实用,需要和实际情况相协调
  •   书对专业教师有用,很快就收到了
  •   内容很详细,适合教师用
  •   作为一个新老师,这本书非常有价值,给的例子都可以信手拈来,对老师的个人成长都很有帮助!
  •   很实用,非常喜欢,希望能对上课有帮助
  •   挺好的。推荐。
  •   this is a good and guide book for teachers! It is a useful book I think
  •   还没看,但感觉会有用。
  •   全英文的,希望有用吧
  •   刚到手,大致翻了一下,希望有用。
  •   很不惜
  •   准备好好研读。
  •   学友所获
  •   浏览了一下,挺不错的,有些做法值得参考
  •   还没看,貌似不错
  •   需要时间来消化了
  •   有意思也很有用
  •   对工作很有帮助,很好
  •   应该是正版书,满意
  •   买的划算 又很有用 正版书
  •   这套书非常好!
  •   英语课堂上的语法教学一直都挺让人头疼的,怎么样才能让语法教学从枯燥变得生动有趣,应该能从这本书上获得一些启发。
  •   看过之后,发现已经用过的很多课堂活动与这本书里涉及的不谋而合,推荐
  •   买了如何设计课堂,读来好,又买来一套,可是这本的印刷质量大不如前一本,纸张也薄,在当当第一次拿到印刷不满意的书。内容还没来及看
  •   对于新老师较合适,但是对于有经验的、有教研沉淀的老教师而言,新颖度还欠缺一点。
  •   结合国外的许多方法,不枯燥,启发很大。
  •   实用性强,值得参考!
  •   还好, 需要时间去读。
  •   还可以,作为专业书内容稍浅,具体案例可作为经验借鉴。
  •   书本还行,适合个人提升自己。
  •   但仍然有个在中国课堂的本土化的问题
  •   还可以,没有想象中的好,里面的一些方法还行
  •   收益部如其他的类似书
  •   买来学习的,受到一些启发
  •   对教学很帮助
  •   此次买了两本语法教学书

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