
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:外语教研  作者:周美贞  页数:316  译者:高静  


“新托福考试高分突破”系列由国际资深托福测试专家编写,涵盖新托福考试各分项测试,自学与课堂教学均适用。    为您备考新托福提供:    全面深入的各类题型剖析    权威经典的托福高频词汇    高度仿真的模拟练习材料    功能强大的实境自测光盘    丰富实用的应试解题技巧    科学合理的备考学习方案    详细剖析实用解题技巧    逐一攻破口试各类题型  全面收录高仿真练习题    精心打造七套模拟试题  独家提供114个参考答案    附赠超长MP3光盘一张《新托福考试高分突破:听力(附光盘)》,点击进入:《新托福考试高分突破:写作(附光盘)》,点击进入:《新托福考试高分突破:阅读(附光盘)》,点击进入:《新托福考试高分突破:口语(含MP3光盘一张)(赠《口语考试全真模拟试题集》和《流利口语114个参考答案》)》,点击进入:




本书简介新托福考试简介如何在新托福口语考试中获取高分?作者简介独立题  第一章 说明个人取向  第二章 二选一会话综合题(1) 第三章 说明情况 第四章 听讲座说明概念综合题(2) 第五章 解决问题 第六章 概述讲座内容阅读文章 解析、听力录音文本及其解析 第三章 说明情况 第四章 听讲座说明概念 第五章 解决问题 第六章 概述讲座内容


  Due to its huge size, it took a long time for the United States to share a common culture betweeneach state. Until about 100 years ago, communication between states barely existed, and this lack ofcommunication between Americans prevented them from knowing about the culture and interests ofpeople in other states. Each state had different language usage, different clothing styles, and differentsocial norms.Americans were finally able to expand their horizons with the production of automobiles and radio.The mass production of automobiles began in the late 1920s and unprecedented changes camealong. Above all, the production and distribution of automobiles provided Americans with convenienceof mobility and this led to a changing leisure culture. On holidays people were able to go on a trip toadjacent states for short periods and travel to areas far away from their homes. This change enabledAmericans to experience the lifestyle and custom of those in other towns and states.This mobility changed the lifestyle of Americans and connected them to people of other states. As aresult, the culture, clothing style, and social events were no longer confined to a single state. With thespread of automobiles, the number of radio listeners increased as well and people could share andenjoy the same music no matter how distant their states are. Furthermore, the events and news ofone state became also areas of interest for other states. Whilst newspapers delivered news limited toa particular area, radio delivered news to all states across America and all Americans began to havesimultaneous access to the same news, events, and stories. The development of radio paved theway for Americans to share news, events, and information, giving them a sense of unity.




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用户评论 (总计11条)


  •   6个板块对应实战的6道口语题,附送的114个口语答案,同时有文字版、MP3版,适合对照练习、模仿,非常有实战价值,建议认真使用这本书。听力的我用了1周,感觉很棒,然后才买的这本口语来看。
  •   学英语必须练口语啊,我觉的还不错
  •   编辑体例非常合理
  •   很不错~及时收到
  •   其实我不喜欢
  •   我是用来做英语教材使用的,并非为了考试,感觉讲解得比较到位、详细。配套的MP3感觉使用起来也很搭调。
  •   韩国人写的,个人觉得有点不太实用,不过还是挺好的。
  •   1、感觉不错,模板不可用,ETS会判雷同。

  •   指导不是很到位,材料来自韩国,导向性不强
  •   ~畢竟韓國與中國的情況不一樣~
  •   我建议已经上过新东方的同学不必买了

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