
出版时间:2008  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:Duncan Sidwell  页数:500  


  本书作者Duncan Sidwell具有多年语言教学和教材编写方面的经验,从西方人的视角叙述欧洲文化的发展变迁,语言地道 、见地。本书既可用作高样英语专业文化课教材,也可供水平相当 的英语学习者参考,具有 如下特点:结构清晰,系统、全面地介绍了欧洲文化,注重史实,详略得当。  图文并茂,并配CD-ROM光盘,最大限度扩充内容,提供更多教学参考。  提供了详细的教学建议,每章均有引言和总述,每节标题下均附重点内容提示,概要介绍该部分内容。  每章设复习题及讨论题,注重文化的横向比较,把欧洲文化的发展放在世界文化发展的宏观背景中,有意识地引导学习者深入思考。  附录中提供了大量实用的信息,如:哲学术语汇总、英语人名地名汇总、希腊罗马神话中诸神对照表等,方便读者查阅。  本书分10章按时间顺序介绍了欧洲文化的源流发展。最大的特点是,避免了一般历史书枯燥乏味的叙述,代之以具体的历史史实,从而增加了趣味性和可读性。本书内容丰富,配有许多精美图片,由于需要扩展内容较多,延伸的部分以光盘的形式出现。


Duncan Sidwell was born in the UK. After graduation he became a teacher of languages and then a languages adviser in the English county of Leicestershire. Later he researched teacher evaluation. He worked as a national inspector of schools, before joining the Open University, a distance teaching university, where he was in charge of German and then of English. At the OU he worked for a time on English language materials for the Central China Radio and TV University. He taught at the CUN in 2005 – 6 and enjoyed it so much that he returned this year. He has published a number of German and French textbooks, and books about language teaching and learning. His book on western culture is at present being prepared for publication by the FLTRP.


CHAPTER 1 ANCIENT GREECE AND THE HELLENISTIC AGE Introduction Part 1 The history of Greece  1 The predecessors of the Greeks  2 The Greeks arrive  3 The Hellenistic Age (338-30 BC) Part 2 Religion, politics, and daily life  4 Greek religion  5 The early development of politics  6 Society and education Part 3 Literature and historical writing  7 Early Greek literature  8 Literature of the Lyric Age (700-490 BC)  9 Drama in the ClassicalAge  10 Literature in the Hellenistic Age  11 Historical writing Part 4 The arts  12 Architecture  13 Sculpture  14 Pottery  15 Music Part 5 Philosophy and science  16 Philosophy and science from the seventh to the third century BC  17 Science in the Hellenistic Age ConclusionCHAPTER 2 ANCIENT ROME Introduction Part 1 The history of Rome  1 Historical background: Rome from Republic to Empire Part 2 Society and daily life  2 Religion  3 The family and education  4 Entertainment Part 3 The arts, law and writing  5 The arts  6 Roman law  7 Roman literature and historical writing ConclusionCHAPTER 3 JUDAEO-CHRISTIANITY Introduction Part 1 The history of the Jews and of early Christianity  1 The Hebrews and the creation of Israel  2 Jews in the Hellenistic Age  3 Jesus and the first Christians  4 From persecution to state religion  5 Establishing the Christian church    6 Early church debates and disputes  7 Monasticism Part 2 The Bibe-The Old Testament  8 The Creation and the Law of Moses  9 The history of Israel  10 Wisdom, unhappiness and poetry  11 Protest and prophecy Part 3 The Bible-The New Testament  12 The texts of the New Testament  13 The nature of the New Testament  14 The life and teaching of Jesus as shown in the Gospels  15 The Acts of the Apostles, the teaching of Paul and early letters  16 The Book of Revelation Part 4 Perspectives on Judaism and Christianity  17 Historical aspects of Judaism and Christianity ConclusionCHAPTER 4 THE MIDDLE AGES Introduction Part 1 The Early Middle Ages from 500 to 1000 AD  1 The collapse of the Roman Empire in the west  2 The growth of order  3 The early medieval population and the medieval world view  4 Learning and literature  5 Charlemagne and the restoration of learning Part 2 The Late Middle Ages--new social organisation,chivalry and the crusades  6 The new social organisation of the tenth to the thirteenth centuries  7 Chivalry  8 The crusades Part 3 The Late Middle Ages--intellectual change and controversy  9 Social change and the growth of law  10 Intellectual controversy-faith or reason?  11 The church strengthens its authority  12 The church and the state in dispute Part 4 The Late Middle Ages--the arts and science  13 Architecture and art  14 Literature  15 Music  16 Science ConclusionCHAPTER 5 THE RENAISSANCE AND THE REFORMATIONCHAPTER 6 THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURYCHAPTER 7 THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURYCHAPTER 8 THE NINETEENTH CENTURY: 1800-1870CHAPTER 9 EUROPE 1870-1914CHAPTER 10 EUROPE 1914-2000






