
出版时间:2008  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:孙有中 编著  页数:285  


“高等学校英语专业系列教材”是一套为英语专业高年级本料生和研究生编写的教材,包括高级英语语言技能、英语专业知识和相关专业知识三个方面。本系列教材为开放式,涵盖面广,设计科学,注重时代性、知识性与实用性,有助于学习者在掌握英语技能的基础上进一步扩展知识领域,培养应用能力,提高综合素养。    本书为“北京市高等教育精品教材”,可用作高等学校英语专业高年级文化课教材,旨在通过对西方文化史的纵向考察和对西方思想经典文献的深度阅读,帮助学生拓宽知识面,提高人文素养,培养思辨能力。本书有如下特点:  详尽注释化解原著阅读障碍,精心导读引领学子登堂入室。  在学术训练中延伸英语学习,在英语学习中深化学术训练。  文学、史学、哲学融为一体,阅读、写作、讨论贯穿始终。  走近西方思想巨擘,品味西方思想经典,领悟西方文化精髓。  文化与经典同步展开,历史与思想交相辉映。


Chapter1 Greek Culture The Funeral Oration of Pericles  Thucydides The Apology  Plato Politics  AristotleChapter2 Roman Culture Roman Oration  Aelius Aristides The Meditations  Marcus AureliusChapter3 Early Christianity The Gospel According to St. Matthew The City of God  Saint AugustineChapter4 Middle Ages Summa Theologica  Thomas Aquinas The Christian Way of Life  St. Benedict of NursiaChapter5 Renaissance Oration on the Dignity of Man  Pico della Mirandola The Prince  Niccolo MachiavelliChapter6 The Reformation On Papal Power; Justification by Faith; The Interpretation of the Bible  Martin Luther The Institutes  John CalvinChapter7 The Scientific Revolution Attack on Authority and Advocacy of Experimental Science Francis Bacon Discourse on Method  Rene DescartesChapter8 The Enlightenment What is Enlightenment?  Immanuel Kant The Age of Reason  Thomas Paine The Second Treatise of Government  John LockeChapter9 Romanticism Preface to Lyrical Ballads; The Tables Turned  William Wordsworth Faust  Johann Wolfgang von GoetheChapter10 Socialism The Communist Manifesto  Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels The Old Curiosity Shop  Charles DickensChapter11 Liberalism The Wealth of Nations  Adam Smith On Liberty  John Stuart Mill Liberal Legislation and Freedom of Contract  Thomas Hill GreenChapter12 Darwinism On the Origin of Species; The Descent of Man  Charles Darwin Social Statics  Herbert SpencerChapter13 The Challenge to the Tradition The Will to Power; The Antichrist  Friedrich Nietzsche Civilization and Its Discontents  Sigmund FreudChapter14 The Modernist Movement Manifesto of Surrealism  Andrr Breton Ulysses  James Joyce The Second Coming  W.B. Yeats since feeling is first  e.e. cummingsChapter15 The West in an Age of Globalism Existentialism Is a Humanism  Jean-Paul Sartre The Feminine Mystique  Betty FriedanAppendix1 A Sketch of Western CivilizationAppendix2 Great Books of the Western WorldReferencesAcknowledgements




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用户评论 (总计8条)


  •   很好呀,读了之后,西方思想和历史有大概了解
  •   我们上课用的书,不仅是语言学习的范本,更引发了我们的思考。从古代先贤的著作中发现思想演变的脉络,提醒着我们政治、经济、哲学都应该是我们所关心的。
  •   经典原文,值得品读学习
  •   书本还不错哦~~是老师推荐给我们的这本,质量也不错!
  •   没有外包装,以致于收到时有点脏
  •   有些单薄,不过是本好书
  •   书角破了,别的还好
  •   英语专业的学生,挺喜欢这些东西

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