出版时间:2008-9 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 作者:刁克利 页数:378
文学作品既是一种语言精华的体现,也是一个民族文化、精神与情感的反映。 英国文学学习至少有四个目的:一是阅读最优美的英语;二是系统地学习英国文学知识,提高作品欣赏能力,启迪并发展文学批评能力;三是开阔视野,了解与文学相关的英语文化和思想潮流的产生和发展;四是丰富情感体验,提高人文素养和思想水平。 根据多年课堂教学经验,一本理想的英国文学教材应当包括:学习要点提示、系统的背景介绍、经典的作品遴选、详尽的注释、文学评论要点综述、富有启发性的思考题、灵活多样的课堂活动以及作家名言选录等。
本书是供高等学校英语专业学生使用的英国文学教材,涵盖了从 Anglo-Saxon 时期到20世纪的主要作家作品。全书分上、下两册,共44个单元,可供一个学年使用。本书具有以下特点: 在介绍作家和文学作品的同时,巧妙地融合了文学史的内容,体系更完整。 将文学批评方法和理论热点融入到每一单元,帮助学生提高文学欣赏和文学欣赏和文学批评水平。 每单元设有课后问答题,便于学生更好地理解内容,也有助于学生准备英语专业研究生入学考试。 每单元后的课堂活动可激发学生的学习积极性,活跃课堂氛。
刁克利教授,文学博士,博士生导师,英语系系主任。 河南大学英语学士、硕士;中国人民大学文学博士;美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校访问学者(2006-2007,Freeman Fellow)。
Part Ⅰ The Middle Ages (to ca. 1485) Unit 1 Beowulf Unit 2 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Unit 3 Ballads Unit 4 Geoffrey Chaucer (ca.1343-1400)Part Ⅱ The Sixteenth Century(1485-1603) Unit 5 Edmund Spenser (1552-1599) Unit 6 Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593) Unit 7 William Shakespeare (1564-1616)Part Ⅲ The Seventeenth Century(1603-1688) Unit 8 Francis Bacon (1561-1626) Unit 9 Metaphysical Poets and Cavalier Poets Unit 10 John Milton (1608-1674) Unit 11 John Bunyan (1628-1688)Part Ⅳ The Eighteenth Century(1688-1798) Unit 12 Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) Unit 13 Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) Unit 14 Joseph Addison and Richard Steele Unit 15 Alexander Pope (1688-1744) Unit 16 Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) Unit 17 Henry Fielding (1707-1754) Unit 18 Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816) Unit 19 Thomas Gray (1716-1771) Unit 20 William Blake (1757-1827) Unit 21 Robert Burns (1759-1796)Bibliography
Unit 1 Beowulf Literature, as a written record of human life and representative of high level of national language, is also a legacy of long civilisation. Therefore, the knowledge of early English people and English language is beneficial to literature learning. The important events in the early part of English history are Roman Conquest, Anglo-Saxon Conquest and Norman Conquest in subsequence, which leave influence to different extent upon the development of England as a nation and that of English as a language. English literature started from the Middle Ages, which embraced two quite different periods of literary history, the Old English and the Middle English. The Old English is also known as Anglo-Saxon English, mainly used during the period of Anglo-Saxon Conquest. The first most impressive long poem in this period is Beowulf, the greatest of Germanic epics in the English language, which is a fabulous starting point of English literature. It is the Norman Conquest in 1066 that sharply divided the two periods and began the period of the Middle English. The Middle English is used to describe the language from then to about 1500, a period during which London English gradually became the dominant dialect.
高等学校英语专业系列教材。每一部分首先介绍了学习要点和背景知识,然后是分单元讲解的作家作品。学习要点由关键词组成,放在各部分前面,明确教学目标,提示学习重点,在正文中出现时都以黑体标记。这也有利于在学习中加深印象,以及对相关参考书目的选择。背景知识主要介绍与作家作品相关的文学思潮,及其生成的社会、历史、文化背景,以及不同文学体裁的转换原因和新特点,还有对代表性作家作品的概述。 每一单元(1-3单位除外)以作家为标题,主要内容是作家介绍与作品选读,以及注释、评论要点、问题思考、课堂活动和作家名言等。