
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:李凌燕  页数:449  


  Welcome to Beijing for travel or business!  This Speak Out Chinese Phrasebook is designed tofacilitate your stay in China by making simple communicationwith the Chinese possible for you. It differs from otherChinese textbooks in that it is a practical oral guide for dailycommunication. Altogether ten such topics are introduced andhopefully this book will come to your timely and effectivehelp whether you are looking for restaurants or asking for thelocation of bus stations in the streets.  To serve this purpose, every sentence has pronunciationindications in English to help you say the sentence in additionto Pinin notes for Chinese characters. My Canadian friendMs. Steffany Alden has undertaken this tremendous task and Iwould like to give my heart-felt gratitude to her.  In addition to language for daily communication, asmuch as possible of Chinese culture, customs, life habits andpractical information of modem Chinese city life are introducedafter each sentence. So long as you can find the right sentencepattern and characters in vocabulary entries and show them tothe hospitable Chinese people, they will give you warm help.


  More than four hundred of essential phrases understand what you hear and chat with the IocaJs Lots of practical information find anything you need from the moment of your arrival.


Introduction Part 1 Daily Language Part 2 Airport Part 3 Hotel Part 4 Restaurant Part 5 Shopping Part 6 Entertainment Port 7 Transportation Part 8 Communication Part 9 Emergency Part 10 Sports & VenuesAppendix   Chinese Names Numbers in Chinese Cutture Chinese Number Gestures Chinese Tea Culture How to Use Transportation Card in Beijing Chinese Area Code and Zip Number Bar Street in Beijing and Shanghai Chino World Cultural and Naturo[ Heritage List Chinese Museums Beijing Shopping Directory. Name of Cuisine Chinese Flavors Beijing Restaurants Directory Medical Terms  Beijing Subway Map



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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   帮老外买的书,老外很喜欢,觉得很实用!
  •   我觉得很好,带到英国来了,准备教英国人
  •   颜色好旧,边角的地方也坏了,看起来有好久没有卖出去的感觉,本来想送人的,现在没法送了。。。唉~

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