
出版时间:2006-6  出版社:外研社  作者:利奇(英)  页数:90  


  《初中英语阅读》(初中起点)是《英语》(新标准)(初中起点)的配套出版物,供老师开展课上阅读或指导学生开展课外自主阅读使用。  本书是依据国家《英语课程标准》对于初中学生英语阅读能力培养要求编写的,总的指导思想是使学生通过一定阅读实践活动,进一步巩固课上所学语言知识,扩大阅读范围,激发学习兴趣;增强阅读理解能力,从而提高学生实际运用语言的能力。  本书采用模块化设计,每个模块有3篇文章,基本沿用教材主题。本书具有以下特点:  一、体现国家《英语课程标准》的要求,科学合理地设计教材结构,安排学习内容,注重体现学习特点。  二、激发学生学习兴趣,选用材料充分考虑了初中学生的兴趣和实际生活,符合学生的心理特点。  三、培养学生阅读能力的同时注重多种语言技能协同发展。本书围绕阅读设计了多种练习,充分调动学生的观察力和想象力,在语言输入的基础上逐渐锻炼学生的语言输出能力,从而提高综合语言运用能力。  四、阅读材料的编写基于语言学习规律,其词汇和语言结构的呈现符合初中学生的认知能力和身心发展水平,力求保持与教材同步,兼顾拓展性。  五、注重阅读技能的训练和阅读理解能力的培养。活动和练习形式灵活多样,既有客观性的阅读训练,又有开放性的练习形式,从多角度对学生语言技能进行训练,为学生形成一定的英语阅读能力奠定良好的基础。  希望本书作为主教材的补充,能够提高学生的阅读能力,拓展学生视野,帮助学生养成良好的阅读习惯和策略,提高综合素质。




Module 1 Welcome Back!Module 2 National Day HolidaysModule 3 Computers and the InternetModule 4 ChangesModule 5 My Visit to the USRModule 6 Seeing a FilmModule 7 Past RctivitiesModule 8 ShoppingModule 9 GeographyModule 10 SportsModule 11 Rsking the WayModule 12 RulesModule 13 Western FestivalsModule 14 Festive SeasonsAnswer Key


  Welcome to the Sunshine English School in Sydney, Australia. Im your teacher, Ms West.  This is our classroom. Our class is very small as there are only nine students. We have students from five different countries. Ming is from China. His favourite subject is Art. Nop and Lek are from Thailand. They like eating fish. Raj and Lila are Indian and like bikes and horses. Nina and Tina are Italian and are good at sport. Sandro is also from Italy. He loves computers. Miko is Japanese and her favourite subject is geography.  This is our timetable. On Monday morning we study English Writing, and in the afternoon we go to the Computer Centre and find information on the computer. On Tuesday we have English Speaking, and after lunch we watch English TV and learn new words. On Wednesday, we study English Listening, and in the afternoon we tell stories in English. For Thursday, we have English Reading, lunch and then games and activities for learning English.  On Friday, Saturday and Sunday we have a holiday. We dont have lessons, but we visit different places. Every day we do something different. We learn the history of Sydney. We visit famous places like the Opera House, and go to museums, the zoo and a farm. We also go on a boat and visit beautiful islands.  Now, here are some questions for you to answer about your favourite activities.


  《初中英语阅读(初中起点)(第3册)》是依据《英语》(新标准)(初中起点)教材开发的配套阅读训练,全面贯彻国家《英语课程标准》对中学英语学习所提出的阅读技能发展要求。  《初中英语阅读(初中起点)(第3册)》特色:阅读材料语言地道,内容活泼,形式多样  采用多种练习模式,充分训练学生各种阅读技能  依据语言学习规律,合理安排文章难度  选材充分考虑激发学生兴趣



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