
出版时间:2008-6  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:宁毅 主编  页数:165  


《致用英语》是供高职高专英语专业学生使用的系列教材,包括《综合教程》、《口语教程》、《听力教程》,《阅读教程》,《写作教程》、《语法教程》、《英语国家概况》和《英语报刊阅读》。本系列教材根据高职高专英语专业的教学现状和改革方向,由国内英语教育专家和高职高专英语教学一线的教师联合编写,旨在以全新的理念、实用的内容,着重培养学生的综合职业素质,提高学生的英语应用能力。    《致用英语综合教程》是此系列教材的核心教程,共四级,每级包括学生用书和教师用书。本教程内容丰富生动、设计新颖灵活,具有以下特色:    每单元由话题展开、阅读、语言运用、项目、拓展、文化点滴、学习策略七个板块组成。形成一个完整的语言学习过程。    采用以任务为主的活动设计思路,通过操作性强的语言实践活动,全方位地提高学生的语言应用能力。    设计“文化点滴”和“学习策略”两个板块,注重提高学生的跨文化交际意识,培养学生的自主学习能力。


Unit 1  College Education  Passage A  The Value of a College Education  Passage B  Another Education in University  Reading Skills  Skimming  Supplementary Reading  Universities and Their FunctionUnit 2  Happiness  Passage A  Happiness Index  Passage B  Who Are the Happiest People?  Reading Skills  Scanning  Supplementary Reading  Black Beauty (Excerpt)Unit 3  Sources of Beauty  Passage A  Is This Seat Taken?  Passage B  Reach for the Light  Reading Skills  Guessing the Unknown Words from Context  Supplementary Reading  The Old Man and the Sea (Excerpt)Unit 4  Build up Blogs  Passage A  Tips on Writing Content for Your Blog  Passage B  Comments? Comments... Comments!  Reading Skills  Guessing the Unknown Words from Word-building  Supplementary Reading  Ten Things I've Learned about BloggingUnit 5  Kids and Family  Passage A  The Ring  Passage B  Driving Lesson  Reading Skills  Recognizing Words That Connect Ideas  Supplementary Reading  King Grisly-Beard (Excerpt)Comprehensive Practice IUnit 6  Touch of Life  Passage A  Everyday Is a Gift  Passage B  Letting Go of Yesterday  Reading Skills  Getting Ideas Sorted out by Critical Thinking  Supplementary Reading  Detour to RomanceUnit 7  Friendship  Passage A  In Praise of Best Friends  Passage B  A Friend Is  Reading Skills  Searching for the Main Idea  Supplementary Reading  Encounters with Manners (Excerpt)Unit 8  Biography  Passage A  Benjamin Franklin's Memoirs (Excerpt)  Passage B  Bill Gates in His Boyhood  Reading Skills  Understanding References and Making Inferences  Supplementary Reading  The Master of Investment: Warren BuffettUnit 9  Sports  Passage A  Coming a Long Way, in More Ways than One  Passage B  The Football Game  Reading Skills  Recognizing Patterns  Supplementary Reading  Around the World in Eighty Days (Excerpt)Unit 10  Health  Passage A  A Simple Guide to Eating out Without Putting on Weight  Passage B  Vitamin Supplements--A Pill Is Not Always the Answer  Reading Skills  Distinguishing Facts from Opinions  Supplementary Reading  Caught in the Web of the InternetComprehensive Practice IIKey to Exercises



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