
出版时间:2007-8  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:陈淑芬,陈鸽,朱丽萍 著  页数:115  


  《初中英语阶段检测》是依据《英语》(新标准)(衔接小学英语)初中教材开发的配套阶段检测题集,既适合学生自测使用,也可以作为教师对学生进行阶段检测的参考试题。  特色:新课标,新理念。依据新课标的理念和要求及科学的语言学习规律设定考查测试角度;  扣教材,重基础。语言知识内容紧贴教材、注重基础,是学生学习巩固课本内容的好助手;  语言地道,考查能力。选取的语言材料真实、地道、时代感强,从听、读、写多方面检测学生的综合语言运用能力;  题型设置科学合理,内容安排丰富充实。


测试题(一)Modules 1-2测试题(二)Modules 3-4测试题(三)Modules 5-6期中测试题(一)Modules 1-6期中测试题(二)Modules 1-6测试题(四)Modules 7-8测试题(五)Modules 9-10测试题(六)Modules 11-12期末测试题(一)Modules 1-12期末测试题(二)Modules 1-12听力原文及参考答案


  Claude Monet was born in 1840 in Paris. Whenhewag five,his family moved to a place on the coast where he spent a lot of time on the beaches. It was here that he started to understand nature.  As a boy he was good at drawing caricatures (漫画) rind showed them to his friends and family. He even sold some of them. But at the age of 18, his style changed when he made friends with Eugene Boudin, who encouraged him to paint out of doors. This is when his life as a painter began. His family was angry that he refused to go to art school. In- stead, Monet worked with other artists in their studios (画室) in Paris. In 1862, he became part of a group of impressionist(印象派)painters. During the 1860s, he sold almost no paintings but this didnt stop him painting even he always had problems with money,  Monet married his first wife in 1870 and had two sons. His second wife, Alice, had six children who lived with her, Monet and Monets two children. After moving house several-times, Monet bought a house for his large family in a small village called Giverny in 1883. He ;toyed the place and it became his home for the rest of his life. He made a beautiful gar-den there and painted over 500 of his greatest paintings. "One of them was the Water Lilies (《睡莲》), painted between 1916 and 1926.  Monet kept painting until a few months before his death in December 1926.



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