
出版时间:2008-12  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:Peter Roach  页数:283  


  The second edition of this book was published in 1991, and since then a number of important books and papers in the field have appeared. My first task, therefore, has been to update thoroughly there commendations for further reading and, Where possible, to incorporate some new ideas. I have tried to avoid recommending work swhich are no longer in print, although this has not always been possible. The structure of the book remains virtually unchanged except that I have moved the discussion of distinctive features from Chapter 20 to Chapter 13, and shortened it. I feel it now fits more naturally with the discussion of other phonological issues in that chapter, which I have simplified a little. I have given up the use of the name Received Pronunciation (RP) for the accent described in the book: it is a term which I have always disliked, and I have chosen to refer instead to BBC pronunciation. I have attempted to improve the treatment of word stress, and have added some more modern ideasa bout the analysis of intonation. Since the publication of the second edition, I have worked on the15th edition of the Daniel Jones English Pronouncing Dictionary(Jones, 1997; edited and revised by Roach and Hartman), and I have made a number of changes to transcriptions in the present book in order to avoid disagreements with what I would regard as acompanion volume. I have made a large number of minor changes to the text in an attempt to make it clearer to read, and I have remove da number of errors. I wish I could believe that I have removed all Of them. The recorded exercises have been kept unchanged in order to retain continuity with the earlier editions, and these are now also available on audio CD.


本书自出版以来一直是英国语音学与音系学领域内非常实用、全面的教科书,为世界各地的大学和研究机构所采用。新版与旧版相比,有如下特色:     •更新了参考文献     •修改了转写材料     •对英语的各种变体进行了更广泛的讨论     •更新了语调处理


Peter Roach从事英语语音和发音教学40余年,现为英国雷丁大学语音学教授,是Daniel Joes《英语发音词典》(第16版)的主要编者。


Preface to the third editionList of symbolsChart of the International Phonetic AlphabetHow to use this book1 Introduction2 The production of speech sounds  2.1 Articulators above the larynx  2.2 Vowel and consonant  2.3 English short vowels3 Long vowels, diphthongs and triphthongs  3.1 Long and short vowels  3.2 Diphthongs  3.3 Triphthongs4 Voicing and consonants  4.1 The larynx  4.2 Respiration and voicing  4.3 Plosives  4.4 English plosives  4.5 Fortis and lenis5 The phoneme  5.1 The phoneme  5.2 Symbols and transcription  5.3 Phonology6 Fricatives and affricates  6.1 Production of fricatives and affricates  6.2 The fricatives of English  6.3 The affricates  6.4 Fortis consonants7 Nasals and other consonants  7.1 Nasals  7.2 The consonant 1  7.3 The consonant r  7.4 The consonants j and w8 The syllable  8.1 The nature of the syllable  8.2 The structure of the English syllable  8.3 Syllable division  8.4 Practical conclusions9 Strong and weak syllables  9.1 Strong and weak  9.2 The e vowel ("schwa")  9.3 Close front and close back vowels  9.4 Syllabic consonants10 Stress in simple words  10.1 The nature of stress  10.2 Levels of stress  10.3 Placement of stress within the word11 Complex word stress  11.1 Complex words  11.2 Suffixes  11.3 Prefaxes  11.4 Compound words  11.5 Variable stress  11.6 Word-class pairs12 Weak forms13 Problems in phonemic analysis  13.1 Affricates  13.2 The English vowel system  13.3 Syllabic consonants  13.4 Clusters of s plus plosives  13.5 Schwa (e)  13.6 Distinctive features  13.7 Conclusion14 Aspects of connected speech  14.1 Rhythm  14.2 Assimilation  14.3 Elision  14.4 Linking15 Intonation 1  15.1 Form and function in intonation  15.2 Tone and tone languages  15.3 Complex tones and pitch height  15.4 Some functions of English tones16 Intonation 2  16.1 The tone-unit  16.2 The structure of the tone-unit  16.3 Pitch possibilities in the simple tone-unit17 Intonation 3  17.1 Fall-rise and rise-fall tones followed by a tail  17.2 High and low heads  17.3 Problems in analysing the form of intonation  17.4 Autosegmental treatment of intonation18 Functions of intonation 1  18.1 The attitudinal function of intonation19 Functions of intonation 2  19.1 The accentual function of intonation  19.2 The grammatical function of intonation  19.3 The discourse function of intonation  19.4 Conclusions20 Further areas of study in phonetics and phonology  20.1 Laboratory phonetics  20.2 The study of variety  Recorded exercises  Unit 2: English short vowels  Unit 3: Long vowels, diphthongs and triphthongs  Unit 4: Plosives  Unit 5: Revision  Unit 6: Fricatives and affricates  Unit 7: Further consonants  Unit 8: Consonant clusters  Unit 9: Weak syllables  Unit 10: Word stress  Unit 11: Complex word stress  Unit 12: Weak forms  Unit 13: Revision  Unit 14: Elisions  Unit 15: Tones  Unit 16: The tone-unit  Unit 17: Intonation  Unit 18: Intonation: extracts from conversation  Unit 19: Transcription of connected speech  Unit 20: Further practice on connected speechAnswers to written exercisesAnswers to recorded exercisesRecommendations for general readingBibliographyIndex