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用户评论 (总计45条)


  •   内容很丰富,对欧洲的历史和文化介绍的比较详尽,很有收获。
  •   内容编排得当,讲解细致。很适合欧洲文化入门。


  •   这本书太好了,讲的比国内的详细透彻。学欧洲文化的必须要看这本书!非常建议大家购买!还附赠光盘,实在是合适!
  •   最近在学这本书 是老师推荐的首选教材 想学欧洲文化的一定要读
  •   老师推荐才买的这本书 可以作为对学习英语专业的同学有较好的帮助 内容覆盖面广
  •   这本书讲了欧洲文化的起源和发展。我是学理科的,但是真的很喜欢
  •   书好极了,内容非常好~非常值得想学习欧洲文化的同学学习!虽然第一本书坏了,但是当当即使更换了,非常满意!!!!!
  •   内容全面~讲解细致~适合学习西方文化的人使用
  •   买了两本 看起来教材气太浓。不过了解一下是很好的。
  •   很不错,老师指定的教材。。。
  •   发货速度快,配送的光盘很实用~
  •   真的很不错 书很棒 感觉比在书店买书方便多了 而且书店的书可能有的会脏 而在网上买的 感觉 配的都是很棒的货 很干净整洁 强烈顶起
  •   不错,内容挺全的,是我需要的
  •   很不错,光盘完好,这次送货也很及时
  •   上课要用到。内容还不错。
  •   书很脏很旧。 幸好光碟还是完整的! 希望下一次质量有绝对保证!
  •   这本书是在朋友们谈论时注意到了,买回后发现确实是本好书。
  •   很不错的一本书,能长见识
  •   给室友买的,这书还是证办好
  •   选修课用的书,挺不错的
  •   包装的很好~~~书也不错~~~顶一个!!!
  •   送货很快! 书的质量也不错。
  •   本来想着考研用,不过还是适合平时消遣,书本身不错
  •   pretty good~~
  •   绝对正版,大力推荐!而且还是包邮,比淘宝好多了,以后购物就选当当网了!!
  •   外教研社的都还行的
  •   还不错,快递真的挺给力的,一直很放心
  •   双学位的课本,很有意思的一门课
  •   双学位课程正好用得上。全英文的啊!!有难度诶
  •   质量很不错~速度也可以~
  •   很全面详尽描述欧洲文化概况的书
  •   收到还没看,是全英的,非英语专业的有点吃力啊,但为了提高英语,努力读书吧!
  •   全英文版本的,看得出作者已经在用很通俗的语言在写历史了。但是还是有很多专业名词和名字,需要配合类似不列颠百科字典看书,才会看得懂呀。
  •   很好的西方文化知识介绍
  •   了解西方文化,很不错的一本书额
  •   作为原版教材,很实用。
  •   这是我上双学位的教材,但是没有怎么通读过
  •   恩,不错。就是邮寄时间有点长。
  •   质量还不错,和我想象中的不一样!
  •   蛮好就是字体印刷略为淡了点
  •   我们的教科书,不错.
  •   这本书质量很好,但是拿到手里光盘坏了,光盘有道裂缝,不管是发货的时候损坏的还是在物流过程中的损坏,都希望提高服务质量,因为我们消费者再退换比较麻烦,要花很多时间成本,希望当当能进一步提高服务质量。
  •   现在普通书店的折扣在文学方面的书一般都是八折或更低,希望能对价钱比较高的书尤其是文学方面的书多打一些折扣
  •   帮同学买的,正版还不错
  •   不是很满意的,不明白书皮上怎么会有个洞,而外面的包装没坏,你们装进去之前检查了吗?

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