
出版时间:2006-9  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:韩宝成 主编,(英)内尔姆斯 编  页数:109  




 Module 1 British and American English
 Module 2 A Job Worth Doing
 Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema
 Module 4 Carnival
 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality
 Module 6 Animals in Danger
顺序选修 6
 Module 1 Small Talk
 Module 2 Fantasy Literature
 Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships-Friendship
 Module 4 Music
 Module 5 Cloning
 Module 6 War and Peace
Answer Key


  Hello and welcome to Book Talk. Today Im going to talk about a couple of books you can read during the holidays. I have three suggestions for you this week. First, if you enjoy reading science fiction, theres an exciting new book by Alan Cooper called Shallow Earth. It takes place in the future where Earth has almost been destroyed. The main characters are a group of soldiers who are fighting to save the Earth from total disaster. If youre in the mood for something romantic, theres Give Me Shelter, by Kathleen Wang. Its a historical novel set in China, and tells a story of two teenagers growing up in Shanghai in the 1930s. They decided to run away together after their families tried to stop them seeing each other. Finally theres Jump for the Stars, a biography of one of Houston Rockets most popular players Tracy McGrady. Find out how he started his NBA career, who had the greatest effect on his life, and how hes made his fortune by doing what he loves. Thats all for Book Talk this week. See you next week and keep reading!   ……



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  •   质量挺好的~
  •   这本书还不错,只是如果把光盘换成是电子的就好了
  •   以前对英美用词习惯仅仅了解不够重视,这次学习有意义。

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