
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:(英) 格林诺 (Greenall.S.) 等 著  页数:145  


  承外语教学与研究出版社与英国麦克米伦出版公司之邀,由中英双方作者组成的编写委员会联合主持编写了《新标准大学英语》这套国际化、立体化系列教材。  自2005年项目启动以来,《新标准大学英语》编委会成员密切合作,充分发挥各自优势与专长,就教材设计与编写等相关方面进行了广泛而深入的调查与研讨。在此过程中,我们拜访专家,研究现行教材,到课堂听课,与教师座谈,与学生交流,经过充分调研与反复论证,确定了本教材设计理念与编写方案。2008年秋,我们在国内选定多所院校进行试用,在认真听取试用院校师生反馈意见与建议的基础上,又对教材进行了调整和完善。现正式出版,与广大高校师生见面。  编写依据  《新标准大学英语》以教育部颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》为指导,在设计与编写中力求准确把握大学英语教学的性质与目标,遵循对学生英语综合应用能力培养的要求,贯彻为实现教学目标所倡导的教学模式、教学评估与教学管理等原则。同时,《新标准大学英语》借鉴与采纳了近年来大学英语教学改革的成功经验与教学实践的成果,希望通过新的教材体系与教学理念进一步推动大学英语教学的发展。  《新标准大学英语》充分考虑与基础阶段英语教学的衔接,满足新形势下的教学需要。自2001年起,教育部先后颁布了基础义务教育阶段与高中阶段《英语课程标准》,高中新课程实验自2004年开始实施。目前,根据《英语课程标准》“一条龙”教学培养出的中学生正大批升人大学,他们的英语能力、学习习惯、认知水平、思维方式等都已不同于以往入校的学生。这势必对大学英语教学提出更新、更高的要求。《新标准大学英语》在设计中充分考虑了新的教学对象的学习需求,并为教学提供了多种解决方案。  《新标准大学英语》体现“教师主导,学生主体”的教学思想,充分考虑学生与教师在教学过程中的关系、作用与需求,促进师生的积极互动与共同发展。本着“以人为本”的理念,《新标准大学英语》从教材到网络自主学习平台的设计,从每一教程、每一单元到每一具体语言点的设计,都以学生的学习与发展为根本;同时,在教学内容、教学活动与教学过程的安排中,注重教师的主导作用与师生的互动交流,从而实现在教师的启发与指导下,学生积极地、富有创造性地学习。  教材特色  一、选材内涵丰富,语言鲜活地道,体现社会发展与时代特色  《新标准大学英语》在选材上结合新一代大学生的知识结构与思维特点,主题内容以人与人、人与自然、人与社会的关系为主线,涵盖生活、学习、情感等日常话题及政治、经济、历史、文化、科技等深层问题。所选文章与视频材料注重语言质量、文化内涵、思想深意与创作视角,既有经久传诵的文学佳作,也有风格独特的优美时文。全书语言地道,贴近实际,鲜活生动,折射出社会的发展,也充分展现了语言的魅力。




Unit 1 Starting outVocabulary and structureReadingIntegrated skills trainingUnit 2 Food, glorious food!Vocabulary and structureReadingIntegrated skills trainingUnit 3 Learning to thinkVocabulary and structureReadingIntegrated skills trainingUnit 4 Person to personVocabulary and structureReadingIntegrated skills trainingUnit 5 All you need is loveVocabulary and structureReadingIntegrated skills trainingUnit 6 Shop till you drop!Vocabulary and structureReadingIntegrated skills trainingUnit 7 Family affairsVocabulary and structureReadingIntegrated skills trainingUnit 8 Arrivals and departuresVocabulary and structureReadingIntegrated skills trainingUnit 9 Body and mindVocabulary and structureReadingIntegrated skills trainingUnit 10 Environmental mattersVocabulary and structureReadingIntegrated skills trainingAnswer Key


  My father told me how delicious oysters were and tried to prove it by eating an oyster in front of me. He told me they tasted just like the Atlantic Ocean. We were in a restaurant by the sea and my father had already eaten an enormous portion of seafood, including crabs and lobsters. My father very much wanted me to eat an oyster but all I wanted to eat was fish and chips. He tried to persuade me by promising that afterwards I could eat prawns with bread and butter. Eventually I did as I was told, and holding the oyster between a finger and thumb, I ate it. My father was delighted but I never ate oysters again.  My father waved an oyster in front of my nose and tried to persuade me to eat it but I refused because I thought it looked rather nasty. My mother was at home and my father had taken me to a restaurant in a seaside resort to eat my first oyster. In his opinion it was an important event. The skies were grey and there was a strong wind. I felt despair and asked for some fish and chips and my father said I could have some later. He ate a large amount of seafood while I looked at my empty plate and thought of my mothers home cooking. Finally my father picked up the oyster again and I knew I had to eat it. I did. I hated the taste of it and never ate oysters again. My father offered me an oyster but I refused to eat it because I thought it looked rather nasty. I was ten years old and we were in a restaurant at a seaside resort. My father had taken me to lunch to eat my first oyster, which was an important event for him. The weather was gloomy and I felt gloomy too, knowing I had to eat the oyster. I asked for some fish and chips but my father refused and said I could perhaps eat some prawns with bread and butter. He ate a large amount of seafood and I felt full of despair and cried a little. But my father insisted and finally I ate it. My father was delighted but I never ate oysters again.


  《新标准大学英语》是由外语教学与研究出版社与英国麦克米伦出版公司共同开发、中外英语教育专家合作设计与编写的一套新型立体化大学英语系列教程。本系列教程以《大学英语课程教学要求》为指导,与基础阶段英语教学有机衔接,结合新形势下的教学需要,通过科学的设计、严谨的编写与丰富的资源有效促进学生英语综合应用能力、自主学习策略与综合文化素养的培养。  《新标准大学英语》系列教程包含1-4级,每级有《综合教程》、《视听说教程》与《综合训练》,同时提供学习光盘、教学光盘、网络自主学习平台。试题库等教学资源,满足大学英语教学各环节的需要。  主题丰富,语言地道,体现社会发展与时代特色  主题涵盖人与人、人与自然、人与社会的关系等各方面,选材注重文化内涵、思想深意与创作视角,内容贴近实际,语言鲜活生动,反映时代发展.展现语言魅力。  技能融合,综合培养,提高语言能力与思维能力  练习设计注重多种技能的综合培养,各类活动富有启发性与挑战性.既能够培养学生的英语综合应用能力,也能够提高学生的学习策略与创新思维能力。  展示多元文化,探讨文化差异,培养跨文化意识通过选文与练习传授文化知识、培养文化意识、引导文化比较,提高学生对不同文化的  理解以及在跨文化交际情境中使用恰当、得体、地道英语的能力。  优化教学模式,提供立体资源,构建自主学习平台教材、光盘与网络课程之间相互支持,为课堂教学与自主学习提供丰富的立体化资源.  满足新教学模式的需要.为学生创建个性化、自主式的学习环境。  寓教于乐,激发兴趣,创建轻松学习环境  丰富多彩的主题内容、美观新颖的版式设计、真实自然的声像材料、操作便捷的网络平台,在语言教学中融人人文与创新理念,为学习与教学带来新的体验。




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