
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:外语教研  作者:(英)Mary Tomalin//柯彦玢|主编:(英)Simon Greenall//文秋芳  页数:148  




Unit 1 College cultureVocabulary and structureReadingIntegrated skills trainingUnit 2 Mixed feelingsVocabulary and structureReadingIntegrated skills trainingUnit 3 Crime watchVocabulary and structureReadingIntegrated skills trainingUnit 4 News 24/7Vocabulary and structureReadingIntegrated skills trainingUnit 5 The world at warVocabulary and structureReadingIntegrated skills trainingUnit 6 Sporting lifeVocabulary and structureReadingIntegrated skills trainingUnit 7 Animal planetVocabulary and structureReadingIntegrated skills trainingUnit 8 Time offVocabulary and structureReadingIntegrated skills trainingUnit 9 ave you gotwhat it takes?Vocabulary and structureReadingIntegrated skills trainingUnit 10 cience fact orscience fiction?Vocabulary and structureReadingIntegrated skills trainingAnswer key


  Eric Dowling, who died in 2008 at the age of 93,was an unsung hero who played a key role in one ofthe most exciting exploits of the Second World War, he escape of 76 Allied officers and men from theStalag Luft III prison camp in Germany on March24, 1944. He was a prisoner of war in Germany from1942 to 1945, and during his imprisonment hekept a detailed record of his life, noting every titleof the 411 books he read, every piece of music heplayed on the camp gramophone and every letter hereceived. He was known for his perfect handwritingand it was this skill and his close attention to detailthat got him involved in the Great Escape, as it cameto be known.  For almost a year before the Great Escape, prisonersin the camp dug three tunnels, called Tom, Dickand Harry, which started inside the huts where theprisoners lived and emerged just beyond the wirefence that surrounded the camp.  ……


  《新标准大学英语(综合训练2)》具有一下特点:主题丰富,语言地道,体现社会发展与时代特色  主题涵盖人与人、人与自然、人与社会的关系等各方面,选材注重文化内涵、思想深意与创作视角,内容贴近实际,语言鲜活生动,反映时代发展,展现语言魅力。  技能融合,综合培养,提高语言能力与思维能力  练习设计注重多种技能的综合培养,各类活动富有启发性与挑战性,既能够培养学生的英语综合应用能力,也能够提高学生的学习策略与创新思维能力。  展示多元文化,探讨文化差异,培养跨文化意识  通过选文与练习传授文化知识、培养文化意识、引导文化比较,提高学生对不同文化的理解以及在跨文化交际情境中使用恰当、得体、地道英语的能力。  优化教学模式,提供立体资源,构建自主学习平台  教材、光盘与网络课程之间相互支持,为课堂教学与自主学习提供丰富的立体化资源,满足新教学模式的需要,为学生创建个性化、自主式的学习环境。  寓教于乐,激发兴趣,创建轻松学习环境  丰富多彩的主题内容、美观新颖的版式设计、真实自然的声像材料、操作便捷的网络平台,在语言教学中融入人文与创新理念,为学习与教学带来新的体验。




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