高中英语模块达标训练(高二年级上册)必修5选修6 同步时间

出版时间:2007-7  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:曹娜 编  页数:123  


  为了帮助广大高中教师和学生更好地适应和理解国家《英语课程标准》,更好地使用《英语》(新标准)高中教材,外语教学与研究出版社组织多名教学一线的高级教师以及掌握专业教学与测试理论的教研人员共同策划、编写了这套《高中英语模块达标训练》。在编写中,我们注重加强对基础知识的练习,全面培养学生的综合语言运用能力。本书渗透以学生发展为本、突出个性教育的原则。  本套《高中英语模块达标训练》还具有以下特点:  1.直冲目标,培养能力本套书紧扣新课程标准的教学理念,既涵盖语言知识、语言技能的各项要求,又培养学生主动思考、独立解决问题的能力。  2.配合教材,编排同步内容的编排与教材协调呼应,可供教师课堂教学参考,也可供学生自学、练习及复习使用。  3.继承传统,形式创新测试形式既继承传统,保留了经典题型,又设计了具有前瞻性的新题型,目的在于对学生进行综合语言能力训练。  4.构思独特,设计合理每个模块都遵循基础训练加能力拓展的设计思路,稳扎稳打,体现“课标”中的理念。




高中英语模块达标训练必修5Module 1 British and American EnglishModule 2 A Job Worth DoingModule 3 Adventure in Literature and the CinemaModule 4 CarnivalModule 5 The Great Sports PersonalityModule 6 Animals in DangerRevision A高中英语模块达标训练顺序选修6Module 1 Small TalkModule 2 Fantasy LiteratureModule 3 Interpersonal Relationships——-FriendshipModule 4 MusicModule 5 CloningModule 6 War and PeaceRevision B高中英语模块达标训练答案Answer Key


  The number of speakers of English in Shakespeares time is estimated to have beenabout five million. Today it is estimated that some 260 million people speak it as a native language,mainly in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, South Africa, Australia and NewZealand. In addition to the standard varieties of English found in these areas, there are a greatmany regional and social varieties of the language as well as various levels of usage that areemployed both in its spoken and written forms. In fact, it is impossible to estimate the number of people in the world who have acquired anadequate working knowledge of English in addition to their own languages. The purposefor English learning and the situations in which such learning takes place are so varied that it isdifficult to explain and still more difficult to judge what forms an adequate working knowledgefor each situation. The main reason for the widespread demand for English is its present-day importance as aworld language. Besides serving the indefinite needs of its native speakers, English is a languagein which some of important works in science, technology, and other fields are being produced,and not always by native speakers.


  直击目标,培养能力  配合教材,编排同步  继承传统,形式创新  构思独特,设计合理  内容充实,贴近生活



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