
出版时间:2007-2  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:徐小贞  页数:208  




“高职高专商务英语实践系列教材”以全新的视角实践了商务与英语一体化、教学与评估一体化的教学理念.是一套具有国际视野和中国特色的教材。本教材充分体现了高职高专商务英语专业“以实践为核心.以英语为主线。以商务为背景”的教学模式,引入多元化教学评估体系,全英文编写,重点培养学生的商务实践能力。    《商务现场口译》是一本训练学生进行初级英汉和汉英口译的教材,有如下特点:    内容丰富:每单元包括口译技巧、常用表达、文化背景知识、商务沟通技巧以及多种实训练习,体现知识性、实用性和可操作性。    模式新颖:按照译前准备、现场口译、译后评估三个阶段安排教学.将不同的商务主题与实用的口译技巧相结合。    注重评估:设计师生协同评估、小组互评和学生自评活动,巩固训练效果采用多元化、  立体化的评估方式.切实提高学生的实践能力。    教师用书提供学生用书的练习答案和MP3的录音文本,其突出特点在于每个单元均配有真实的口译笔记范例。


Introduction(绪论)Unit 1 ProtocoI Routine(迎来送往)  Long—term Preparation(长期准备)Unit 2 Ceremonial Address(礼仪致辞)  Short—term Preparation(短期准备)Unit 3 Dinner Party(晚宴聚会)  Active Listening(积极听入)Unit 4 Business TraveI(商务旅行)  Discourse Analyzing(语篇分析)Unit 5 Business Interview(商务访谈)  NoteTaking(Ⅰ)(口译笔记1)Unit 6 Business Advertisements(商务广告)  NoteTaking(Ⅱ)(口译笔记2)Unit 7 Business Presentations(商务陈述)  Note Taking(Ⅲ)(口译笔记3)Unit 8 Enterprise Introduction(企业介绍)  Retelling(复述)Unit 9 Enterprise Culture(企业文化)  Public Speaking(公开演讲)Unit 10 Marketing&Promotion(市场营销)  Paraphrasing(一句多译)Unit 11 Business Negotiation(商务谈判)  Figures Interpreting (数字口译)Unit 12 Business Meeting(商务会议)  Idioms Interpreting(成语口译)Unit 13 Investment&Profits(投资利润)  Fuzzy Interpretation(Ⅰ)(模糊表达1) Unit 14 Business Policy(商务政策)  Fuzzy Interpretation(Ⅱ)(模糊表达2)Unit 15 International Exhibition(国际会展)  Fuzzy Interpretation(Ⅲ)(模糊表达3)Unit 16 Public Relations(公共关系)  Sight interpreting《视译练习)Unit 17 Business Strategy(商务策略)  Shadowing(影子跟读)Unit 18 Transportation & Logistics(交通物流)  Quality Assessment (质量评估)


  Play the CD of Text A again. Ask the students to catch more details and improve their noteswhile listening. Then have the students retell the speech in their own words with the help oftheir notes.Play the CD of Text A again paragraph by paragraph, ask the students to interpret during thepauses with the help of their notes. Choose some students as representatives to do it in class.When the students have finished, give the reference notes and target text.  Thank you for that kind introduction, Mr. Chairman. Im very pleased to be able to talkto you today about changes in the four sales areas and how your company can benefit fromthese changes. If you have any questions during my talk, please stop me and ask.  The main thing I want to say is that all companies must be ready for continuous change,and prepared to meet those changes.  If you look at the screen, you can see the changes in our sales composition over the lastten years. The left side shows the four major sales areas: industrial machinery, robots,computers and, at the bottom home appliances. As you can see on the graph, the percentageof sales in two areas, namely, industrial machinery and home appliances, has decreasedsince 2003.  For example, if you look on the right, you can see industrial machinery sales havedecreased from 39 to 29 percent and home appliances have declined from 42 to 28 percent.On the other hand, sales of robots and computers have increased. The rise in robot sales hasbeen especially sharp. Here is 2003:4 percent; 2004:9 percent; 2005:16 percent.



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用户评论 (总计18条)


  •   适合初级口译
  •   很不错,非常满意,书上内容学生用书上都有,就是有答案而已
  •   用过之后感觉这本书和学生用书配套起来用很好。但是有时候感觉有的地方翻译不口语化。有点像书面翻译。学后能积累不少关于翻译的相关知识。
  •   课本的重点,与活动都有详细的介绍,对教学的帮助非常大
  •   内容不错,就是偶尔出现错误
  •   备考BEC时买的,偶尔看看挺好的
  •   配套使用学生用书,效果很不错哦,学生用书没有答案。
  •   很多人买,光我就帮他们代购好多了
  •   适合专科生用,挺不错的。
  •   當手很快就收到了 而且對我幫助很大~~贊一個~
  •   书很好,速度也很快哈哈
  •   与学生用书配套使用,不错
  •   期待这本书很久了,今天终于有机会看到本尊了,真的好开心。虽然毕业之后才看到它,但我仍然会珍惜的,感谢当当网。
  •   对于此书,我很满意,但是有一点疑问:你们所谓的“读书节免运费”是指什么?望解答!
  •   到手时,商品很完整,没有损坏,很好。
  •   里面的口译笔记不错
  •   是指定的教材,感觉内容设计和安排上非常普通
  •   只是简单地将答案罗列出来并没有详解感觉价格偏高

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