
出版时间:2008-6  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:李相敏  页数:170  


本书全一册,共16个单元,内容涵盖政治、经济、贸易、教育、科技、环境等各个方面,引导读者在学习英语语言、提高阅读能力的同时了解时事动态和多元文化。每单元由三部分组成:     新闻知识介绍:重点介绍英美主要报纸期刊、新闻的分类和构成、英语报刊的语言特色等。     典型选篇阅读:每单元精选两篇文章。附重点单词释义、背景知识及语言点注释、阅读理解和讨论题等。     读报技巧分析:讲解报刊文章写作中的特殊手法,如委婉语、派生词、常用套语、复合词等。


Unit 1 Business [I] 美国主要报纸简介 Text Passage I Prices Jump More than Expected Passage II China,NZ to Step Up Pace of FTA Talks  Newspaper Reading Skills如何阅读英语报刊Unit 2 Business [II] 美国主要大众期刊简介 Text Passage I Nigeria:GSM-Huge Market,,Poor Service Passage II Vodafone Dials Up Cost Cuts as Losses Hit $15bn Newspaper Reading Skills委婉语Unit 3 Advertising 英国主要报纸简介 Text Passage I Advertising Firms Fret over Billboard Bans Passage II The Quietest Revolution in History  Newspaper Reading Skills网络新词的构成Unit 4 Education [I]  英国主要大众期刊简介  Text Passage I How Schools Are Pulling Rank Passage II Union Criticises“Blight”ofFixed—Term Academic Posts  Newspaper Reading Skills派生词Unit 5 Education[II] 新闻 Text Passage I Yale and China Passage II Bringing Accountability and Competition to New York City’S Struggling Schools Newspaper Reading Skills英语报刊中的行话和俚语Unit 6 Employment 电头 Text   Passage I GM Ends Strike,Tries Health Plan   Passage II The 10 Worst Mistakes Career Changers Can Make  Newspaper Reading Skills英语报刊中的长难句分析Unit 7 Entertainment 标题 Text Passage I Leaving Las Vegas Passage II Old-Fashioned Entertainment  Newspaper Reading Skills精炼句式手段Unit 8 Sports 导语 Text Passage I Schumacher Wins His 90th Race and Says He Will Retire Passage II Best Rookie?Yi Has Edge on Favored Durant  Newspaper Reading Skills英语报刊常用套语Unit 9 Foed and Health 消息 Text Passage I Even with Employer’S Coverage,a Family Worries Passage II A Holiday Meal Goes Through a Lot  Newspaper Reading Skills词语文化内涵Unlt 10 Arts 社论 Tlext Passage I Come Back,Little’50s,Even with the Clouds Passage II Colorful Notes from an Exhibition  Newspaper Reading Skills复合词Unit 11 Economics 特写 Text Passage I We Are Overpaid,Say US Executives Passage II Hauliers Lead Industry Outcry as Oil Breaks Records to Nudge $88 a Barrel  Newspaper Reading Skills英语报刊用喻Unit 12 Science a删伯曲帅I哪 广告 Text Passage I GM’S New Fuel-Cell Car Passage II Cashless in the Hinterlands Newspaper Reading Skills双关Unit 13 Environment 英语报刊中的图片说明 Text Passage I How to Slake a Planet’S Thirst Passage II Bring Eco-Power to the People Newspaper Reading Skills英语新闻中的前置定语OnH 14哪SaS协rib and Accldents  新闻英语的语言特色.  Text Passage I Surge Raises Memories ofDisaster 50 Years Ago Passage II At Least 3 Dead in 1-5 Crash;Freeway Closed Newspaper Reading Skills根据上下文“猜”词义Unit 15 Politics and Government  西方主要通讯社  Text Passage I Tbries Call for the BBC to Share Licence Money with I Mber TV Channels Passage II Can Illinois’Governor Save the Children?  Newspaper Reading Skills词性转化Unit 16 Lifestyle 中国主要英文报刊简介 Text Passage I Sales Hit $2bn as Britain Turns Organic Passage II College Kids Know Thrifty and Nifty  Newspaper Reading Skills借代





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