
出版时间:2008-2  出版社:外语教研  作者:董启明  页数:251  




Part One: Theoretical Preliminaries and Major Varieties of
 Chapter 1 Style and Stylistics
  1.1 Introduction
  1.2 Definitions of Style
  1.3 Definitions of Stylistics
  1.4 The Development of Stylistics
  1.5 The Scope of Study
 Chapter 2 Procedure of Stylistic Analysis
  2.1 Linguistic Description
  2.2 A Checklist of Linguistic Description
  2.3 Textual Analysis
  2.4 Contextual Factors Analysis
 Chapter 3 Stylistic Functions of Linguistic Items
  3.1 Stylistic Functions of Speech Sounds
  3.2 Stylistic Functions of Graphological Items
  3.3 Stylistic Functions of Lexical Items
  3.4 Stylistic Functions of Syntactic/Grammatical
 Chapter 4 Varieties in Relation to Regions
  4.1 Introduction
  4.2 A Brief Introduction to British English
  4.3 The Appearance of American English
  4.4 Differences Between British English and American
  4.5 British Regional Dialects
  4.6 American Regional Dialects
 Chapter 5 Varieties in Relation to Media
  5.1 Introduction
  5.2 Spoken English and Written English
  5.3 Electronic English
 Chapter 6 Varieties in Relation to Attitude
  6.1 Degrees of Formality
  6.2 Politeness
  6.3 Impersonality
  6.4 Accessibility
 Chapter 7 Varieties in Relation to Social Factors
  7.1 Introduction
  7.2 Women's English
  7.3 Black English
  7.4 Taboo and Euphemism
Part Two: Varieties in Relation to Genre
 Chapter 8 The English of Conversation
  8.1 About Conversation
  8.2 Phonological Features
  8.3 Lexical Features
  8.4 Syntactic/Grammatical Features
  8.5 Semantic Features
  8.6 Sample Analysis of a Student
 Chapter 9 The English of Public Speaking
  9.1 About Public Speeches
  9.2 Phonological Features
  9.3 Lexical Features
  9.4 Syntactic/Grammatical Features
  9.5 Semantic Features
  9.6 Sample Analysis of a Student
 Chapter 10 The English of News Reporting(1): General
  10.1 About News Reports
  10.2 Different Kinds of Newspapers and Magazines
  10.3 The Make-Up of News Reports
 Chapter 11 The English of News Reporting(2): Stylistic
  11.1 Graphological Features
  11.2 Lexical Features
  11.3 Syntactic/Grammatical Features
  11.4 Semantic Features
  11.5 Sample Analysis of a Student
 Chapter 12 The English of Advertising
  12.1 About Advertisements
  12.2 Graphological Features
  12.3 Lexical Features
  12.4 Syntactic/Grammatical Features
  12.5 Semantic Features
  12.6 Sample Analysis of a Student
 Chapter 13 Literary English(1): The Novel
  13.1 About the Novel
  13.2 Aspects for the Analysis of the Novel
  13.3 General Stylistic Features of the Novel
  13.4 Sample Analysis of a Student
 Chapter 14 Literary English(2): Poetry
  14.1 About Poetry
  14.2 Prosody
  14.3 General Stylistic Features of Poetry
  14.4 Sample Analysis of a Student
 Chapter 15 The English of Science and Technology
  15.1 About the English of Science and Technology
  15.2 Graphological Features
  15.3 Lexical Features
  15.4 Syntactic/Grammatical Features
  15.5 Semantic Features
  15.6 Sample Analysis of a Student
 Chapter 16 The English of Legal Documents
  16.1 About Legal Documents
  16.2 Graphological Features
  16.3 Lexical Features
  16.4 Syntactic/Grammatical Features
  16.5 Semantic Features
  16.6 Sample Analysis of a Student






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  •   各人对“文体学”的理解不同,因此编出来的书内容迥异。刘世生,朱瑞青的《文体学概论》理论性强,对写论文有点用,但对想入门的人来说太难。Thornborrow的《语言模式:文体学入门》研究范围太狭窄,里面的文体主要就是诗歌、戏剧。王守元的《英语文体学要略》研究范围广,包括了语用学和对话分析,价格也比较公道。相对于上面三本书,本书对文体的定义比较宽泛,涵盖面广,比如有日常谈话、公众演讲、新闻报道、广告、文学(含小说、诗歌)、科技、法律,实用性强。我觉得书里面最实在还是对各类功能文体的范文进行文体分析,和一些学生文体分析习作及相应的教师点评,稍微能够学以致用。但有的例子与理论结合不够,解说犹如隔靴抓痒,不如LauraWright的《实用文体学教程》深入浅出。另外,虽然这两本书都是英文版的,语言都比较浅显易懂。所以LauraWright的《实用文体学教程》排第一,打88分,本书排第二,打80分。
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  •   挺系统的....

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