出版时间:2008-3 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 作者:杨亚军 编 页数:261
在中国,外语教学特别是英语教学这几年来一直是倍受争议的事情。尽管上至国家领导,下至学生和家长都给予了极大的关心和重视,政府和学校投入也很大,但教学效果却始终不能令人满意。每年各级各类学校都有大量外语毕业生走向社会,大学英语四、六级参考人数也逐步扩大到上千万之多,可学生口语不流利、专业知识缺乏、对国际贸易规则陌生等问题,都令社会各界抱怨不已。这是为什么?是哪里出了问题?我们该怎么办? 近十年来,我国高等职业教育研究与实践已经取得了十分丰硕的成果,但仍然有一些基本问题没有解决,这和我们的英语教育颇有相似之处,那就是教育人才培养的效果与市场需求之间存在着系统性偏差,其表现为:高职院校毕业生的职业能力不符合用人单位的要求,社会对高职学生就业能力的认同度低;学生及家长对学校提供的课程不满意,认为在学校学习期间未能获得就业能力的有效培养。我们认为,在高职专业名称与社会需求接轨后,产生系统性偏差的主要原因是目前高职课程体系和培养模式不符合高等职业教育培养人才的内在规律。而我们外语教育出现的问题也在于此!我们的外语教育内容和方法没有能够与时俱进,教学效果没能满足社会的需求。 高等职业技术教育应该以培养面向基层、面向服务和管理第一线需要的高等技术应用型人才为目标,职业技术教育以技术应用为主、以能力教学为核心。应按照“实际、实用、实践”的原则,改革专业教学内容、课程体系,制定各专业的人才规格和知识能力结构。高职教学内容必须强调实用性、针对性,必须根据就业需要去有的放矢地选择教学内容,恰当处理好近期的就业“必需够用”和将来的发展“迁移可用”的关系,科学构建针对性强、能培养高等实用性人才的课程结构。而高职高专的英语教学也必须遵循这个原则,这也正是本套教材编写的原则和特点。
Unit One The Roles of a SecretaryUnit Two Telephone ConversationUnit Three Receiving and Hosting VisitorsUnit Four Working in the OfficeUnit Five File ManagementUnit Six Dealing with MeetingsUnit Seven Making Business ArrangementsUnit Eight Travel and AccommodationUnit Nine Public Speaking and Interpretation.Unit Ten Contract and NegotiationKeyAppendix 1Appendix 2
Major Role The major role of a secretary or office professional is to provide assistance to a manager or managers. As the new generation of managers are doing more and more of their own typing, a secretary nowadays may have to be more of an organizer, supervisor or trainer, rather than having, as before, to be in charge mainly of typing, But of course this can, and does, differ from company to company. Tasks of a Secretary These tasks include a variety of duties, such as doing research, typing, producing flyers, filing, making Dictaphone transcription, screening telephone calls, making appointments, liaising with clients (and sometimes this includes handling difficult situations) and with other staff members, attending meetings, minute taking, composing letters, booking flights and hotels, supervising, training staff (including ones boss), ordering flowers and gifts. There are also other menial tasks a secretary has to do. Making a Good Working Relationship with Ones Boss To be a competent secretary, you need to learn how your boss works, what his/her role and objectives are within the company, what correspondence, telephone and personal enqui- ries he/she would like you to refer to him/her, or whether he/she prefers to take his/her calls at certain times of the day. With this information in hand, your job is made easier. As you learn more about the way your company operates and the role of other company personnel, you will be able to answer more and more of the routine enquiries and confidently refer enquiries to the correct person, without having to bother anyone else, particularly your boss. In your role as a secretary, it is important that you familiarize yourself with the com- panys policies, so that you know how to deal with certain issues, should the occasion arise. You need to know these things so that you dont waste the time of your boss by put- ting unnecessary calls through to him/her. Youll be able to deal with these calls expedi- ently yourself, because the companys policies will give you guidelines on how you should handle them.
《文秘英语》 《文秘英语》可供高职高专文秘及相关专业的学习者使用,具有如下特点: 全面介绍文秘英语基础知识,同时注重培养学习者的语言技能和实际操作技能。 选材新颖,点面结合,并注重实用性与时代性相结合。 练习形式丰富多样,引导学习者进行独立、全面的思考。 配有形式活泼的助教课件,为教师授课和学习者自学提供更多资源。 《高职高专行业英语系列教材》是供高职高专学生进行专业英语学习时使用的教材。《高职高专行业英语系列教材》针对各个行业的岗位需求,结合相应的职业资格证书考试,由英语教师、专业教师和行业从业人员共同设计编写,旨在培养学生在实际工作中需要的英语应用能力。