出版时间:2008-10 出版社:Mrs.Archibald Little 外语教学与研究出版社 (2008-10出版) 作者:Mrs.Archibald Little 页数:258
《我的北京花园》是一部以北京游历为主要题材的回忆录。作者阿奇博尔德·立德夫人以其西方知识女性的独特视角,生动细致地描绘了北京及周围地区的许多名胜古迹、自然风光和风俗民情,同时还以传神的笔触再现了20世纪初发生在北京的许多社会生活场景和历史事件,是一部不可多得的情景交融、文采飞扬的长篇游记作品。 图书的适用对象:大学生、英语学习者、北京历史文化爱好者
作者:(英国)Mrs.Archibald Little英国人阿奇博尔德·立德夫人(Mrs.Archibald Little,1845一1926)为英国商人阿奇博尔德·约翰·立德先生(ArchibaldJohn Littie,1838一1908)之妻,随夫婿来华生活长达20年(1887一1907),通过旅行、考察、社会活动等经历,足迹遍布神州大地,是一位非常活跃的外侨夫人和知名作家。她还曾发起组织中国妇女天足会,是近代中国不缠足运动的先驱人物。在华期间,她以阿奇博尔德·立德夫人之名,撰写、发表有关中国题材的作品,先后出版了9部英文著作。其所写游记在西方广受欢迎,她在当时享有“著名的中国问题专家”之美誉。
Peking Revisited:IntroductoryChapter Ⅰ In a Peking GardenChapter Ⅱ How the Court Came back to PekingChapter Ⅲ Official and Rank DistinctionsChapter Ⅳ An Imperial FuneralChapter Ⅴ Pekingese Dogs and Gold and Silver FishChapter Ⅵ The Western HillsChapter Ⅶ Round about Our GardenChapter Ⅷ Seaside ResortsChapter Ⅸ Imperial Hot Springs and the Ming TombsChapter Ⅹ To Kalgan and the Mongolian Grass LandChapter Ⅺ Among Peking PalacesChapter Ⅻ The Hsiling,or Western TombsChapter ⅩⅢ Lama and Confucian TemplesChapter ⅩⅣ On the Drum and Bell TowersChapter ⅩⅣ Many Kinds of TemplesChapter ⅩⅥ What Ought to Be Done with the Temple BuildingsChapter ⅩⅦ An Interlude of ReflectionsChapter ⅩⅧ Examination Hall and Observatory,Together withSome Chinese Manners and CustomsChapter ⅩⅨ ATale ofTwo Chinese StudentsChapterⅩⅩ HowNottoDoItinPekingChapter ⅩⅩⅠ Five Nations’Soldiers,as Seen in ChinaChapter ⅩⅩⅡ To Port AJthur
When I think of Peking now,I still think first of the awful ruts in the roads and the blinding,choking dust in those parts of the city where ordinary people live;but each day that impression is weakening,and my mind is beginning to rest more and more on the fajry-tale-like kaleidoscope of colour——yellow,green,dark blue,and yet more beautiful azure tiles and bricks in the enchanting regions reserved by the Imperial family for themselves. The Peking station,all dust and rickshas,standing as it does in the wide sandy roadway between the Temple of Heaven and the Hall of Agriculture——every one looking for seats in the train,and watching over luggage,for stealing is contagious,and people,having once begun,do not know how to stop.And then a 1ittle tramp,tramp,and the soft sweet strains of a military band,“Nearer,my God,to Thee!Nearer to Thee!’’and there under the Stars and Stripes something heavy six soldiers are laying on a luggage van.Yesterday evening my friends heard the outcry for a doctor at the camp.A man had fallen from his horse,they were told,but attached no importance to it at the time.Perhaps he had longed to go home to the States.This morning early his body is going home.There are Japanese and cock-tailed Bersaglieri and the other soldiers of many nations all pressing forward to watch the one who is going home.That is the way he is going home after a11.Poor soldiers!They suffer and they toil,many of them more heroes at heart than we can quite realise,and that is the end of it all in this world!And now again what is this at the Peking station?A clanking of chains!Men shackled together,and shouting shamelessly to cover their shame:“Look at the pride of the American army!’’They have been caught red-handed plundering,and are being sent home too,after another fashion. Ah me!Better dead!Better dead! But the Americans are determined to repress looting.They alone policed their quarter in Peking.Yet each nation,after its fashion,is trying to keep its men in order And is it nothing that during nine days in Peking and two in Tientsin,and out of doors from morning to night,I never saw a man the worse for drink,never met anything but the most respectful and kind courtesy from the soldiery of eight nations,nor even saw one man illtreating the vanquished CIhinese?