出版时间:2008-10-1 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 作者:(英国)Reginald F.Johnston庄士敦 页数:439
《紫禁城的黄昏》一书是帝师庄士敦对清朝两百多年统治的“黄昏时期”的记述。作者将其在华经历放到当时中国政治文化的大背景中,从一个外国人的特殊视角,怀着对中国和中国人民的诚挚情感详细描述了“清廷”内部的明争暗斗、自己随机应变、居中调解以及他与溥仪之间的深厚交谊。 《紫禁城的黄昏》与一般来华的西方人士的著述不同,庄氏通过他的作品表在了对中国文化的酷爱和中国应该保护儒家思想传统以及与它相适应的社会结构的保守观点,对某些西方人企图改变中国人生活方式的做法提出“抗议”,这是庄氏特立独行之处。
庄士敦(1874—1938),本名Reginald F.Johnston,苏格兰人,字志道。牛津大学文学硕士,专攻东方古典文学和历史。1918年至1924年担任末代皇帝溥仪的英文教师,对溥仪的一生影响颇大。同时,他拥挤清室,赞成复辟大清,深得溥仪的常识和信任。他通晓中国历史,文学功力深厚,熟悉中国各地的民俗和风士人情,对中国古典文学、历史经籍颇有研究。
PrefaceTranslation of PrefaceIntroductionChapter I The Reform Movement of 1898Chapter II The Collapse of the Reform MovementChapter III Reaction and the Boxer Movement, 1898-- 1901Chapter IV The Last Years of Kuang-Hsti, 1901 -- 1908Chapter V The Empress-Dowager, T'zu-HsiChapter VI The Revolution, 1911Chapter VII The "Articles of Favourable Treatment"of the Manchu Imperial HouseChapter VIII The Ta Ch'ing and the Hung Hsien EmperorsChapter IX Chang Hstin and the Restoration of 1917Chapter X Autobiography of the Old Man of the Pine-tree(Translated from the Chinese)Chapter XI The Forbidden City, 1919-- 1924Chapter XII The Imperial TutorsChapter XIII The Manchu Court in Twilight,Chapter XIV The Imperial Household Department (Nei Wu Fu)Chapter XV The Dragon UnfledgedChapter XVI Monarchist Hopes and DreamsChapter XVII The Dragon RestlessChapter XVIII The Dragon Flaps His WingsChapter XIX Dragon and PhoenixChapter XX Plots and StratagemsChapter XXI The Imperial GardenChapter XXII The Summer PalaceChapter XXIII The Fifth of NovemberChapter XXIV The Dragon CagedChapter XXV The Flight of the DragonEpilogue: the Dragon Goes HomeThe Pedigree of the Manchu Emperors
As for that troublesome and half-witted young man who had shown her such base ingratitude for his elevation to the throne.1et him continue to reflect in solitude on his misdeeds.and be thankful to her for having spared his life when he so richly deserved to die. Such may have been some of the thoughts that passed through the mind of the''Venerable Buddha”as she was bome in her sedan-chair day after day and week after week on her“tour of inspection''to those parts of the empire to which the foreign devils were least likely to follow her.She knew that some things would have to be mended and ended,that nothing would be again precisely as it had been before the rude awakening of 1 900,but she never seems to have realized,to the day of her death,what a narrow escape from destruction the dynasty had had in that year,and what a strenuous uphill task 1av before her and her successors if its prestige and power were to be restored.In spite of all the information which she undoubtedly possessed regarding the activities to revolutionary societies at home and abroad,and the anti-dynastic propaganda traceable to men like Sun Yat-sen,she was never told,and she had not the keen vision to see for herself,how dangerously near to the throne was creeping the spectre of revolution.This is no place to describe the long and tedious negotiations between the allies and the Chinese government which resulted in the empressdowager’s return to Peking in 1 90 1 and in her resumption of power.The settlement arrived at was far from sarisfactory,whether it be viewed from the side of China or from that of the allies.A few of the ringleaders of the Boxer movement and perpetrators of anti-foreign outrages,such as governor Yn-Hsien,were executed.and some,like Kang-Yi,would have sufiered the same fate had they not died of disease or by their own hands.Hsn ’ung.Chung Ch’i and others were banished to Turkestan.Several members of the imperial clan(prince Chuang.prince Yi and duke 11sai-Lan among them)were exiled or subjected to varying degrees of punishment. Prince Tuan was degraded and banished,and the nomination of his son as heir to the throne was cancelled.China was required to agree to the payment of 1arge indemnities in consideration of the losses suffered by foreigners during the troubles,and for the expenses incurred by the various expeditionary forces which had taken part in the military operations.The story of the“Boxer indemnities”is a long one.of which the last chapter has not yet been told.