
出版时间:2004-11  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:C.M.CHARLES  页数:392  


  This invaluable, practical, introductory text helps students understand, conduct, and interpret both qualitative and quantitative paradigms in educational research methods. It is organized around eight research methods to help users plan and conduct their first educational research projects. By proceeding through chapter contents and completing the in-text exercises, readers will simultaneously prepare a research plan and learn how to obtain and analyze data, address research questions and hypotheses, and prepare a report of their projects. In keeping with the main purpose of helping users clearly understand and apply research concepts, many pedagogical features have been included in the book.


PrefacePARTONEOrientation to Educational Researchl Educational Research: Its Nature and Rules of Operation 3Preview 3Targeted Learnings 3Chapter Information Organizers 4Chapter 1 Information Organizer 5New Questions about Elmwoods Schools 5Seeking Answers to Questions 5The Scientific Method 7Research and the Scientific Method 8The Meaning of Research 8The Process of Educational Research 9Research and Educational Research 11Rules of Operation in Educational Research 11Legal Principles 12Ethical Principles 13Applying Technology: Human Subjects Research Approval 14Philosophical Principles 17Procedural Principles 19Applying Technology: Ethics and Standards of Research 22Educators as Researchers 23Chapter Summary 23List of Important Terms 24Your Current Status 24Activities for Thought and Discussion 24Answers to Chapter Exercises 25References and Recommended Readings 252 Types of Educational Research and CorrespondingSources of Data 26Preview 26Targeted Learnings 27Variables and Educational Research 27Continuous, Discrete, and Dichotomous Variables 27Independent and Dependent Variables 27Chapter 2 Information Organizer 28Types of Educational Research 29Types of Research Categorized by Practicality29Types of Research Differentiated by Methodology 30Types of Research Defined by Questions Addressed 31Primary and Secondary Sources of Research Data 36Specific Sources of Research Data 37Procedures Used in Collecting Data 38Qualities Required in Research Data 40Authenticity and Believability 40Validity and Reliability 41Treatment and Presentation of Data 42Applying Technology: More About Variables and Questions 43Additional Terminology Related to Data 45Participants, Samples, and Populations 45Chapter Summary 45List of Important Terms 46Your Current Status 46Activities for Thought and Discussion 46Answers to Chapter Exercises 47References and Recommended Readings 47P A R T T W OPreliminary Skills Neededfor Conducting Research 493 Selecting, Refining, and Proposing a Topic for Research 51Preview 51Targeted Learnings 51Chapter 3 Information Organizer 52Where to Find Good Research Topics 53Topics for Teachers 53Topics for Administrators 54Topics for Other Educators 55Preliminary Considerations in Selecting Topics 55Applying Technology: Sources for Research Topics 56Refining the Research Topic 58Some Necessary Terminology 59Regulating the Size of Research Topics 64Foreseeing the Research Report Format 65The Value of Conventional Procedures and Report 66Refining the Topic: Two Illustrative Cases 67Case 1. Jans Concern About Students Entry Age to Kindergarten 67Case 2. Tonys Concern About Sexual Harassment AmongHigh School Students69Preparing a Research Proposal 70Chapter Summary 71List of Important Terms 72Your Current Status 72Activities for Thought and Discussion 72Answers to Chapter Exercises 73References and Recommended Readings 73ALocating Published Research 75Preview 75Targeted Learnings 75Chapter 4 Information Organizer 76Using the Research Library 76Secondary Sources in the Library 77Locating Secondary Sources 80Primary Sources in the Library 80Specific Directories of Primary References 81Locating Primary Sources 83Applying Technology: Electronic Journals 90Applying Technology: Searching ERIC On-line 91A Purposeful Visit to the Library 94Not Just for Conducting Research——Valuable Sourcesfor Professional Development 95Chapter Summary 96List of Important Terms 96Your Current Status 96Activities for Thought and Discussion 97Answers to Chapter Exercises 97References and Recommended Readings 975Interpreting and SummarizingPublished Research 99Preview 99Targeted Learnings 100Reading Research Reports 100Skimming the Information 100Chapter 5 Information Organizer 101Summarizing the Reports 102Interpreting the Statistical Information You Encounter 105Applying Technology." Writing a Review of Literature 106Status Reports 107Review of Terminology Used in Status Reports 110Comparison Reports 110Review of Terminology Used in Comparison Reports 113Correlational Reports 113Review of Terminology Used in Correlational Reports 114The Concept of Significance 115Chapter Summary 116List of Important Terms 117Your Current Status 117Activities for Thought and Discussion 117Answers to Chapter Exercises 118References and Recommended Readings 118PARTTHREE Conducting Your Own Research Project 119……



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