
出版时间:2006-9  出版社:外语教学与研究  作者:Christiane Nord  页数:274  




PrefacePreface to the second editionI. INTRODUCTION: The need for text analysis in translationII. A MODEL FOR TRANSLATION-ORIENTED TEXT ANALYSIS  1. Theoretical principles  1.1. Translatological foundations  1.1.1. Factors and constituents of the translation process  1.1.2. The role of the initiator  1.1.3. The role of the translator    1.2. Text-linguistic foundations    1.2.1. The text as a communicative interaction    1.2.2. The process of text reception    1.2.3. Text typologies  2. The role and function of source-text analysis   2.1. Possible relationships between source text and target text  2.1.1. Fidelity - liberty - equivalence    2.1.2. Skopos and intertextual coherence  2.1.3. Intercultural cooperation    2.1.4. Functionality plus loyalty   2.2. Phases of the translation process    2.2.1. The two-phase model    2.2.2. The three-phase model    2.2.3. The looping model  3. The factors of source-text analysis   3.0. General considerations    3.1. Extratextual factors    3.1.0. Basic notions    3.1.1. Sender    3.1.2. Sender's intention  3.1.3. Audience  3.1.4. Medium  3.1.5. Place of communication  3.1.6. Time of communication  3.1.7. Motive for communication  3.1.8. Text function  3.1.9. The interdependence of extratextual factors  3.2. Intratextual factors  3.2.0. Basic notions  3.2.1. Subject matter  3.2.2. Content  3.2.3. Presuppositions  3.2.4. Text composition  3.2.5. Non-verbal elements  3.2.6. Lexis  3.2. 7. Sentence structure  3.2.8. Suprasegmental features  3.2.9. The interdependence of intratextual factors  3.3. Effect4. Applications of the model in translator training  4.0. General considerations 4.1. Planning the process of translation training  4.1.0. Fundamentals  4.1.1. Selecting texts for translation classes  4.1.2. Grading the difficulty of translation tasks  4.1.3. Grading the difficulty of translation texts 4.2. Classifying translation problems 4.3. Testing transfer competence 4.4. Assessing translation quality  4.4.0. Forms and functions of translation criticism  4.4.1. Translation criticism vs. translation comparison  4.4.2. A didactic model of translation criticism  4.4.3. Defining translation errors  4.4.4. Evaluating translation.tasks5. Sample texts   5.0. General considerations  5.1. Text 1: The relationship between intention and function  Alejo Carpentier: Acerca de la historicidad de Victor Hugues  5.1.0. Text    5.1.1. Analysis of extratextual factors  5.1.2. The postscript Acerca de la historicidad de Vfctor Hugues  5.1.3. The reflection of the extratextual factors in the text.  5.1.4. Analysis of intratextual factors  5.1.5. Analysis of effect ……III. FINAL CONSIDERATIONSIV. INDEX OF TRANSLATION PROBLEMSV. INDEX OF EXAMPLESVI. REFERENCES




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