出版时间:2009-7 出版社:外语教研 作者:曾诚//王琼琼 页数:134
随着中国与世界的交流日益加深、交流领域不断扩大,优秀的翻译人员作为让中国与世界互相了解的关键纽带,也随之成为社会急需人才。正是在这一时代背景下,全国外语翻译证书考试(NAETl)应运而生。其目的是通过这项考试,为翻译从业人员提供一个更为广阔的平台,它可作为各个企业、涉外机构、相关单位招聘人才的参考,亦可反映出业界的标准。 教育部考试中心与北京外国语大学通力合作,在参考了包括美国、加拿大、欧盟、英国、澳大利亚等国家和地区的翻译资格认证标准的基础上,在全国范围内推出了这一考试。这是一种面向国内社会的非学历证书考试,主要测试应试者的外语笔译和口译能力,并对通过考试者颁发具有国际水准的翻译资格认证。考试目前设英、日两个语种。英语包括四个级别,一、二、三级各包括笔译和口译两种考试,考试合格者可获得相应级别的笔译或口译证书。英语四级考试含笔译和口译两部分,两部分均合格者可获得四级翻译证书。 自从教育部考试中心和我校合办的全国外语翻译证书考试举行以来,在社会上产生了较大的影响。由于这是一项面向全国的非学历证书考试,并具备权威的认证,所以报名参加的考生众多,既包括在校学生,也包括从事翻译工作的在职人员。但有考生向我们反映,参加这项考试却苦无应试的权威教材,复习准备不知从何下手。我校曾针对这项考试举办了培训班,授课的教师中有不少参与命题者,他们选择考试真题和同类的材料为学生授课,也感到有必要把这些经验、技工总结出来,推出一套权威考试教材。 因此,我们组织了富有经验的相关教师,编写了这套“全国外语翻译证书考试指定教材”,根据不同的考试类型和级别,分别成册。教材编写从针对性、实用性出发,以期能达到帮助考生系统复习准备的目的。大体的编排思路是:1)选择历年真题进行详细讲解,让考生体会考试的难度和要求,注意自己在哪些方面有所不足;2)然后补充相似的模拟题,同时也有详细的解题方案,拓展考生的翻译技巧,让考生积累经验;3)最后是一些实战练习,虽然标出了难点进行说明,但并没有配备相关的参考译文,旨在让考生自己进行有针对性的练习,从而提高应试水平;或者是给出一些历届考试的译文(包括各种水平),对翻译中的得失进行说明,以便考生对照自己的问题,加强巩固。 希望这套教材的推出,能为广大的应试者提供复习准备的依据,帮助他们通过考试;并且使得全国各地开展的各类考试培训班能有参考的资料,便于开展授课。当然,一些翻译从业者或爱好者也可利用这套教材自学。随着考试的继续进行,我们还会不断更新、完善这套教材,欢迎广大读者提出宝贵的意见。
编著:曾诚 王琼琼
第一部分 英译汉
第一篇 HeadInjuries
第二篇 My Fight Against Junk E—mail
第三篇 Snowbirds
第四篇 TheLostFreedom
第五篇 Clothes
第六篇 Asia’S Ageing Crisis
第七篇 Family Roles ofMen and Women
第八篇 Wine andHealth
第九篇 Speeches Don’t Save Lives.Aid Does
第十篇 Savings
第十一篇 Jazz
第十二篇 Electronic Communications
第十三篇 The Rights ofAll
第十四篇 How to Beat the Export Slump
第十五篇 What is CD.ROM?
第十六篇 The Price of Peace
第十七篇 Eureka!Archimedes’Secret Death Ray Is Brought to Light
第十八篇 Cyberphobics
第十九篇 A Brief Introduction of Asia-Pacific Economic
第二十篇 Pompeii
第二部分 汉译英
附录 2009年5月三级笔译考试真题及参考译文
Passage 1 Why Is it So Difficult to Swat a Fly? The brains of flies are wired to avoid the swatter, US researchers said on Thursday. At the mere hint of a threat, the insects adjust their preflight stance to flee in the opposite direction, en-suring a clean getaway, they said in a finding that helps explain why flies can so easily evade swipes fromtheir human foes. "These movements are made very rapidly, within about 200 milliseconds, but within that time the ani-mal determines where the threat is coming and activates a set of movements to position its legs and wings,"Michael Dickinson of the California Institute of Technology said in a statement. "This illustrates how rapidly the flys brain can process sensory information into an appropriate motorresponse," said Dickinson, whose research appears in the journal Current Biology. Dickinsons team studies this process in fruit flies using high-speed digital imaging equipment and afancy fly swatter. In response to a threat from the front, the fly moves its middle legs forward, leans back and raises itsback legs for a backward takeoff. If the threat is from the side, the fly leans the other way before takeoff. The findings offer new insight into the nervous system of the fly, and lends a few clues on how to out-smart them. Dickinson, a bioengineer, has devoted his lifes work to the study of insect flight. He has built a tiny ro-botic fly called Robofly and a 3-D visual flight simulator called Fly-O-Vision.Passage 2 The Truth about the Environment For many environmentalists, the world seems to be getting worse. They have developed a hit-list of ourmain fears: that natural resources are running out; that the population is ever growing, leaving less and less toeat; that species are becoming extinct in vast numbers, and that the planets air and water are becoming evermore polluted. But a quick look at the facts shows a different picture. First, energy and other natural resources havebecome more abundant, not less so, since the book The Limits to Growth was published in 1972 by a group ofscientists. Second, more food is now produced per head of the worlds population than at any time in history.Fewer people are starving.