
出版时间:2006-5  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:韩宝成 编  页数:66  


  《高中英语同步评价手册》是《英语》(新标准)系列教材的配套出版物,供学生课外检查和评价自己的英语学习,亦可作为教师了解学生实际学习状况、发现学生学习中存在问题的参考,不是一般意义上的课堂练习册或传统意义上的单元测验。  国家《英语课程标准》指出,“英语课程的评价应根据课程标准的目标和要求,实施对教学全过程和结果的有效监控。通过评价,使学生在英语课程的学习过程中不断体验进步与成功,认识自我,建立自信,促进学生综合语言运用能力的全面发展。”在这一总的原则指导下,我们设计了这套英语学习评价手册。  本手册是对学生进行形成性评价的一个重要组成部分,采用了与教材主题相同的模块化设计,每个模块涵盖听、说、读、写四项语言技能及所学语言知识,与教材同步。本手册具有以下主要特色:  一、提倡“评中有学、学不离评”的理念。学生自我评价的过程不仅是检查自己学习情况的过程,完成各项评价任务、练习和活动的过程同样也是学习的过程,它要求评价任务是学生熟悉的、具有一定真实性的语言活动。  二、评价目标明确,体现形成性评价对学生发展的作用。每个模块前都有本模块总的评价目标,与教学目标一致。设置这一栏目的目的在于培养学生有目的地学习和评价的意识,同时便于学生在评价过程中发现问题,改正问题。  三、突出“任务型评价”设计理念,强调“为用而学”、“在用中学”。本手册以灵活多样的语言任务代替传统的测验项目,以增强和提高学生综合运用语言的能力。不用或少用客观试题,要求学生多动口、动手,在“做事”中提高语言技能。


本手册是依据《英语》(新标准)高中教材开发的配套评价手册,全面贯彻国家《英语课程标准》对中学英语学习所提出的各级评价要求。  特色:  评价目标明确,体系科学,涵盖语言知识及四项语言技能,与教材协调呼应。  各模块前有评价目标,中有项目检查,后有汇总检查及学习日志,建立完整档案,培养自我反思,实现自我发展。  等级评定、量化评分及描述性评价相结合,体现评价方法多样性。  借鉴“任务型评价”理念,以任务代替项目,要求学生动口动手,增强语言综合运用能力。  适用对象:  参与教育部普通高中新课程改革实验的中学  从小学三年级开始学习英语的高中学生


1 my first day at senior high2 my new teachers3 my first ride on o train4 A social suruey  mg neighbourhood5 A lesson in o lob6 The Internet and telecommunicationsANSWER KEY


  There were about eighty girls in the schoolroom, divided into four classes. The oldest girlswere in the fourth class, and the youngest were in the first class. I was in the first class.All four classes had their lessons in the same large and very cold schoolroom. We had to sitthere quietly, not saying a word, until the teachers came into the room together. The lessons—— Math, History, French —— were not at all interesting, and always followed the same pattern.First, we read some pages in a book and then our teacher asked us questions. I tried to listen,but I soon got bored.After four hours, there was a lunch break, andwe all went outside. Because it was winter, itwas very cold. Very soon, a bell rang, and lessons started again.Three weeks passed. One afternoon, the head teacher, whose name was Miss Temple, cameinto the schoolroom. Mr Brocklehurst was with her, and we all stood up as they entered. Istood behind an older girl because I did not want Mr Brocklehurst to see me.Mr Brocklehurst walked slowly round the room. Everybody was very quiet. I closed my eyesand wished he would leave. My hands started to shake, and I dropped mybook.Mr Brocklehurst stopped walking and looked straight at me."Ah! The new girl," he said. "Come here, Jane Eyre!" Then he pointed at two of the oldergirls. "You two girls —— put Jane Eyre on that high chair!" he said."Look at Jane Eyre, everybody!" Mr Brocklehurst said. "This child is bad. She will be punished!Miss Temple! Teachers! Girls! Do not talk to this child."



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