出版时间:2009-3 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 作者:秦亚青,何群 页数:414
改革开放30年,助推中国翻译事业的大发展、大繁荣,勃勃生机,蔚为壮观。今天的翻译,无论在规模、范围上,还是在质量、水平上,以及对中国社会发展的贡献上都是史无前例的。随着我国经济持续、健康、快速的发展和改革开放的不断深入,我国综合国力不断增强,政治、经济、文化等各方面的国际交往日益频繁。作为服务于改革开放的先导力量和与世界沟通的桥梁,翻译的作用愈发突出。然而,在翻译需求不断攀升的同时,作为翻译人员主要培养阵地的高校,却日益暴露出其在翻译教学与实践之间的脱节问题。毕业生翻译技能不扎实,知识面狭窄,往往难以胜任不同专业领域所需的高层次翻译工作,致使翻译领域特别是高级翻译领域的供需矛盾日益突出,不能满足目前的经济和社会发展需要。这从数量上和质量上。都对高水平翻译人才的培养提出了迫切的要求。为适应我国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设事业发展的需要,促进中外交流,培养高层次、应用型高级翻译专门人才,国务院学位委员会2007年1月23日第23次会议审议通过设置翻译硕士专业学位(MTI)。翻译硕士专业学位是我国第1 8个硕士层次的专业学位,其设立无疑是继2006年教育部批准试办翻译本科专业后我国翻译学科建设取得的又一里程碑式的成果,为我国培养高层次、应用型、职业化的翻译人才提供了重要途径,为我国翻译学的学科发展奠定了基础,同时也给我国的外语学科发展带来了机遇与挑战。翻译硕士专业学位培养德、智、体全面发展,能适应全球经济一体化及提高国家国际竞争力的需要,适应国家经济、文化、社会建设需要的高层次、应用型、专业性口笔译人才。翻译硕士专业学位教育在培养目标、师资要求、教学内容以及教学方法和手段这四点上都与传统的翻译方向研究生教育有很大的不同。首先,翻译硕士专业学位教育注重对学生实践能力的培养,按口译或笔译方向训练学生的口笔译实际操作能力、跨文化交际能力,并为满足翻译实践积累所需要的百科知识。这一点与传统的外国语言文学学科中的翻译研究方向侧重培养学生的外国语言文学理论研究能力、学术研究能力以及就业为导向的教学能力的培养目标差别很大。第二,对学生实践能力的高要求和培养目标的应用型导向,也要求承担翻译硕士专业学位教学任务的教师必须具有丰富的口译或笔译实践经验,并了解翻译教学的原则。
本书为翻译硕士专业学位(MTI)专业选修课教材。 视译应用范围广泛,常被视为同声传译的一种特殊形式,也被当作同传训练的一种基本方法。本书作为国内第一本系统传授视译技巧的专业教材,既有对视译原理、原则和基本要求的详细阐述,也有对视译中常用翻译技巧的实例讲解,具有很强的实践性和实用性,适用于专业教学和自主训练。主要特点如下: 教学设计循序渐进:从英汉两种语言转换的具体方法入手,由易到难讲授和训练各项视译技巧,为培养同传能力打下坚实基础; 训练素材真实广泛:选文涵盖政治、经济、文化、能源、环境、体育等国内外会议常见专题内容,视译译文真实再现译员现场表现; 技巧讲解注重实效:每单元突出一个重点,介绍不同句型在视译中常用的翻译技巧,对实用句型进行讲解,以大量实例进行示范; 视译练习丰富多样:各单元课堂实战练习与课后自主训练相辅相成,并配有参考译文,有助于学习者一步步巩固视译技巧,提高实战能力。
绪论第1单元 视译语序第2单元 视译单位第3单元 视译单位之间的衔接第4单元 定语的视译(Ⅰ):定语短语第5单元 定语的视译(Ⅱ):定语从句第6单元 同位语的视译第7单元 状语的视译(Ⅰ):状语短语第8单元 状语的视译(Ⅱ):状语从句第9单元 句子成分的转换第10单元 被动语态的视译第11单元 形容词和副词比较级的视译第12单元 It句式的视译第13单元 There+be句式的视译第14单元 长句的视译(Ⅰ)第15单元 长句的视译(Ⅱ)附录一 自主训练参考答案附录二 主要参考书目
插图:About this trip, what can you tell us now?Secretary: Well, he is very much looking forward to the APEC Meeting in Shanghaiand then from there to Beijing, and I think he wants to form a personalrelationship with President Jiang Zemin and the other leaders. President Bushvery much believes in getting to meet other leaders and to talk to them face to face and convey that American attitude of friendship and the American attitude of "let's see if we can work together to solve any problems that exist between us, and let's always be doing what we can to improve the relationship between our two countries". 3) So he is excited about coming to China. He is looking forward to it very, very much.Interviewer: Did he tell you anything before you left Washington?Secretary: He said to make sure that in my conversations with the Chinese leaders I conveyed what I just said——Washington is not in a confrontational mode. Why would we want to be in a confrontational mode? We are one of the best trading partners that China has. Forty percent of your products come to the United States. American consumers depend to a large extent on products that come from China to help them go about their lives. The products that come are at a reasonable cost. American businesses are investing in China. This is the basis for a positive relationship, a relationship that grows, not the basis for a confrontational relationship. The areas that we will have some difficulty with, and the President will be candid about this, have to do with human rights, and we do have some concerns about proliferation issues.But this isn't the only basis of our relationship. These are the things we are talking our way through.Interviewer: But it seems that here is a little confusion in terms of definitions of bilateral relations. For example, it seems to me that President Bush does not follow very much the idea of strategic partnership that was defined by our two governments a few years ago. While, at the same time we notice that just on the eve of your visit you said that the United States is not trying to view China as an enemy. So, Mr. Powell, between "partner" and "enemy", if I may ask you, which word would you like to choose?