出版时间:2008-5 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 作者:潘志明 页数:448
IntroductionChapter One Romance as Literary Experiments1 The Other-Directed Tradition of American High Romance:Cooper,Poe,Hawthorne and Melville2 The Other-Directed Tradition of Popular Romance:Litery Japonisme of Loti,Hearn and Long3 Eatons Reconfigurations of Romance: A Bidirectional PerspectiveChapter Two Romance as Literary Experiments on Culture and Society1 The Turn-of-the-Century Cultural and Social Contexts:Anthropological and Sociological Discourses2 Romance as Cultural Experiments:Eatons Contestations against Biologically Informed Interpretations Culture3 Ronance as Social Experiments:Eatons Contestations against Biologically Informed Interpretalions of Society……ConclusionSelected Bibliography