出版时间:2007-7 出版社:外语教研 作者:刘纯南 页数:16686
近年来,国际交往日益频繁,国际贸易急速发展,出现了一种前所未有的现象:学外语、教外语、用外语的人多了;研究语言学和应用语言学的人多了;开设这方面专业的高校也多了,语言学硕士生和博士生也多了。就是不以此为专业,学习语言学和应用语言学的也不乏其人。为了给从事这个专业的师生提供便利,同时又帮助一般外语教师、涉外工作者以及汉语研究者开阔思路,扩大视野,提高效率,我们献上这套内容崭新而丰富的丛书——英文版《当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库》。 文库首批推出54部外国英文原著,它覆盖了语言学与应用语言学26个分支学科。这批书是我们与各地有关专家教授反复研究之后精选出来的。出版这样大规模的语言学与应用语言学丛书,这在我国语言学界和外语教学界是破天荒第一次。 我们这样做,抱着什么希望呢?总的说来,是遵循教育部关于加强一级学科教育的指示,在世纪之交,推出一套书来给中国的外语教育领航,同时也给一般外语工作者和汉语研究者提供信息,拓宽思路。 我们希望这个文库能成为进一步带动外语教学改革和科研的发动机;我们希望它能成为运载当代外国语言学理论、语言研究方法和语言教学方法来到中国的特快列车;我们希望,有了这套书,语言学与应用语言学专业师生就能顺利地进行工作;我们希望,通过读这套书,青年外语教师和外语、汉语研究者能迅速把能力提高,把队伍不断扩大。
Essential reading for anyone who teaches translation whether at a theoretical or practical level. David Harris, Vice President of ITI Tborough, very well written in a highy accessible style, and contains material of considerable interest. The varied and excellent examples are a mine of information, the exercises are valuable, and the attitude towards translation is sensibly undogmatic. Peter Fawcett, University of Bradford A remarkable down-to-earth coursebook which is consistently related to real life experience in the translating world. Lanna Castellano, Translator This book addresses the need for a systematic approach to training in translation studies by drawing on key areas in modem linguistic theory and relating them systematically to a number of translation problems and strategies. The strategies are identified by an examination of authentic examples of translated texts in a variety of languages. No knowledge of linguistics or foreign languages is assumed. Each chapter begins with an explanation of the key linguistic concepts referred to and ends with a series of practical exercises. By striking a balance between theory and practice, the book provides a sound basis for training professional translators. 《第二语言习得研究概况》内Understanding how people learn and fail to learn second and foreign languages is increasingly recognized as a critical social and psycholinguistic issue. Second languages are vitally important to diverse groups of people, ranging from refugees to college students facing foreign language requirements. An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research provides a synthesis of empirical findings on second and foreign language learning by children and adults. emphasising the desing and execution of appropriate research. The book assumes no prior knowledge of SLA. and introduces major topics such as the scope of SLA research. research methodology for gathering and analysing data, the history and development of SLA research and substantive findings on interlanguage development. explanations for success and failure, the role of theory in social science, current theories of SLA. and the effects of formal instruction on language learning. The volume also includes an extensive bibliography and suggestions for further reading, as well as discussion questions and problems to accompany each chapter. An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Researc is a comprehensive, yet highly accessible study which will prove invaluable for language teachers and teachers in raining, as well as discusion questions and problems to accompany each chapter. An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research is a comprehensive, yet highly accessible study which will prove invaluable for language teachers and teachers in training, as well as students in applied linguistics, linguistics, psychology, psycholinguistics and foreign language education. Diane Larsen-Freeman is a Senior Faculty Member in the MAT Program at the Sehool of International Training.Vermont. USA and Michael H. Long is Professor of English as a Second Language, at the University of Hawaii,USA. 《社会语言学教程》内This new edition of R.A.Hudsons widely acclaimed textbook Sociolinguistics will be welcomed by students and teachers alike. To reflect changes in the field since publication of the first edition in 1980, the author has added new sections on politeness, accommodation and prototypes;and he has expanded discussion of sex differences in language use.and the relationship between language and thought.over a third of the second edition is completely new,and there is one entirely new chapter,but ample coverage of classic topics such as varieties of language,speech as co\\social interaction,the quantitative study o speech and lihnguistic and social inequality ,remains.like the first,the second edition of sociolinguistics is an exceptionally clear and helpful overview of the relationship of language and socicty. 