出版时间:2006-5 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 作者:陈琳 页数:429
《同一个世界:英语600句》名称是《同一个世界 英语600句》(One World English 600)(后简称《600句》),是《同一世界 英语100句》(后简称《100句》)和《同一个世界 英语300句》(后简称《300句》)的续篇。 在《100句》中,共收入日常英语中最通用的100句话。 在《300句》中,除复习100句话外,另收入200个新句子,加起来共300句。 这本《600句》,除复习上述300句外,又收入了300个新句子。这样,加起来共600句。 为了方便学习《600句》的读者,我们在正文前分别列出“英语100句”和“英语200句”,共300句,建议开始学习《600句》的读者们,先重漫一下那300个句子。 《600句》既然是《300句》的续篇,不言而喻,应该说明一下它与《300句》的关系以及区别。 首先,《600句》既是在《300句》的基础上编写的,它就不是初学教材;应在学好《100句》和《300句》之后来学习它。但是,对于曾在学校中学过高中英语但后来生疏了的朋友们,直接用《600句》来复习,也是可以的。不过,倘若的确已经很生疏了,最好还是把《300句》先过一遍,再接着学《600句》为好。
Sentences in One World English 100Sentences in One World English 300Lesson one inthe playroomLesson two ata kindergartenLesson three in the parkLesson four ata primary schollLesson five in the teachers officeLesson six in the classroomLesson severn ata school teachers homeLesson eight atthe theaterLesson nine on the bus(1)Lesson ten on the bus(2)Lesson eleven at a bar(1)Lesson twelve at a bar(2)Lesson thirteen talking with the passengerLesson fifteen ata groceryLesson sixteen atthe airport loungeLesson seventeen in the hotelLesson eighteen at the qianmen shopping center-dashalarLesson nineteen ina quadrangle courtyardLesson Twenty at liuli changLesson Twenty-one at hard rockLesson Twenty-two at the mc donaldsLesson Twenty-three taijiquanLesson Twenty-four at wangfujingLesson Twenty-five cycling round beijingLesson Twenty-six at the central art galleryLesson Twenty-seven traveling by trainLesson Twenty-eight atpeking universityLesson Twenty-nine lost&foundLesson Twenty merry christmas and happy new yearAppendix one sentences in one world english 600Appendix Two examples of text retellingAppendix Three list of common irregular verdsAppendix Four glossary后记