
出版时间:2009-5  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社,剑桥大学出版社  作者:鲁宾逊  页数:76  


  《剑桥少儿英语:轻松夺满盾(第3级)(学生用书)(附光盘)》是一套针对剑桥少儿英语(YLE)考试设计的备考用书,严格按照剑桥少儿英语考试最新考试大纲编写全套教材与考试题型紧密结合,采用有趣的练习和活动,引导考生逐步熟悉考试要求,把握考试重点和难点,全面达到考纲中对听、说、读、写各项能力的要求。  教材共分三个级别,与考试级别完全对应每级教材包括学生用书(附光盘)和教师用书  学生用书特色:  涵盖考纲中所有相关的主题、语法结构、词汇和题型,备考更彻底,侧重训练考试中最容易出错的部分,帮助考生突破难点,词汇表按单元索引,方便学生分单元进行词汇学习和巩固。  教师用书特色:  分步教学指导,包含大班教学和差异化教学的教学提示,满足不同层次的教学需求。  “小贴士”包括考试注意事项和考生提示信息,备考更全面,包括全真模拟试题,即学即练,提供按单元主题和语法的多重索引,方便快速查询。


Wearing and carryingSpats and stripesWith your bodyAbout animalsMy animalsAre you called Helen?Haw do you spell it?School subjectsIn my classroomPlanetsThe world around usBad weatherFood and drinkWhat they eatCooking and eatingWhat do they do?My sisters an engineerMy day at workAsk me a questionPicture differencesAt the hospitalThe time of the yearImportant numbersLeaving and arrivingWhat are they going to do?Our holidaysNicks holiday last summerAn interesting jobWhats it made of?You find them in pocketsWhats it like?Places to goThey were tired, soWhat a strange planet!Having funThe monster familys photosJohn stays in hospitalIve forgotten my umbrella!Have you ever met a famous person?What has just happened?Were moving house!When do these things happen?In the future, I might be a farmerAbout peopleYoure on TV!PostcardsHow about tennis?Its too loud!When Im sadDo you do it or make it?All about youGive me a short answerWorld riversWhos speaking?Word gamesPairwork activitiesUnit wordlistList of irregular verbs……



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