《语言教学课程设计原理》内In preparing and teaching second language courses, language professionals frequently make decisions in response to learner needs: in choosing texthboks. altering a sequence of exercises from a textbook. creating classroom materials, and so on, Yalden puts these kinds of decisions into perspective, outlining theoretical issues relevant to language teachers today. Set against this theoretical background are practical suggestions on how teachers can devise classroom procedures and materials that best fit the linguistic and communicarive needs of their learners. Emphasis is placed on gathering information from and about the learner. This leads to the establishment of frameworks, short language-learning modules which give support to all of the components needed in a language course. Procedures for ddeveloping main or supplementary units to new or existing courses are described in detail. Three complete case studies of courses that the author and her colleagues developed are included in the book. They contain numerous examples of resulting course materials. 《语言心理学》内This fully revised text provides an understandable, clear overview of the psychology of language. Using an information-processing approach, Carroll brings the current developments and controversies in psycholinguistics to students in an engaging style and sets them in historical context. Functional in its approach, it fills the need for an up-to-date and clearly written treatment of the field. It gives students a balanced look at the subject. He includes an evenhanded and consistent discussion from both camps within the psycholinguistics field- both the cognitive side and the developmental side of research-to give students a comprehensive overview.
Mona Baker is a freelance lecturer and consultant on translation. She is an Honorary Research Fellow of UMIST and a member of the advisory panel of the British Centre for Literary Translations.
《换言之:翻译教程》目录:王宗炎序导读PrefaceAcknowledgements1 Introduction2 Equivalence at word level2.1 The word in different languages2.2 Lexical meaning2.3 The Problem of non-equivalenceExercisesSuggestions for further readingNotes3 Equivalence above word level3.1 Collocation3.2 Idioms and fixed expressionsExercisesSuggestions for further readingNotes4 Grammatical equivalence4.1 Grammatical vs lexical categories4.2 The diversity of grammatical categories across languages4.3 A brief note on word order4.4 Introducing textExercisesSuggestions for further readingNotes5 Textual equivalence:thematic and information structures5.1 A general overview based on the Hallidayan approach to information flow5.2 The Prague School position on information flow:functionalExercisesSuggestions for further readingNotes6 Textual equivalence:cohesion6.1 Reference6.2 Substitution and ellipsis6.3 Conjunction6.4 Lexical CohesionExercisesSuggestions for further readingNotes7 Pragmatic equivalence7.1 Coherence7.2 Coherence and processes of interpretation:implicature7.3 coherence,implicature,and translation strategiesExercisesSuggestions for further readingNotesAppendices1 A Brief History of Time(Spanish,Greek)2 Morgan Matroc(German)3 Chinas Panda Reserves(Chinese)4 The Patrick Collection(Japanese)5 A Study of Shamanistic Practices in Japan(Japanese)6 Palace and Politics in Prewar Japan(Japanese)7 The Fix(Japanese)8 Euralex Conference circular(Russian)9 Brintons-press release(Arabic)GlossaryReferencesAuthor indexLanguage indexSubject index文库索引《第二语言习得研究概况》目录:王宗炎序导读General EditorsPrefaceAuthorsPrefaceAcknowledgements1 Introduction2 Second language acquisition research methodology3 SLA:Types of data analysis4 Interlanguage studies:Substantive findings5 The linguistic environment for language acquisition6 Explanations for differential success among second language learners7 Theories in second language acquisition8 Instructed second language acquisitionEpilogueBibliographyIndex文库索引《社会语言学教程》目录:王宗炎序导读1 Introduction1.1 Sociolinguistics1.2 