
出版时间:2009-2  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:毛卓亮 等 著  页数:188  




  《高级英文写作教程(教师用书)(第2版)》以美国康涅狄格大学(University of Connecticut)的Thomas Kane和Leonard Peters编写的Writing Prose为蓝本精心改编而成。让学生通过细致地阅读经典英语作品,锻炼驾驭英语语言的能力。  名家名作,语言优美考究,写作风格多样;名师讲解,介绍作品背景,分析语言难点;读写结合,培养欣赏能力,提高写作水平。


Lesson 1. The Delicate Art of the ForestLesson 2. The Emotive Component of MeaningLesson 3. The Big Bull MarketLesson 4. The Evil of My TaleLesson 5. Oxford as I See ItLesson 6. PedantryLesson 7. PlotLesson 8. Loneliness——An American MaladyLesson 9. The Population of Augustan RomeLesson 10. General George Armstrong CusterLesson 11. Our Unfortunate ConvictsLesson 12. The Third Knight´s SpeechLesson 13. Social Responsibility in Science and ArtLesson 14. The DelicatessenLesson 15. Chestnut StreetLesson 16. TouristsLesson 17. Golden GoaLesson 18. The Boston MerchantLesson 19. Mr. and Mrs. XLesson 20. John MasefieldLesson 21. My Average UncleLesson 22. The Unicorn in the GardenLesson 23. The Last FiestaLesson 24. Willie StoneLesson 25. Short TripLesson 26. Education os PhilosophyLesson 27. JohnsonLesson 28. Street Haunting——A London AdventureLesson 29. The Evolutionary AppetiteLesson 30. Young JoanLesson 31. Courtesy to Readers——Clarity


  The Unicorn in the Garden Reader and Purpose1.1)The wife is plainly despicable.We can see it from what shesays and does.First she is a lazy woman.When her hus-band had had his breakfast she was still asleep.Secondly,she does not love her husband.When her husband told herthat there was a unicorn in the garden,she opened one un-friendly eye and turned her back to him.When her hus-band told her again that the unicorn was eating a lily,she sat up in bed and looked at him,coldly.She even wanted to have him put in the booby-hatch.She telephoned the po-lice and telephoned a psychiatrist to hurry to her house and bring a strait-jacket.A1l she wanted to do was to shut him up in an institution. 2)We do not think that Thurber intends US to 1ike this hus-band.This is stated in“Reader and Purpose”:“Although the husband is the hero in the sense of being thegood guy’,he is no Achilles.Thurber’S husbands are not cast in the mold of the Greek hero;they are mild little men-pa-tient gentle,long-suffering”.Nevertheless.the husband of this kind arouses our sympathy and pity.



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