出版时间:2008-12 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 作者:David Odden 页数:348
本书是剑桥大学出版社“剑桥语言及语言学入门”系列丛书之一,旨在培养音系分析所需的基本技能,是一部专门为音系学初学者撰写的入门教材。 全书以音系学理论问题为主线,通过对大量实际语料的介绍和分析来说明音系研究的对象和分析方法。本书不偏重于理论的介绍,而以训练音系解题能力为主,目的在于让使用者直接面对实际的语音现象,开发使用者对音系问题的感性认识。
Davud Odden是美国俄亥俄州立大学语言学系的资深教授。
About this bookAcknowledgmentsA note on languagesList of abbreviations1 What is phonology? 1.1 Concerns of phonology 1.2 Phonetics - what is physical sound? 1.3 The symbolic representation of speech Summary Exercises Notes to this chapter Suggestions for further reading2 Phonetic transcriptions 2.1 Vowels: their symbols and properties 2.2 Consonants: their symbols and properties 2.3 IPA symbols 2.4 Illustrations with English transcription Summary Exercises Notes to this chapter Suggestions for further reading3 Allophonic relations 3.1 English consonantal allophones 3.2 Allophony in other languages Summary Exercises Notes to this chapter Suggestions for further reading4 Underlying representations 4.1 The importance of correct underlying forms 4.2 Refining the concept of underlying form 4.3 Finding the underlying form 4.4 Practice at problem solving 4.5 Underlying forms and sentence-level phonology 4.6 Underlying forms and multiple columns in the paradigm Summary Exercises Notes to this chapter Suggestions for further reading5 Interacting processes 5.1 Separating the effects of different rules 5.2 Different effects of rule ordering Summary Exercises Notes to this chapter Suggestions for further reading6 Feature theory 6.1 Scientific questions about speech sounds 6.2 Distinctive feature theory 6.3 Features and classes of segments 6.4 Possible phonemes and rules - an answer 6.5 The formulation of phonological rules 6.6 Changing the theory Summary Exercises Notes to this chapter Suggestions for further reading7 Doing an analysis 7.1 Yawelmani 7.2 Hehe 7.3 Icelandic 7.4 Modern Hebrew 7.5 Japanese Summary Exercises Notes to this chapter Suggestions for further reading8 Phonological typology and naturalness 8.1 Inventories 8.2 Segmental processes 8.3 Prosodically based processes 8.4 Why do things happen? Summary Notes to this chapter Suggestions for further reading9 Abstractness and psychological reality 9.1 Why limit abstractness? 9.2 Independent evidence: historical restructuring 9.3 Well-motivated abstractness 9.4 Grammar-external evidence for abstractness 9.5 How abstract is phonology? Exercises Notes to this chapter Suggestions for further reading10 Nonlinear representations 10.1 The autosegmental theory of tone: the beginnings of change 10.2 Extension to the segmental domain Summary Exercises Notes to this chapter Suggestions for further readingGlossaryReferencesIndex of languagesGeneral Index