
出版时间:2004-11  出版社:外语教研  作者:福克斯  页数:333  








About the AuthorPreface导读Part I Introduction and Univariate AnalysesChapter 1 Statistics and Variables1.1 Statistics and Data1.2 Overview of Statistics1.3 Samples and Populations1.4 Variables1.5 Levels of Measurement1.6 Mutually Exclusive and Collectively Exhaustive1.7 Continuous and Discrete Variables1.8 What Cases, Variables, and Data Files Look Like1.9 Aggregate Data1.10 Ideas and Thinking 1.11 Playing with Data1.12 Summing Up Chapter1Chapter 2 Frequency and Percentage Distributions2.1 Frequency Distributions2.2 Percentage Distributions2.3 Cumulative DiStributions2.4 Creating Sensible and Well-Formatted Tables2.5 Collapsing Variables2.6 Excluding Missing Data 2.7 Selecting Subsets of Cases2.8 Pie Charts and Bar Graphs 2.9 Outliers .2.10 Mapping Ecological Variables2.11 Summing Up Chapter 2Writing Statistics 1: Percentages Distributions, Graphs, and MapsChapter 3 Averages3.1 Mode3.2 Median3.3 Mean3.4 Properties of the Mean3.5 The Mean for Dichotomous Variables3.6 Which to Use Mode, Median, or Mean?3.7 Summing Up Chapter 3Chapter 4 Measures of Variation4.1 Variances and Standard Deviations4.2 Shapes of Distributions4.3 Standard Scores (Z-Scores)4.4 Normal Distributions 4.5 Sampling Distributions4.6 Confidence Intervals4.7 Some Cautions Using Univariate Statistics4.8 Summing Up Chapter 4Writing Statistics 2: Averages and Standard DeviationsPart II Bivariate AnalysesChapter 5 Cross-tabulation 5.1 Bivariate Frequency Tables5.2 Bivariate Percentage Tables5.3 How to Read Percentage Tables5.4 Positive, Negative, and Curvilinear Relationships5.5 Format Conventions for Bivariate Tables5.6 Stacked Bar Graphs for Bivariate Relationships5.7 A Caution About Bivariate Tables Based on Small Ns5.8 Association Does Not Imply Causation5.9 Summing Up Chapter 5Chapter 6 The Chi-Square Test of Statistical Significance6.1 The Logic of Tests of Statistical Significance6.2 The Chi-Square Test6.3 Problems with Expected Frequencies Less Than 56.4 Statistical Significance Does Not Mean Substantive Significance6.5 Significance Tests on Population Data6.6 Summing Up Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Measures of Association for Cross-tabulations7.1 Overview of Measures of Association:7.2 Chi-Square-Based Measures for Nominal Variables: V and 7.3 Lambda7.4 Choosing a Nominal Measure of Association7.5 Measures of Association for Ordinal Variables: Gamma7.6 Somers' Dyx7.7 Measures of Association: An Overview7.8 Summing Up Chapter 7 Writing Statistics 3: Bivariate Cross-tabulationsChapter 8 Comparison of Means and t Test8.1 Box-and-Whiskers Diagrams/Differences Between Means,8.2 t Test for the Difference, Between Means8.3 Assumptions and Cautions Concerning t Test8.4 One-Tailed and Two-Tailed Tests8.5 Confidence Intervals for Differences Between Means8.6 Summing Up Chapter 8 , .Writing Statistics 4: Comparison of Means and t TestChapter 9 Analysis of Variance 9.1 Box-and-Whiskers Diagrams/Differences Among Means9.2 Purpose and Assumptions of Analysis of Variance9.3 The Logic of Analysis of Variance ,9.4 The ANOVA Table9.5 The Correlation Ratio (E2)9.6 Two-Way Analysis of Variance (and Beyond)9.7 Three Cautions About Statistically SignificantF Ratios9.8 Summing Up Chapter 9Writing Statistics 5: Analysis of VarianceChapter 10 Regression and Correlation10.1 Scatterplots10.2 Scatterplots and the Strength of Relationships10.3 Some Limitations of Scatterplots10.4 Regression and Least-Squares Lines10.5 Calculating Regression Coefficients10.6 Correlation Coefficient (r) 10.7 r2 as Proportion of Variation Explained10.8 Correlations Between Dichotomous Variables10.9 Association Still Does Not Imply Causation10.10 Linear and Nonlinear Relationships10.11 Test of Significance for a Correlation Coefficient10.12 Correlation Matrix 10.13 Summing Up Chapter 10 Writing Statistics 6: Regression and Correlation Part III Multivariate AnalysesChapter 11 Multivariate Cross-tabulation11.1 The Logic of Causal Relationships11.2 Spurious Relationships 11.3 Some Terminology11.4 Examples of Spurious Relationships11.5 Replication11.6 Somewhere Between Explanation and Replication11.7 Specification11.8 Suppressor Variables11.9 Controlling for an Intervening Variable11.10 Partial Gamma11.11 An Overview of Elaboration11.12 Elaboration and Problems of Small Ns11.13 The Relationship of Multivariate Analysis to Experiment Design11.14 Summing Up Chapter 11Writing Statistics 7: Multivariate Cross-tabulationChapter 12 Multiple Regression and Correlation12.1 Extending the Regression Model12.2 Multiple Correlation Coefficient12.3 Standardized Regression Coefficients (Beta Coefficients)12.4 Significance Tests for Multiple Correlation Coefficients12.5 Regression with Dichotomous and Dummy Variables12.6 Summing Up Chapter 12Writing Statistics 8: Multiple Regression and Co.elation Appendix Statistical TablesTable 1: The Chi-Square DistributionTable 2: The t Distribution ……Index


