
出版时间:2009-08-01  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:陈运香  页数:240  


  数,或数字、是语言的一个重要组成部分。它不单单表示数学概念,在很多情况下,它是一种文化符号,折射出了一个民族多层面的文化特性,包括其政治,经济、历史、哲学、宗教、思维等方面。  《汉英数字文化内涵对比研究》以萨丕尔-沃尔夫的语言相对论为基本理论依据,又以最新对比语言学理论即异同并重的观点为指导,富于哲学探索精神;二是基于大量语料,对汉英数字文化的内涵进行较为系统的研究,同时运用了语料库方法,在这一领域还是一个创新;其三是宏观与微观相结合的方法,既从宏观方面对数字与文化的关系作了总体比较与研究,又以中文之“一”与英语之“七”为突破口,重点解剖,取得了颇好的效果。这是一部颇为成功的研究著作。


Chapter l Introduction1.1 Motivation of the present research1.2 Research questions1.4 Research objectives1.5 Methodology and data1.6 0rganization of the bookChapter 2 Literature Review and Evaluation2.0 Introduction2.1 A review of theories related to language and culture2.1.1 The concept of culture2.1.1.1 Defining culture2.1.1.2 The property of culture2,1.2 Some main branches concerning language and culture2.1.2,1 Language and culture2.1.2.2 Anthropological linguistics2.1.2.3 Cultural linguistics2.1.2.4 National Cultural Semantics2.2 Evaluation of the previous research on numerology2.2.1 Features of the previous research2.2.2 Limitations of the previous researchChapter 3 Theoretical Framework and Methodology3.0 Introduction3.1 The SWH and language and culture3.1.1 Historical retrospect of the SWH3.1.2 Basic principles of the SWH on language and culture3.1.2.1 About its definition3.1.2.2 Strong and weak versions of the SWH3.1.2.3 Essences of the SWH3.1.2.4 Working hypotheses of language and thought for this study3.2 Applications of theoretical contrastive models to this study'3.2.1 Comparative and contrastive3.2.2 Diachrony and synchrony3.2.3 Micro- and macro-perspectives3.2.4 Linguistic peculiarities and universals3.3 Working definitions of terms3.3.1 Definitions of terms3.3.2 Defining numerological culture3.4 Methodology and data3.4 SummaryChapter 4 Philosophy in Numbers4.0 Introduction4.1 Comparison ofthe philosophical notions from different cultures4.1.1 Lao Zi's views on numbers4.1.1.1 Lao Zi and Tao Te Ching4.1.1.2 Lao Zi's Taoist philosophy4.1.1.3 Lao Zi's philosophical view of numbers4.1.2 The Pythagorean view on numbers4.1.2.1 Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans……Chapter 5 Thought in NumbersChapter 6 Vagueness in NumbersChapter 7 Discussion and ConclusionReferences



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