
出版时间:2011-07-01  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:肖建安总主编 邓联健 易来宾主编  页数:193  


  《高等学校外语精品推荐教材:大学英语快速阅读教程3(修订版)》体现了如下特点:  1.理念前卫:修订过程中注重运用人本主义的教学观,为在教学中挖掘学生的“学习潜能”和“创造潜能”提供平台;  2.选材新颖:阅读材料选自近几年的国内外书刊原文;  3.题材广泛:选材内容涉及生活、学习、工作、历史、科普等,体裁涉及叙事、议论、书信、广告宣传、法律法规等;  4.题型灵活:在练习题目编写中采取了主观题和客观题相结合的办法,严格按照新的《大学英语课程教学要求》进行题型设计,便于检验读者的阅读水平;  5.难度适中:采取循序渐进的原则,注意了每册书之间的难易梯度。


快速阅读理论与策略Unit 1Text A With Friends like TheseText B Gardening with ChildrenText C The Best Kind of LoveUnit 2Text A Holiday Meals, Minus the MeatText B Turkey Day Tips for the Calorie ConsciousText C Beyond the Horizon Unit 3Text A About Two Books Text B Why We LaughText C The Classical World Religions ListUnit 4Text A BananasText B How Vera Wang Achieved Her Success Text C Perseverance Is the Key to SuccessUnit 5Text A Edward R Murrow and the Time of His Time Text B Jazz-the Music of FreedoText C Halloween Is a Good Time to Celebrate the Stories of Edgar Allan PoeUnit 6Text A Martin Luther King Jr (l) Text B Martin Luther King Jr (II) Text C Two BillsUnit 7Text A Working Off-Line in IEText B Losing Weight SafelyText C The World's Best Food--on a PlateUnit 8Text A How to Get More for Less on Broadband Text B Help,We've Been GoogledText C SOHO Business Continuity Tips Unit 9TextA LandfillsText B Home Costs Await Peak Amid Worry WorldwideText C Finding Child-care Is No Easy Job for US ParentsUnit 10Text A Fat of the LandTextB OText C The Park on Country LaneUnit 11Text A College Kids Just Aren't Curious Text B Parents Taking Action for Children,Text C Keeping Violent Video Games Away from KidsUnit 12Text A Online Practice Reading TestsText B Six Reading MythsText C The Art of Public Speaking Using Visual Aids Unit 13Text A Philosophy and the Good LifeText B 10 Truths for Awesome LivingText C Broken Promises Unit 14Text A Oprah Winfrey's Success Story Text B How to Get More Done in Less Time……Unit 15Unit 16Unit 17Unit 18






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