出版时间:2008-11 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 作者:吕英莉 编 页数:193
本书为外语教学与研究出版社出版的“高等学校英语专业四级考试快速通关”丛书的“阅读分册”。旨在为考生提供题材多样、内容丰富、针对性强、符合命题趋势的考前阅读理解强化训练资料,其中还特别提供历年真题阅读理解精选训练。 英语阅读能力是考生必须具备的一种较强的英语综合能力,包括对英语文章中词汇的理解能力、对句子尤其是长难句的分析能力,以及对篇章的整体把握能力。阅读理解的综合能力具体要求考生: 1.掌握专业四级大纲词汇,能够运用词汇猜测技巧,根据上下文领会生词的基本含义; 2.快速理解简单句子和一般难度的句子的结构和大意,尤其是能够准确分析和把握结构比较复杂的长难句; 3.掌握文章的篇章结构,通过字、词、句深入理解文章句子及段落间的逻辑关系队及上下文的语境关系; 4.掌握文章的中心意思、主题思想以及学会从事实、细节等内容迸行分析、推理、判断以及领会作者的观点、态度,推断文章体裁、作者身份和写作对象等。 本书正是基于提高以上能力的要求,严格按照最新的《高等学校英语专业四级考试大纲》选材与编写,并结合新旧大纲的变化趋势,针对英语专业四级考试阅读理解部分,精心为考生提供理论指导与实战训练,最终帮助考生扩大阅读量、扩充词汇量,巩固词法语法以及学会掌握选择题的分析方法,对提高考生阅读能力和应试能力起到至关重要的作用。 就结构而言,《高等学校英语专业四级考试快速通关阅读》由以下内容组成: 一、“高校英语专业四级考试大纲》(2004年新版)总则。 二、英语专业四级考试大纲阅读理解解读与概述。对最新《高校英语专业四级考试大纲》进行了解读,并对新旧大纲下英语专业四级阅读题型的对比作了分析。此外,从题型、题材和体裁角度对真题设计作了总体分析。 三、英语专业四级考试阅读技巧及应试策略。作者针对英语阅读的常见题型如主旨题、细节题、语义题、推理题和态度题等进行了剖析并提供了阅读技巧及应试策略。 四、英语专业四级考试阅读题材分类专项训练及详解。此部分提供了社会风情、科学技术、经济生活、文化教育、休闲娱乐和人物故事等六个方面的分类题材训练。 五、英语专业四级考试阅读综合模拟试题及详解。本部分提供了8套阅读理解模拟试题,在难度上力争做到与真题一致,并对每套试题提供了详细解析。 六、英语专业四级考试历年真题阅读精选及详解。此部分为考生精选了自1998至2008年的真题阅读理解,旨在让考生在考前集中训练真题阅读,从中把握真实的考试难度,以及把握考试规律。每套真题阅读理解精选都提供了参考答案及详细解析。
第一章 《高校英语专业四级考试大纲》(2004年新版)总则第二章 英语专业四级考试大纲阅读理解解读与概述 第一节 新旧大纲下英语专业四级考试阅读题型的对比分析 第二节 历年英语专业四级考试阅读真题总体分析 一、题型分析 二、题材分析 三、体裁分析第三章 英语专业四级考试阅读技巧及应试策略 第一节 常用阅读技巧及运用范例 一、通过略读(skimming)全文以掌握主旨 二、通过扫读(scanning)定位以获取关键信息 三、阅读中难点处理 四、真题示例 第二节 英语专业四级考试阅读题型分析及解题技巧 一、主旨题及其解决方案 二、细节 题及其解决方案 三、语义题及其解决方案 四、推理题及其解决方案 五、态度题及其解决方案第四章 英语专业四级考试阅读题材分类专项训练及详解 社会风情 科学技术 经济生活 文化教育 休闲娱乐 人物故事第五章 英语专业四级考试阅读综合模拟试题及详解 模拟试题(1) 模拟试题(2) 模拟试题(3) 模拟试题(4) 模拟试题(5) 模拟试题(6) 模拟试题(7) 模拟试题(8) 模拟试题(1)参考答案及详解 模拟试题(2)参考答案及详解 模拟试题(3)参考答案及详解 模拟试题(4)参考答案及详解 模拟试题(5)参考答案及详解 模拟试题(6)参考答案及详解 模拟试题(7)参考答案及详解 模拟试题(8)参考答案及详解第六章 英语专业四级考试历年真题阅读精选及详解 历年真题精选(1) 历年真题精选(2) 历年真题精选(3) 历年真题精选(4) 历年真题精选(1)参考答案及详解 历年真题精选(2)参考答案及详解 历年真题精选(3)参考答案及详解 历年真题精选(4)参考答案及详解
Predicting the future is always risky. But its probably safe to say that at least a few historianswill one day speak of the 20th century as Americas "Disney era". Today, its certainly difficult tothink of any other single thing that represents modem America as powerfully as the company thatcreated Mickey Mouse. Globally, brands like Coca-Cola and McDonalds may be more widely-known, but neither encapsulates 20th-century America in quite the same way as Disney. The reasons for Disneys success are varied and numerous, but ultimately the creditbelongs to one person——the man who created the cartoon and built the company from nothing,Walt Disney. Ironically, he could not draw particularly well. But he was a genius in plenty ofother respects. In business, his greatest skills were his insight and his management ability. Aftersetting himself up in Hollywood, he single-handedly pioneered the concepts of branding andmerchandising-something his company still does brilliantly today. But what really distinguished Disney was his ability to identify with his audiences. Disneyalways made sure that his films portrayed the "little boy". He achieved this by creating charactersthat reflected the hopes and fears of ordinary people. Disneys other great virtue was the fact that his company——unlike other big corporations——had a human face. His Hollywood studio——the public heard——operated just like a democracy,where everyone was on first-name terms and had a say in how things should be run. He was alsoregarded as a great patriot because not only did his cartoons praise America, but, during WorldWar II, his studios made training films for American soldiers. The reality, of course, was not so perfect. As the public would later learn, Disneyspatriotism had an unpleasant side. After a strike by cartoonists in 1941, he agreed to work for theFBI secretly, identifying and spying on colleagues who he suspected were anti-government. But, apart from his affiliations with the FBI, Disney was more or less the genuine article. Anew book, The Magic Kingdom." Walt Disney and the American Way of LiJe, confirms that he wasvery definitely on the side of ordinary people. In the 30s and 40s he voted for Franklin Roosevelt,believing he was a leader of the workers. Also, Disney was not an apologist for the FBI, as somehave suggested. In fact, he was always suspicious of large, bureaucratic organizations, as isevidenced in films like That Darned Cat. By the time he died in 1966, Walt Disney was an icon like Thomas Edison and the WrightBrothers. To business people and filmmakers, he was a role model; to the public at large, he was"Uncle Walt"——the man who had entertained them all their lives, the man who represented all thatwas good about America.
阅读技巧,应试策略,专项训练,答案详解,模拟试题,历年真题。 振宇英语系列丛书自出版以来,销量一直稳居全国考试类图书前列,已成为广大考生喜爱的全国知名图书品牌。 《高等学校英语专业四级/八级考试快速通关》系列丛书由北京高校从事英语专业四级、八级考试研究与辅导的专家与一线教师精心编写,并在部分院校试用,有效帮助考生实现考前快速突破,受到一致好评。