
出版时间:2008-1  出版社:外语教研  作者:司汤达  页数:775  






Note onthetext
A chronology of Stendhal
 Chapter 1 A smalltown
 Chapter 2 Amayor
 Chapter 3 Care ofthe poor
 Chapter 4 Father and son
 Chapter 5 Striking a bargain
 Chapter 6 Boredom
 Chapter 7 Elective affinities
 Chapter 8 Minor events
 Chapter 9 An evening in the country
 Chapter 10 A generous heart and a meagre fortune
 Chapter 11 In the evening
 Chapter 12 A journey
 Chapter 13 Openwork stockings
 Chapter 14 A pair of English scissors
 Chapter 15 The crowing of the cock
 Chapter 16 The day after
 Chapter 17 First deputy
 Chapter 18 Aking inVerrieres
 Chapter 19 Thinking brings suffering
 Chapter 20 Anonymous letters
 Chapter 21 Dialogue with a master
 Chapter 22 Modes of behaviour in 1830
 Chapter 23 The woes of a civil servant
 Chapter 24 A capital city
 Chapter 25 The seminary
 Chapter 26 The world or what the rich man lacks
 Chapter 27 First experience of life
 Chapter 28 A procession
 Chapter 29 First promotion
 Chapter 30 A man of ambition
 Chapter 1 Pleasures of the countryside
 Chapter 2 Entry into society
 Chapter 3 The first steps
 Chapter 4 The H6teldelaMole
 Chapter 5 Sensitivity and a great lady's piety
 Chapter 6 A matter of accent
 Chapter 7 An attack of gout
 Chapter 8 What decoration distinguishes a man?
 Chapter 9 The ball
 Chapter 10 Queen Marguerite
 Chapter 11 The power of a young lady
 Chapter 12 Might he be a Danton?
 Chapter 13 Aplot
 Chapter 14 A young lady's thoughts
 Chapter 15 Is it a plot?
 Chapter 16 One o’clock in the morning
 Chapter 17 An old sword
 Chapter 18 Cruel moments
 Chapter 19 TheOperaBouffe
 Chapter 20 The Japanese vase
 Chapter 21 The secret memorandum
 Chapter 22 The discussion
 Chapter 23 The clergy,forests and freedom
 Chapter 24 Strasburg
 Chapter 25 The Ministry of Virtue
 Chapter 26 Propriety in love
 Chapter 27 The best positions in the Church
 Chapter 28 Manon Lescaut
 Chapter 29 Boredom
 Chapter 30 Abox attheOperaBouffe
 Chapter 31 Frightening her
 Chapter 32 The tiger
 Chapter 33 The infernal torment of weakness
 Chapter 34 A man of intelligence
 Chapter 35 A storm
 Chapter 36 Sorry details
 Chapter 37 Akeep
 Chapter 38 Apowerful man
 Chapter 39 Politicking
 Chapter 40 Tranquillity
 Chapter 41 The trial
 Chapter 42
 Chapter 43
 Chapter 44
 Chapter 45
Explanatory Notes






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  •   屯货,慢慢看。文学总是好作品
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  •   东西不错,就是全英文版,对我这货看起来会有点困难。
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  •   请问这套书都是英文的么??
  •   这本书的印刷质量非常好,我是为了学习才买下来的 ,里面的内容看起来不错 ,值得看一下。
  •   这本读起来的工程量就比较大咯!
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  •   超赞!质量好哒没话说
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