
出版时间:2005-9  出版社:外研社  作者:张亚非  页数:266  


  当今世界,新军事变革的浪潮汹涌澎湃。这是随着人类社会由工业时代走向信息时代,在军事领域中所引发的一场划时代的革命,其规模之大、内涵之新、力度之强、影响之深,是历史上任何一次军事变革都无法比拟的。国际上的经济全球化和政治多极化,使世界战略格局处于重大的调整与力量重组之中。积极迎接世界新军事变革的挑战,努力推进中国特色军事变革的步伐,是建设一支革命化、知识化、现代化军队的根本要求,是当代中国军人的崇高历史责任。  江泽民主席深刻指出:迎接新的军事发展的挑战,关键在人才。在新的军事变革中,高技术武器装备的广泛应用并没有改变人在战争中的地位与作用。相反,它对军人的综合素质,特别是文化素养、智力水平和科技素质,提出了更高的要求。为此,世界各发达国家都十分重视优化官兵的知识结构,提高官兵的综合素质,以更好地适应未来战争的需要。这一客观背景,迫切要求我们紧扣时代的脉搏,加大我军军事教育改革的力度,大力培养和造就高素质的新型军事人才,推进军队和国防现代化建设的发展。  改革开放以来,我国在世界上的影响力不断增大。我们的国防与军队建设,必须适应时代的变迁,加快走向世界的步伐。学习外语,学好外语,是借助语言之桥梁,汲取世界先进文化营养,跟踪世界新军事变革前沿动态,借鉴别国特别是军事强国军队建设经验的一条重要途径。它对于我们开拓视野、增长见识、启迪思维、激发创新,全面提高我军官兵的综合素质,有着不可替代的作用。  在新时期军队建设方针的指引下,我军院校教育中的外语教学在过去的二十多年里取得了长足的进步,结出了丰硕的果实。外语尤其是英语作为我们面向世界的一种交流工具,不仅在日常的对外交往中得到广泛应用,而且在社会、科技、军事、外交等专门领域的国际交流中也发挥着重要作用。外语的通用性与专业性这一客观性质与特点,要求我们面对世界军事知识海洋和信息洪流,在我军院校的外语教学中,坚定不移地走改革创新之路,在坚持掌握语言基础知识、提高外语应用能力的同时,更好地将外语教学与军事知识的学习有机地结合在一起,使我们培养的军事人才在思维层次上,能够更具开放性、国际性和战略性;在外语知识与能力上,能够通专并蓄,体现鲜明的军事特色;在素质结构上,能够更加贴近部队建设的实际需要,适应中国特色军事变革的时代要求。




Part Ⅰ What Is Military MedicineLesson 1 Military Medicine and Current ChallengeLesson 2 Reflections on Military MedicinePart Ⅱ Combat MedicineLesson 3 General Considerations of Combat MedicineLesson 4 Combat Medicine in Iraq——An Expert Interview with Col. Cliff Cloonan, MDPart Ⅲ War Surgery (1) War Wounds ManagementLesson 5 Nature of Combat InjuriesoLesson 6 Innovations in the War Against Battlefield WoundsPart Ⅳ War Surgery (2) Surgeons and CasualtiesLesson 7 Sorting Casualties  Lesson 8 Positions and Actions of Surgeons During EngagementsPart Ⅴ Military Medicine in Harsh EnvironmentLesson 9 Military Medicine in Mountain TerrainLesson 10 Cold Injuries in Military Operations  Part Ⅵ Military PsychologyLesson 11 Stress of CombatLesson 12 Gulf War SyndromePart Ⅶ Aeromedical EvacuationLesson 13 Aeromedical EvacuationLesson 14 Aeromedical Isolation TeamPart Ⅷ Chemical and Biological ProtectionLesson 15 Defense Against the Effects of Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents Lesson 16 Management of Chemical CasualtiesPart Ⅸ Air Force and Navy MedicineLesson 17 Acceleration Effects on Fighter PilotsLesson 18 Medical Problems in Breathhold Diving and Submarine EscapePart Ⅹ Force Health ProtectionLesson 19 Force Health Protection and Military MedicineLesson 20 Force Health Protection: 10 Years of Lessons Learned by the Department of Defense AppendicesAppendix 1 Military TermsAppendix 2 Military Acronyms and InifialismsAppendix 3 VocabularyAppendix 4 Phonetic Symbols


  This is not to suggest that the environmental hazards to which military mem- bers may be exposed are completely unfamiliar in civilian occupations, rather,it is the manner and degree of the military occupational exposures that are unique.Thus, while civilian workers certainly may be at risk of hearing loss from exposureto noise, few are at risk of exposure to the high blast over pressures generated byartillery pieces and other explosive weapons. Armored vehicle crewmen, operatingin the confined, sometimes poorly ventilated spaces of their vehicles, may receiveshort, intermittent, high-level exposures to a variety of toxic gases, such as carbonmonoxide, ammonia, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, from weapons firing andengine exaust——conditions of exposure seldom duplicated in any civilian occupa-tion. Forces deployed in tropical countries may be exposed in nature to a varietyof infectious diseases capable of producing catastrophic morbidity such as malaria,hepatitis, and leptospirosis to mention a few——diseases that only rarely producemorbidity in civilian work forces on a scale comparable to that frequently seen inmilitary operations. To these examples, one may add exposures to very high altitudes, either in aircraft or mountainous terrain, various undersea environments,and extreme conditions of cold and heat. Finally, the injuries inflicted by modernconventional weapons, not to mention those capable of being produced by chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, represent the hazards usually associated withmilitary service.



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