第十章介绍对两个定距变量之间的回归分析和相关分析。第十一章介绍了多个分类变量的交互表分析。第十二章介绍了多元回归分析,其中还介绍了如何应用虚拟变量作为回归的自变量。读者对统计理论和方法的真正理解和掌握,必须通过统计分析的操作实践。过去统计研究只是少数专业人员的专利,但是计算机和统计软件的发展使统计研究日益成为大众的普遍化的社会研究探索工具。读者如果能够成功完成本书中的有关作业,便标志着已经掌握了本书所讲授的统计方法。也就是说,读者已经具备了理解和完成同类统计分析的能力,只要收集到所需的数据,便可以自己开展统计研究了。本书的作业结合了Micro Case软件应用。这一统计软件十分容易操作,只要有一定的英文基础,便可以通过作业簿上关于该软件的简单提示上手操作。在本书的配套作业簿中提供了这一软件的学习版,并介绍了该软件的应用,而且提供了三套的实际统计或调查的数据。所以,读者完成每一个作业实际上就是借助统计软件在重复一个真正规范的社会统计“研究”。正是这种科学的“可重复性”检验了读者是否已经掌握了有关统计方法,并避免了大量的手工计算。另一方面,作者虽然为读者提供了这些便利条件,但是仍然强调初学者对一些基本指标还是应当进行手工(或仅使用简单计算器)的计算练习,以真正了解和实践其来龙去脉(因为应用统计软件时会跨越这些过程),强化自己的理解。作者将研究方法论融入了统计教学之中,这一点应该引起读者的充分注意。掌握了统计分析方法只是形成了实际研究的一个必要条件,因为研究方法只有与一个好的研究设计和一套好的研究数据结合在一起时才可能产生有效并可靠的研究发现,而这些好的研究发现还需要得到清楚、正确的阐述才能形成一个好的最终研究成果。本书包含了很多与统计相联的研究方法论思想,并且也设计了相应的作业练习。比如在第一章第十节中强调了理论观点和研究构思对统计研究的重要性,第一章第八节论述了统计联系与因果关系之间的差别,并且在第十章第九节又再次重申发现的统计联系不等于发现了因果关系。又比如,本节在第六章第四节区分了统计意义显著和实际意义显著之间的差别。这些重要的方法论思想在实践中往往被研究人员所忽视。统计方法很讲究应用的数据条件,其中可能涉及到变量的测量类型、案例数、以及变量的分布形式。





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