Sociolinguistic Phenomena1.3 Speakers and communitesa1.4 Summary and conclusions2 Varieties of Language2.1 Introduction2.2 Languages2.3 Dialects2.4 Registers2.5 Mixture of varieties2.6 Conclusions3 Language,Culture and thought3.1 Introduction3.2 Linguistic and cultural relativety3.3 Language and thought3.4 General Conclusions4 Speech as social interaction4.1 The social nature of speech4.2 Speech as a signal of social identity4.3 The structure of speech4.4 Verbal and non-verbal behaviour4.5 Malefemale differences in speech5 The quantitive study of speech5.1 Introduction5.2 Methodology5.3 Linguistic variables5.4 Influences on linguistic variables6 Linguistic and social inequality6.1 Linguistic inequality6.2 Subjective inequality6.3 Linguistic incompetence:strictly linguistic inequality6.4 Communicative incompetence:inequality in communication7 Theoretical sommary7.1 Introduction7.2 The social functions of language7.3 The structure of language文库索引《语言教学课程设计原理》目录:王宗炎序导读PrefacePart l Usable theories1 Setting up a coursePart ll language teaching and linguistice:current issues2 Proficiency in a secomd language3 language functions and pragmatics4 Discourse analysis and course designPart lll Form theory to practice5 Teachers and teaching6 Teachers and linguists7 Teachers and course desingPart IV Farmeworks for second language course desing8 Syllabus and methodology9 A proportional approach10 Three case studies11 Using framewordsAppendix A Sanple task-based frameworksAppendix B Frameworks for communications Needs CoursesReferencesIndes文库索引《语言心理学》目录:PART 1 General Issues1 Introduction:Themes of Psycholinguistics2 Linguistic Principles3 Psychological MechanismsPART 2 Language Comprehension4 Perception of Language5 The Internal Lexicon6 Sentence Comprechension and Memory7 Discourse Comprechension and MemoryPART 3 Language Production and Conversational Interaction8 Production of Speech and Language9 Conversational InteractionPART 4 Language Acpuisition10 Early Language Acquisition11 Latcr Language Acquisition12 Processes of Language AcquisitionPART 5 Language in Perspective13 Biological Foundations of Language14 Language,Culture,and Cognition《语言学入门》《实用文体学教程》《语音学与音系学入门》《英语语音学与音系学实用教程》《英语国际通用语》《怎样教英语》《语用学》《儿童语言》《形态学》《社会语言学》《语言测试的设计与评估》《英语史从古代到标准》《语言教学的流派》《语言研究中的统计学》《会说话的哺乳动物心理语言学入门》《语用学新解》《普通语言学概论》《跨文化交际语篇分析法》《语言类型学与普通语法特征》《英语测试》《学习和运用第二语言的策略》《语言与语言学词典》《语言研究》《句法学(最简方案导论)》《语料库语言学》《社会语言学引论》《如何写研究论文与学术报告》《语义学引论》《乔姆斯基的普遍语法教程》《功能语法导论》《第二语言学习与教学》《语言学和第二语言习得》《英语教学科研方法》《谈语言写作读本》《功能语法入门》《语言模式文体学入门》《跨文化交际》《话语分析入门理论与方法》《语料库语言学入门》《语义学》《话语分析》《语言学教程》《转换生成语法教程》《朗文英语口语和笔语语法》《朗文语言教学及应用语言辞典》《词典学词典》《历史语言学》《从语言学的角度看语言习得》《语言教学教程实践与理论》
Make a list of some English idioms with which you are familiar and which have close counterparts in your target language. Comment on any differences in meaning, form, or context of use between each English idiom and its equivalent in your target language. Make a list of some common English expressions or idioms which you feel would be difficult to translate into your target language, for example because they relate to specific English habits or social occasions. Try, to the best of your ability, to paraphrase each expression twice: the first time as briefly as possible so that it can be inserted in a text, and the second time more elaborately so that it can be included as a footnote to a text. Imagine that you have been asked by a client to translate the following text into your target language. The text comes from a newspaper report on current trends in the British retail market. Your target reader is: working at management level, involved in the retail business, exports fashion to high street shops in the United Kingdom, and is therefore familiar with the names of department stores, etc. The high street is having a facelift. In an unprecedented flurry of activity, new retailing concepts are being launched, while some of the oldies are being revitalised. Marks and Spencer is testing new layouts, shops within shops, satellite stores. The experimental Woolworth stores are light years away from the traditional Woolies. Burton has begun a blitz to install some of its high street names in branches of the department store chain Debenhams, which it has just acquired-with the controversial galleria concept to follow.