出版时间:2007-6 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 作者:鲍尔迪克 页数:477
General Editor's PrefaceList of Figures and TablesA Note On ReferencesIntroduction:Modern BeginningsPart I Elements1. The Modern Literary Market2. Modern Authorship3. Modern English UsagePart II Forms4. Modern. PoetryVerse Technique Hardy and YeatsMasefield,Brooke,7homas,and'Georgian'PoetryImagism and After:Pound,Eliot,Sitwell,and Lawrencew. H. Auden and the Poetry of the ThirtiesTrends,Anthologies,and Reputations5. Modern Drama From Problem Play to Discussion PlayComedy of Manners:Maugham and CowardHistorical and Verse Drama 6. Modern Short Stories7. The Modern Novel:Principles and Methods8. The Modern Novel as Social Chronicle Provincial Chronicles and SagasCondition of England,Industrial,and Civic Novels9. The Modern Psychological NovelRealism and the Education Novel High Modernism,Memory,and Consciousness10. Modern Romance,Fable,and Historical FictionRomances of 7ruancyHistorical NovelsFabulous RomancesVisionary Romances 11. Modern Satire Verse Satire:Hardy,Eliot,and SassoonProse Satire:Huxley,Waugh,and Others12. Modern Essays,Biographies,Memoirs,and 7ravel Books13. Modern Entertainment:Forms of Light ReadingDetective FictionThe 7hrillerRomantic Love Stories Comical Prose FictionPart III 0ccasions14. England and the EnglishNames for EnglandEngland Epitomized England ExploredThe English CharacterThe English AbroadRetrospect:Three Decaldes of Modern RealismAuthor BibliographiesSuggestions for Further ReadingIndex