出版时间:2006-9 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 作者:[美]MichaelH.Lon 页数:420
当前,我国外语教育领域正在进行着全面而深入的改革。改革的内容涉及到外语教育的方针政策、基本理论、基本原则、教育文化、教育实施、教育评价等各个方面,关系到新世纪亿万学生的成长和可持续发展。 全书共分12个部分(section),每部分包括二至四个章节。为了方便读者阅读,本书的两位编者在每部分的开头都对该部分的章节进行了提纲挈领的概括,并提供了思考题,为有兴趣开列了进一步阅读的书目。 本书有这样几个特点:一、覆盖面广,几乎涵盖了TESOL领域的方方面面。二、语言平实,较少涉及抽象的理论,可读性很强。三、两位编者在文章的选择、分类、编排上都动了脑筋,在每部分的开头提出的“讨论问题”能很好地引发读者对该部分的内容做深一步的思考。
导读PrefaceAckowledgmentsSection One THE CONTEXT OF LANGUAGE TEACHING 1 Language Policy,Curriculum Development,and TESOL Instruction:A Search for Compatibility Elliot L.Judd 2 The Nature of Language Teaching Peter D.StrevensSection Two SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION AND BILINGUALISM 3 Applications of Psycholinguistic Research to the Classroom Stephen D.Krashen 4 Teaching ESL:Incorporating a Communicative,Student-Centered Component Barry P.Taylor 5 Bilingual Education:Research and Its Implications Merrill SwainSection Three SYLLABUS AND COURSE DESIGN 6 The Threshold Level J.A.van Ek 7 Toward a Functional ESL Curriculum in the Elementary School Anna Uhl Chamot 8 English for Specific Purposes:Criteria for Course Design H.G.Widdowson 9 How to Arm Your Students:A Consideration of Two Approaches to Providing Materials for ESP M.K.Phillips C.C.ShettlesworthSection Four METHODS AND METHODOLOGY 10 Curricular Alternatives for Second-Language Learning Linda M.Crawford-Lange 11 Method:Approach,Design and Procedure Jack C.Richards Ted RodgersSection Five LISTENINGSection Six SPEAKINGSection Seven READINGSection Eight WRITINGSection Nine GRAMMARSection Ten VOCABULARYSection Eleven TEACHER-STUDENT INTERACTIONSection Twelve TESTINGIndex