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用户评论 (总计17条)


  •   对英语语音学的介绍很系统很实用,读了收获很大
  •   语言简洁而不晦涩,内容比较权威,容易理解,当然非英语专业人士不必非要看这个,英语专业必看
  •   不错的书,读完评价!
  •   书页较薄,要是有光盘就好了
  •   全英文的 不错
  •   不错的书,老师的推荐,包装也好!
  •   之前买过一本读了一半,觉得里面语音学部分有些简略有些乱,所以这次买了另外一本语音学解读。书是英国学校必修要求看的,所以一定要买。
  •   还是喜欢旧版的……
  •   层次清晰,但我想知道的内容介绍的太少,一面不到
  •   没有买的时候,看到本书的介绍还以为是一本全面的好书。但买来以后才发现,里面牵扯的内容还是挺多但都是一带而过。没有深入探讨,也没有什么实质性的东西。所以很不实用。
  •     一,特点:
      总的来说,我感觉称它为“英语语音与音系实用教程”更合适,原因就是它太实用了,结果是太多有关“学”的东西就放在futher reading里简单带过。
      编出一些句子、叫发音人用规定的几种语调将其读出来的方法存在不少问题。首先这样读出的句子跟真实话语有差别,其次是发音人的“演技”在这里变得很重要(哈哈)……作者认为,使用自然话语的录音作为分析对象更好一些。不过这也存在很多问题,比如所要分析的材料就变得不可控制、不好对比了。语调实验确实很难设计,不知现在英语语调研究到了什么程度……Nevertheless,if we are ever to make new discoveries about intonation,it will be as a result of studying what people actually say rather than inventing examples of what they might say.作者这个观点我觉得应该借鉴。
      1,弱读式和强读式 不要混用
      常用function words都有弱读式,本书有很多例句,便于练习。第12章专讲弱读式。
      here are
      four eggs
      Formula A
      Australia all out
      media event
      这本书在BBC发音方面讲得非常细,就连最难教的语调也讲了不少(尽管作者承认语调研究的不足,并认为语调教学与元音辅音相比没有那~么重要,认为在语调实际教学过程中、听说练习的重要性远远超过讲解)。可惜原版书配有的音频 到我们引进版这儿没了。录音材料还保留着,翻阅了一下,材料中还有不少发音指导,确实很有帮助。
      书里说很多欧洲学者在电脑上使用SAMPA音标而不是IPA。以前在某机构也接触过这种标音系统。这种标音系统只需使用键盘上有的字符,确实有其便利之处。SAMPA相关信息详见 http://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/home/sampa/home/htm
  •   貌似现在英式发音受到很多中国人的青睐,他们都觉得那是educated的标志。不过又据说在英国,美式发音很受欢迎……
  •   刚维基了一下 河口英语 。维基百科上说:“河口英语有以下伦敦方言(Cockney)的发音特点:当说出两个元音相连的连音时,会出现侵入性的/r/音(又称“插入r”)。” 那这是不是说现在BBC的发音从RP变成河口了啊……?
  •   啊。。。我觉得这个词条说错了。。。
    这本书上说LINKING R是BBC ACCENT的特点。而这本书里就是用BBC ACCENT 的说法代替RP,所以LINKING R就是RP的特点。至于河口英语有没有,就不清楚了
    我所了解的河口英语 最明显的特点是把单词中间的t读成喉塞音,如把britain读成“bri嗯”
  •   不过现在BBC有些年轻播音员讲的很有河口味呢,大概这种发音比较潮吧……
  •   貌似听过这种发音的……但是,如果我没记错的话,那都是在我初一初二的时候,听跟我一个年级、但是学的是英国编的英文教材《Look Ahead》的表姐说的了……
  •   没有CD感觉会学的很困难~

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