
出版时间:2007-5  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:庞建荣  页数:194  


  本书在语用原则和修辞原则的基础上构建了一个解释模糊修辞的语用学框架。在此框架内,本书对政治文本中的模糊修辞进行了理论分析,并通过生动的语例,对这一理论的实际应用进行了探讨,既有理论研究价值,又有很强的可读性。  本研究着眼于模糊语言的语用特点,融合语用学、修辞学和模糊语言研究等领域的相关研究成果,拓宽了模糊语言的研究范围,是跨学科研究的一次成功尝试。


伍铁平序前言Chapter Ⅰ Introduction  1.1 The research orientation  1.2 Significance of the study  1.3 Methodology and data  1.4 Organization of the bookChapter Ⅱ Rhetorical Vagueness  2.1 Vagueness: a study object of rhetoric  2.2 A working definition of rhetorical vagueness  2.3 Types of rhetorical vagueness  2.4 SummaryChapter Ⅲ Different Approaches to Vagueness:A Survey  3.1 The semantic approach  3.2 The cognitive approach  3.3 Vagueness in both rhetoric and pragmatics  3.4 Chinese scholars'work on vagueness  3.5 SummaryChapter Ⅳ A Pragmatic Framework for Rhetorical Vagueness  4.1 Rhetorical vagueness from a pragmatic perspective:an integrated model  4.2 Context dependence and vagueness  4.3 CP and rhetorical vagueness  4.4 RP and rhetorical vagueness  4.5 PP and rhetorical vagueness  4.6 EP and rhetorical vagueness  4.7 SummaryChapter Ⅴ Vagueness in Political RhetoricChapter Ⅵ ConclusionsBibliography



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