出版时间:2007-6 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 作者:泰特勒 页数:239
1791年,英国爱丁堡大学历史学教授亚历山大·弗雷泽·泰特勒(AIexarlder Fraser Tvtler,1747—1814)在其所著的《论翻译的原则》(Essaj,,on the Principles 0,Translation)一书中提出了著名的“翻译三原则”,标志着西方译学研究从此走上了从理论推证理论的道路。故而,将《论翻译的原则》誉为西方现代译学研究的开山之作并不为过。 在国内学界,“翻译三原则”几乎人人耳熟能详,正如严复的“信、达、雅”一样如雷贯耳。但遗憾的是,国内读过原著者寥寥,学界不得不转来转去地二手引用。希望本书的出版有助于研究者养成读原著的习惯。 开山之作,大家都这么说。但——你是否真的读过?如果没有,可千万不要再错过。如果读过,收藏一本吧,也不错。
IntroductionCHAPTER Ⅰ Description of a good Translation--General Rules flowing from that descriptionCHAPTER Ⅱ First General Rule: A Translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work——Knowledge of the language of the original, and acquaintance with the subject——Examples of imperfect transfusion of the sense of the original——What ought to be the conduct of a Translator where the sense is ambiguousCHAPTER Ⅲ Whether it is allowable for a Translator to add to or retrench the ideas of the original——Examples of the use and abuse of this liberty CHAPTER Ⅳ Of the freedom allowed in poetical Translation——Progress of poetical Translation in England——B. Johnson, Holiday, May, Sandys, Fanshaw,Dryden——Roscommon's Essay on Translated Verse——Pope's Homer.CHAPTER Ⅴ Second general Rule: The style and manner of writing in a Translation should be of the same character with that of the Original--Translations of the Scriptures--Of Homer, &c.--A just Taste requisite for the discernment of the Characters of Style and Manner--Examples of failure in this particular; The grave exchanged for the formal; the elevated for the bombast; the lively for the petulant; the simple for the childish--Hobbes, L'Estrange, Echard, &c.CHAPTER Ⅵ Examples of a good Taste in poetical Translation-- Bourne's Translations from Mallet and from Prior--The Duke de Nivernois, from Horace--Dr. Jortin, from Simonides--Imitation of the same by the Archbishop of York--Mr. Webb, from the Anthologia--Hughes, from Claudian--Fragments of the Greek Dramatists by Mr.CumberlandCHAPTER Ⅶ Limitation of the rule regarding the Imitation of Style--This Imitation must be regulated by the Genius of Languages--The Latin admits of a greater brevity of Expression than the English ; as does the French--The Latin and Greek allow of greater Inversions than the English, and admit more freely of EllipsisCHAPTER Ⅷ Whether a Poem can be well Translated into Prose ?CHAPTER ⅨCHAPTER ⅩCHAPTER ⅪCHAPTER ⅫCHAPTER ⅩⅢCHAPTER ⅩⅣCHAPTER ⅩⅤAppendixIndex