
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:陈勇 编  页数:170  


  《大学英语教程快速阅读3(修订版)》分15个单元,每单元含Text A,Text B,Text C共三篇快速阅读材料及习题,每篇材料基本控制在700-1200词。选材注意到了内容新颖、题材广泛、体裁多样、难度适中(对可能影响理解的难度较大的词汇进行了中文释义)。所编题型与大学英语四级考试快速阅读部分题型要求一致,难度相当,遵循了“考核学生通过快速阅读获取文章主旨大意或中心思想的能力”和“考核学生利用各种提示,如数字、大写单词、段首或句首词等快速查找特定信息的能力”两大原则。Text A可供教师在课堂组织学生限时阅读,Text B和Text C可供学生课后同步训练。书末附有课文中相关文化背景知识注解及习题答案。


Unit 1Text A Six Keys to Quick LearningText B Take Charge of Your LearningText C Teach Kids Test-Taking Tactics  Unit 2Text A Less Isolation, Less Violent Students Text B Summer PlansText C Playing It SafeUnit 3Text A How to Find Time for YourselfText B Daydream a Little Text C How to Be a Tourist, When you Live in NYCUnit 4Text A Helping the Homeless with Cookies Text B A Peal of Great Value Text C Brief Biography of Eugene NidaUnit 5Text A Bad Habits: Why We Can't StopText B Health: The Way to Save Millions of Lives Is to Prevent SmokingText C George's Secrets for Long Life       Unit 6Text A To Tune Up Your Senses Text B How to Visualize Your SuccessText C The Secret of Self-ControlUnit 7Text A Does Your Child Love to ReadText B A Father's Heartfelt WordsText C Parents: Don't Try So Hard Unit 8Text A The People of Egypt Text B The British Through My Eyes Text C The Pilgrims and America's First ThanksgivingUnit 9Text A Being Approachable, Creative and Adaptable Test B How to Plan Your Career,Text C How to Deal with the Many Forms of Career Panic Unit 10TextA Immigrant's Children Find Better LivesText B Whose Language Text C Red Ties and Boy's PrideUnit 11Text A Yao Ming Is a Big HitText B SkatingText C British Pub Etiquette and CustomsUnit 12Text A Tourism Threatens Antarctica Text B Animals as TeachersText C The Lowest of the LowUnit 13Text A How to Stop Inflation from Devouring a PortfolioText B Laid Off, and Working Harder Than Ever Text C Global MotorsUnit 14Text A Introduction to Essay Writing Text B The Four Steps in Essay Writing Text C New Communications Tools Help Emergency RespondersUnit 15Text A Love on the Fly: Making It Work Long-Distance Text B The Best Kind of Love Text C Indian On-Line Marriage Broker Claims Bringing 100000 雅思(IELTS)简介Key



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