
出版时间:2004-8  出版社:外研社  作者:王海啸 编  页数:290  


  高职高专教育是我国高等教育的一个重要组成部分,高职高专学生是我国大学生中一个十分重要的群体。针对这一群体学生的特点,教育部于2000年颁布了(《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》(试行)(以下简称《基本要求》)。该《基本要求》明确指出,高职高专的英语教学应该以培养学生实际运用语言的能力为目标,突出教学内容的实用性和针对性。  根据《基本要求》的这一指导思想,外语教学与研究出版社组织编写了这套(《新起点大学基础英语教程》系列教材。本套教材由长期从事大学英语和高职高专英语教学、具有丰富教学经验的教师编写,包括读写系列、听说系列、学习方法与阅读系列和自主综合训练系列,并附以相配套的教学课件和试题库。在本套教材的编写过程中,我们注重从我国高职高专学生的实际水平出发,循序渐进,拾级而上。教材所选篇章短小精悍、题材广泛、语言规范、内容新颖,富有时代气息,融知识性、趣味性和思想性于一体;全套教材练习形式多样,既便于教师在课堂上教学,也便于学生课后自学;各教程之间在内容上相互呼应、相互补充,使学生通过学习不仅掌握语言技能和知识,而且增进对中西文化的了解,掌握良好的学习英语的方法,为今后进一步学习英语打下扎实的基础。  我们希望这套《新起点大学基础英语教程》能以其自身的特色为高职高专教材增加一个新的品种,能为广大师生所接受和垂爱。同时我们也恳切希望广大师生在使用过程中对教材的不足之处提出批评指正,以使它能不断地改进和完善。


  《新起点大学基础英语教程:读写教程2》根据教育部《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》(试行)编写,将基础知识学习、实用技能训练和文化背景介绍有机地融为一体,力求使英语学习做到学用结合、学以致用、学后会用。  全套教材由读写系列、听说系列、学习方法与阅读系列和自主综合训练系列组成。读写系列和听说系列配有教师用书。  读写系列以提高英语阅读能力为主,同时培养写作能力和翻译能力每单元由两篇主题相同的阅读文章构成。并配有大量阅读、语法、词汇、翻译等基础技能训练与实用性练习。  听说系列以听为导入,以说为目标,通过大量由浅入深、针对性强的听力、朗读素材和形式多样的听说技能转换练习,循序渐进地提高学生的听说能力,使学生做到有话可说、有话要说和有话会说。  学习方法与阅读系列着重培养学生的阅读技能和学习方法,通过阅读文章、学习方法介绍以及对照阅读、格言锦句、英文歌曲等丰富内容为学生创造轻松愉悦的氛围,帮助他们开拓视野,提高英语学习的效率。  自主综合训练系列延续与主教材相关的话题,每单元包括听说训练、词汇与结构训练、阅读训练和写作训练等,是读写系列和听说系列的同步自学用书,旨在帮助学生进一步消化和巩固在主教材中所学的内容。


Unit OneText A The Study of WordsText B Polite and RudeVocabulary PracticeGrammar and Sentence StructurePractical English WritingUnit TwoText A It Was a Good BarnText B Being a Good FriendVocabulary PracticeGrammar and Sentence StructurePractical English WritingUnit ThreeText A Home Schooling——An American PhenomenonText B The College ExperienceVocabulary PracticeGrammar and Sentence StructurePractical English WritingUnit FourText A Unlocking the Future with Useful KeysText B Changing Attitudes to Lifelong EmploymentVocabulary PracticeGrammar and Sentence StructurePractical English WritingUnit FiveText A Ban This Noise from the StadiumText B Pop Concerts Are FunVocabulary PracticeGrammar and Sentence StructurePractical English WritingUnit SixText A Billionaire Bill (I)Text B Billionaire Bill (II)Vocabulary PracticeGrammar and Sentence StructurePractical English WritingUnit SevenText A JoggingText B MountaineeringVocabulary PracticeGrammar and Sentence StructurePractical English WritingUnit EightText A Mom's Approach to Meals May Need a Second LookText B What Is Safe to Eat?Vocabulary PracticeGrammar and Sentence StructurePractical English WritingUnit NineText A Can You Speak Technology in a Wired World?Text B The Web LifestyleVocabulary PracticeGrammar and Sentence StructurePractical English WritingUnit TenText A Wild Jaguars in ArizonaText B Nature JournalingVocabulary PracticeGrammar and Sentence StructurePractical English WritingUnit ElevenText A Some People Are Born with ConfidenceText B Laughter Is the Best MedicineVocabulary PracticeGrammar and Sentence StructurePractical English WritingUnit TwelveText A Going Grocery Shopping:Let Your Fingers Do the WalkingText B Pocket MoneyVocabulary PracticeGrammar and Sentence StructurePractical English WritingGlossary


  1 You've probably already discovered that learning a foreign language isn't just learning new words and grammar. In order to speak fluently3 —— and to avoid some embarrass in situations- you must learn how to use the words and grammatical structures within the context7 of the culture8.  2 Not only must you learn the vocabulary, but you must learn which words to choose in which situations. English speakers use a lot of euphemisms9 —— polite, less direct words for things or ideas that may cause embarrassment. Sometimes words with the same meanings produce different feelings in the listeners, so you must choose words carefully depending upon the situation.  3 Every culture has specific rules for polite behavior and certain words for special situations. Different cultures also have customary ways to act and to look at and touch people. What are considered polite manners in one culture might be terribly rude in another. One of the difficulties of learning a foreign language is learning what is considered polite and rude in the culture of that language. The dictionary doesn't tell you this.   ......



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